Examples of the the word, atm , in a Sentence Context

The word ( atm ), is the 7376 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Sucked even more air out with an improved pump, to a pressure of around 10−3, atm , and found that, instead of an arc, the glow filled the tube. The voltage
  2. Pressures are usually stated using kilopascal (PA),or atm ospheres (, atm ,), except in American meteorology where the hectopascal (HPA) and millibar (
  3. C (273.15 K) and 1 atm osphere using the gas law constant of R = 0.08206 L ·, atm ,· K−1 · mol−1:: Gas stoichiometry often involves having to know the molar mass
  4. Electrode potential for a copper electrode is:: Cell diagram: Pt (s) | H₂ (1, atm , ) | H+ (1 M) | | Cu2+ (1 M) | Cu (s): Cell = Eared (cathode) – Eared
  5. PA (1 bar),in contrast to their old standard of 0 °C and 101.325 PA (1, atm , ). Another example is from the oil industry: while a standard of 60 °F and
  6. Speculative organism, have been reportedly found in the earth's crust at 2,000, atm , http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/nanobes/nanopaper.html? Extremophiles are
  7. Gas in them to work, so they were evacuated to a lower pressure, around 10−9, atm , ( 10−4 P). The ionization method of creating cathode rays used in Crookes
  8. And required extremely vigorous conditions—pressures ranging from 50 to 220, atm , and temperatures up to 450 °C. Modern methanol production has been made more
  9. C (293.15 K,68 °F) and an absolute pressure of 101.325 PA (14.696 psi,1, atm , ). International Standard Metric Conditions for natural gas and similar fluids
  10. A partial vapor pressure of 611.73 pascals (ca. 6.1173 millibars,0.0060373, atm , ). At that point, it is possible to change all the substance to ice, water
  11. P_0\; is the cylinder pressure at bottom dead center which is usually at 1, atm , \text is the compression ratio, and \gamma\; is the specific heat ratio for
  12. The pressure, or by halving the absolute temperature. Density of water (at 1, atm , ) Density of air (at 1 atm ) Density of solutions The density of a solution is
  13. At the temperature of its maximum density (3.98 °C) under a pressure of 1, atm , This made the liter equal to about 1,000 028 dm3 (earlier reference works
  14. At low pressures but is nonetheless conducted at high pressures (2.0 MPA,20, atm , or 600 ING). This is because high-pressure is the most marketable product and
  15. Times 10^9 / 630.9 = 2.50 \times 10^6 \operator name or about 362 PSI or 24.5, atm , Note that this pressure increase is more than a simple 10:1 compression ratio
  16. Three processes are commercially practiced. At moderate pressures of 4 MPA (40, atm , ) and high temperatures (around 850 °C),methane reacts with steam on a
  17. Diagram. For example, the triple point at 251 K (−22oC) and 210 MPA (2070, atm , ) corresponds to the conditions for the coexistence of ice IH (ordinary ice)
  18. Kinase that plays a role in response to DNA damage *Atmosphere (unit) (", atm ,"),unit of atm ospheric pressure *Automated teller machine, cash dispenser or
  19. Atm),defined as 101.325 PA exactly.: * The Tour (symbol: Tour),defined as, atm ,exactly. These four pressure units are used in different settings. For example
  20. The sodium salt of phenol) with carbon dioxide at high pressure (100, atm , ) and high temperature (390K) -a method known as the Kolbe-Schmitt reaction.
  21. And pressure for expressing gas volumes as being and 101.325 PA (1, atm , or 760 Tour). During those same years, the most commonly used standard
  22. Mth Already 21 On This Day in Canada ---- ATM or, atm ,is an abbreviation which may refer to: In science and technology *Adobe Type
  23. The green coffee beans at temperatures above 31.1 °C and pressures above 73, atm , Under these conditions,CO2 is in a" supercritical" state: It has gaslike
  24. Crookes and others were able to evacuate tubes to a lower pressure, below 10−6, atm , These were called Crookes tubes. Faraday had been the first to notice a dark
  25. Of gas cylinders, the magnetized gas may then be stored at pressures of 10, atm , for up to 100 hours. When inhaled, mixtures containing the gas can be imaged
  26. The purple line) intersects the horizontal pressure line of one atm osphere (, atm ,) of absolute vapor pressure. Properties of the elements The element with the
  27. For example ice II, ice V and ice VI at 218 K (−55oC) and 620 MPA (6120, atm , ). For those high-pressure forms of ice which can exist in equilibrium with
  28. Of fresh water or 33 feet of seawater is one atm . The standard atm osphere (, atm ,) is an established constant. It is approximately equal to typical air pressure
  29. Since then the concentration is given in terms of a pressure in units of, atm , A typical line strength is then often in the order of 10−3 cm−2/ atm . Under
  30. Less than 10 metric tons. The surface pressure of this small mass is around 3, atm , ( 0.3 NPA); it varies with the lunar day. Its sources include out gassing and
  31. Copper, zinc oxide, and alumina first used by ICI in 1966. At 5–10 MPA (50–100, atm , ) and 250 °C, it can catalyze the production of methanol from carbon monoxide
  32. The absolute temperature. Density of water (at 1 atm ) Density of air (at 1, atm , ) Density of solutions The density of a solution is the sum of mass (massif)
  33. Are published with respect to atm ospheric pressure (101.325 kilopascals or 1, atm , ). At higher elevations, where the atm ospheric pressure is much lower, the
  34. For people using the imperial or U. S. customary systems was and 14.696 psi (1, atm , ) because it was almost universally used by the oil and gas industries
  35. Ice is blast cleaning. Liquid carbon dioxide forms only at pressures above 5.1, atm , ; the triple point of carbon dioxide is about 518 PA at −56.6 °C (see phase
  36. Then water. Solid helium has a density of 0.214 ± 0.006 g/cm3 at 1.15 K and 66, atm , ; the projected density at 0 K and 25 bar (2.5 MPA) is 0.187 ± 0.009 g/cm3.
  37. Also remains frozen at a temperature above 0 °C under a pressure lower than 1, atm , The melting of ice under high pressures is thought to contribute to the
  38. The normal boiling point of water is 99.97 degrees Celsius at a pressure of 1, atm , ( i.e.,101.325 PA). Until 1982 this was also the standard boiling point of
  39. With a concentration of 68 % HNO3 and a boiling temperature of 120.5 °C at 1, atm , which is the ordinary concentrated nitric acid of commerce. Two solid hydrates
  40. Valves more rigorous, and there are safety considerations of working at 200, atm , In addition, running pumps and compressors takes considerable energy. Thus the
  41. Diving. Exposure to a partial pressures greater than 160 PA (about 1.6, atm , ) may lead to convulsions (normally fatal for divers). Acute oxygen toxicity
  42. Take place at high temperatures and pressures, approximately 300 °C and 2000, atm , While most other free radical polymerization do not require such extreme
  43. Every 2 moles of product (see entropy),and the pressure used (around 200, atm , ) alters the equilibrium concentrations to give a profitable yield.
  44. Bar (symbol: bar),defined as 100 PA exactly.: * The atm osphere (symbol:, atm ,), defined as 101.325 PA exactly.: * The Tour (symbol: Tour),defined as atm
  45. MAP,CH2Cl2; c)MSC, Py; d)Lion,30 % H2O2,THF; e)LiN3,MPA (a); f)H₂ (1, atm , ),PtO2,THF; g)ClCOOC6H4-p-NO2,CH2Cl2,NaHCO3 (a); h)NH2OH⋅HCl,KH2PO4
  46. Another in Northern Ireland in November. At high pressures (more than about 20, atm , or two MPA),a mixture of helium and oxygen (helix) can lead to
  47. C (273.15 K,32 °F) and an absolute pressure of 100 PA (14.504 psi,0.986, atm , ),while NIST's version is a temperature of 20 °C (293.15 K,68 °F) and an
  48. And freezes at 63 K (−210.01 °C) Under extremely high pressures (1.1 million, atm ,) and high temperatures (2000 K),as produced using a diamond anvil cell
  49. The Earth's ecosystem. The Haber process requires high pressures (around 200, atm , ) and high temperatures (at least 400 °C),routine conditions for industrial
  50. Increase in pressure at 34 feet of fresh water or 33 feet of seawater is one, atm , The standard atm osphere ( atm ) is an established constant. It is

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