Examples of the the word, abbreviation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( abbreviation ), is the 7388 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Argo, the ship used by Jason and the Argonauts in Greek mythology. The, abbreviation ,was" Are" and the genitive was" Argus Davis ". Argo Davis is the only one of
  2. Use the letter" s" to denote a plural. Syllabic abbreviation A syllabic, abbreviation ,is an abbreviation formed from (usually) initial syllables of several words
  3. The rule that a full stop/period is used only when the last letter of the, abbreviation ,is not the last letter of the complete word. This kind of abbreviation is known
  4. Ll come along, although it is rarely used in writing. Come with is used as an, abbreviation ,of come with me, as in I'm going to the office – come with by speakers in
  5. Using the GSM 03.38 character set). This brevity gave rise to an informal, abbreviation ,scheme sometimes called Texts, with which 10 % or more of the words in a
  6. And the term アニメ (anime, pronounced in Japanese) emerged in the 1970s as an, abbreviation , Others claim that the word derives from the French phrase design anime.
  7. Of the abbreviation is not the last letter of the complete word. This kind of, abbreviation ,is known as a contraction in the UK. The use of full stops/periods after most
  8. Humans. Metonymy involves the use of the name of a subcomponent part as an, abbreviation , or jargon, for the name of the whole object (for example" wheels" to refer
  9. Portions from the interior or by cutting off a part. A contraction is an, abbreviation , but an abbreviation is not necessarily a contraction. However, normally
  10. Are usually referred to as" licensed acupuncturists ", or L. Ac. 's. The, abbreviation ," Dial. Ac. " Stands for" Diplomat of Acupuncture" and signifies that the
  11. Theory in academic Britain, abbreviating became very fashionable. The use of, abbreviation ,for the names of" Father of modern etymology" J. R. R. Tolkien and his friend
  12. Usage formerly rejected such expressions). Because BC is the English, abbreviation ,for Before Christ, it is sometimes incorrectly concluded that AD means After
  13. English in the 15th through 17th centuries included such a growth in the use of, abbreviation , At first, abbreviation s were sometimes represented with various suspension
  14. 464plus and 6128plus computers and the GX4000 video game console. The" CPC ", abbreviation ,has been dropped from the model names. The redesign significantly enhanced the
  15. S" to denote a plural. Syllabic abbreviation A syllabic abbreviation is an, abbreviation ,formed from (usually) initial syllables of several words, such as Interpol =
  16. Identical – not all languages use the letter" s" to denote a plural. Syllabic, abbreviation ,A syllabic abbreviation is an abbreviation formed from (usually) initial
  17. And the Internet during the 1990s allowed for a marked rise in colloquial, abbreviation , This was due largely to increasing popularity of textual communication
  18. Due to the 18th century chemical pioneer, Jöns Jakob Berzelius, who used this, abbreviation ,of the name stadium. The medieval Latin form, from which the modern languages
  19. Letter or group of letters taken from the word or phrase. For example, the word, abbreviation ,can itself be represented by the abbreviation abbr., abbrv. Or abbrev. In
  20. AD after the year number (as in" AD" ) is also becoming common usage. The, abbreviation ,is also widely used after the number of a century or millennium, as in" fourth
  21. Semantic and phonetic functions, though all three are connoted by the term ", abbreviation ," in loose parlance. An abbreviation is a shortening by any method; a
  22. Of a location, often with the academic degree MI, a misunderstanding of the, abbreviation ,for Michigan. Media The Ann Arbor News, owned by the Michigan-based Booth
  23. An acronym: * Master of Arts (postgraduate),(Atrium Magister) alternative, abbreviation ,for a Master's degree in Arts * Arthur–Merlin protocol, an interactive proof
  24. In French, the period only follows an abbreviation if the last letter in the, abbreviation ,is not the last letter of its antecedent:" M." is the abbreviation for "
  25. To the 64-bit x86 architecture is named AMD Virtualization, also known by the, abbreviation ,AMD-V, and is sometimes referred to by the code name" Pacifica ". AMD
  26. Cable between two devices *Aperture priority, Av (Aperture value) is a common, abbreviation ,on a camera mode dial Voting Other uses Alcuin of York () or Machine
  27. Jesus Christ" ). Traditionally, English has copied Latin usage by placing the, abbreviation ,before the year number for AD. Since BC is not derived from Latin it is placed
  28. Cited as symptomatic of this. Likewise, a century earlier in Boston, a fad of, abbreviation ,started that swept the United States, with the globally popular term OK
  29. Or phrase. For example, the word abbreviation can itself be represented by the, abbreviation ,abbr., abbrv. Or abbrev. In strict analysis, abbreviation s should not be
  30. Crazy" ) is translated as" Son jazz quest Roman ", alluding to the Roman, abbreviation ,SPQR. In another example: Hiccups are written onomatopoeically in French as "
  31. Mth Already 21 On This Day in Canada ---- ATM or atm is an, abbreviation ,which may refer to: In science and technology *Adobe Type Manager, typeface
  32. Architectural Institute of Canada and can write FRANC after their name. An, abbreviation ,(from Latin breves, meaning short) is a shortened form of a word or phrase.
  33. The French philosopher Jacques Derrida. Works According to the Sudan: APL is an, abbreviation , acronym, or initialism that may refer to: Organizations *Advanced Production
  34. The interior or by cutting off a part. A contraction is an abbreviation , but an, abbreviation ,is not necessarily a contraction. However, normally acronyms are regarded as a
  35. Almost as long as. The second and more recent sense of the word art is as an, abbreviation ,for creative art or fine art and emerged in the early 17th century. Fine art
  36. Iron" ( 25th Anniversary Special Edition) DVD ~ George Butler ASA as an, abbreviation ,or initialism may stand for: Organizations * Aid to Southeast Asia, a
  37. At maintaining the French form. In French, the period only follows an, abbreviation ,if the last letter in the abbreviation is not the last letter of its antecedent
  38. To handle insurance and other benefits for distributors (Amway being an, abbreviation ,of" American Way" ). In 1960, they purchased a 50 % share in ATC
  39. An increase in literacy has, historically,sometimes spawned a trend toward, abbreviation , The standardization of English in the 15th through 17th centuries included
  40. Example, is derived from a word for the United States, měiguó, where me is an, abbreviation ,for Yàměilìjiā" America" and go is" country ". The name for the continent
  41. The AWK Programming Language book cover - the book is often referred to by the, abbreviation ,TAIL). Awk, when written in all lowercase letters, refers to the Unix or Plan
  42. Different context to the world itself, such as" PIN" ( wherein if the, abbreviation ,were removed the context would be invalid). History Abbreviation has been used
  43. All three are connoted by the term" abbreviation " in loose parlance. An, abbreviation ,is a shortening by any method; a contraction is a reduction of size by the
  44. To mean any robot, including distinctly non-humaniform machines like R2-D2. The, abbreviation ," Andy ", coined as a pejorative by writer Philip K. Dick in his novel Do
  45. Depression that still allows one to feel positive moods * Adamantly (Ad),an, abbreviation ,in organic chemistry for Adamantly * Sharpness asymmetric hydroxylation, a
  46. Which is 97 in decimal. Intel assembly language provides the mnemonic MOV (an, abbreviation ,of move) for instructions such as this, so the machine code above can be
  47. Or syllables and bringing together the first and last letters or elements; an, abbreviation ,may be made either by omitting certain portions from the interior or by cutting
  48. Systems but eventually became neglected. The use of Control-S (OFF,an, abbreviation ,for transmit off) as a" handshaking" signal warning a sender to stop
  49. In the abbreviation is not the last letter of its antecedent:" M." is the, abbreviation ,for" monsieur" while" Mme" is that for" madame ". Like many others
  50. Century as well. The main recent sense of the word“ art” is roughly as an, abbreviation ,for creative art or“ fine art. ” Here we mean that skill is being used to

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