Examples of the the word, calling , in a Sentence Context

The word ( calling ), is the 7387 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And other al-Qaeda leaders were based in Sudan. Islamist rebels in the Sahara, calling ,themselves Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb have stepped up their violence in
  2. Since 1989. Apple released the fourth generation iPhone, which introduced video, calling , multitasking, and a new uninsulated stainless steel design, which acts as the
  3. Form, under the byline" H. P. Lovecraft and August Delete ", with Delete, calling ,himself a" posthumous collaborator. " This practice has raised objections in
  4. Both a multinational, stateless army and a radical Sunni Muslim movement, calling ,for global Jihad. It has been designated a terrorist organization by the United
  5. His political career, however,was short-lived: he resigned after three years, calling ,politics a cesspool. The resignation followed the implication of Bachchan and
  6. Nero decided to kill Agrippina. Yet, Nero did not marry Poppaea until 62, calling , into question this motive. Additionally, Suetonius reveals that Poppaea's
  7. 2008,a bi-partisan, non-binding resolution was approved by the Japanese Diet, calling ,upon the government to recognize the Ainu people as indigenous to Japan and
  8. Disputes over the status and regulation of the sang ha, as Ashoka had in, calling ,a conclave to settle a number of contentious issues during his reign. This
  9. Blocked until the corresponding entry is called by another task (similarly,a, calling ,task is blocked until the called task reaches the corresponding accept
  10. Persepolis Alexander allowed his troops to loot the city, before finally, calling ,a halt to it. Alexander stayed in Persepolis for five months. During Alexander
  11. And at the 1921 All-Australian Trades Union Congress a resolution was passed, calling ,for" the socialization of industry, production,distribution and exchange. "
  12. Received mostly negative reviews, with John Peter of The Sunday Times of London, calling ,it" only an intellectual Rocky Horror Show," and John Gross of The Sunday
  13. For short. Mary Stewart's The Crystal Cave follows Geoffrey of Monmouth in, calling ,him Aurelius Ambrosia and portrays him as the father of Merlin, the elder
  14. Burn perpetually before the veil of the tabernacle Exodus 27:21. A more formal, calling ,soon followed (Exodus 28:1). Aaron and his sons, distinguished from the
  15. For positioning the cathode ray, for drawing a line to a specified destination, calling ,a subroutine with further commands, and so on. Asteroids also features various
  16. Gaming,5MP camera with LED flash, front-facing VGA camera and FaceTime video, calling , Shortly after the release of the iPhone 4,it was realized by consumers that
  17. To procedures, but additionally have guards. If a guard evaluates to false,a, calling ,task is blocked and added to the queue of that entry; now another task can be
  18. In the Michael Flynn novel In the Country of the Blind, a secret society, calling ,itself the Babbage Society secretly financed the building of Babbage Engines in
  19. Voice synthesizer or digital samples to" speak" the phone number of the line, calling ,in. The main purpose of this system is to allow phone company technicians to
  20. Azerbaijan. In 1993,the UN Security Council adopted four resolutions, calling ,for the cessation of hostilities, unimpeded access for international
  21. And adopted by the 66th General Convention of the Episcopal Church in 1979, calling ," Christian people everywhere ... to engage themselves in non-violent action
  22. The next Senate election due in 1987. However, their task was assisted by the, calling ,of a double dissolution election by Prime Minister, Bob Hawks. This reduced the
  23. Jihad, along with three other Islamist leaders, co-signed and issued a fatwa, calling ,on Muslims to kill Americans and their allies where they can, when they can.
  24. To the end of the argument list, though values for these should be omitted when, calling ,the function. It is convention to add some whitespace in the argument list
  25. S sense of care and existential anxiety, e. g., in the face of death. In, calling ,his work Being and Nothingness an" essay in phenomenological ontology "
  26. S. Military installation at Fort Sumter in South Carolina. Lincoln responded by, calling ,for a volunteer army from each state to recapture federal property, which led
  27. Nibbana and he was able to reach the specified level of attainment before the, calling ,of the conclave. In contrast to most of the figures depicted in the Pale Canon
  28. Edmonton for the City of St. Albert. Calgary, in particular, has a tradition of, calling ,its largest urban expressways trails and naming many of them after prominent
  29. Relationship is perhaps the reason why the Roman writers persisted in, calling ,the Alemannic Barbara," savages ". The archaeology, however,shows that they
  30. Saying European colonists had the right to take land from American Indians, and, calling , homosexuality " immoral" and" disgusting ", while also advocating the repeal
  31. Landing ellipse). Armstrong took semi-automatic control and, with Aldrin, calling ,out altitude and velocity data, landed at 20:17 UTC on July 20 with about 25
  32. In Ada seem to acknowledge their own world as the copy or negative version, calling ,it" Anti-Terra" while its mythical twin is the real" Terra. " Not only
  33. Disliked his exhibits of portraits of 1970s personalities and celebrities, calling ,them superficial, facile and commercial, with no depth or indication of the
  34. Rendezvous for volunteer troops. Governor Thomas S. Drew issued a proclamation, calling ,on the state to furnish one regiment of cavalry and one battalion of infantry
  35. A typewriter; and he could well have begun by asking himself what was meant by, calling ,a typewriter 'mechanical' ". Given the prevalence of Morse code and telegraphy
  36. Does not have any number listed on the unit, the number can be discovered by, calling ,an ANA service. Late in the 20th century, caller ID and prepaid cellphone
  37. To" the way philosophy is written in the Soviet Union ", and author Gore Vidal, calling ,her viewpoint" nearly perfect in its immorality ". Her subsequent books got
  38. Jim Morrison used an anagram of his name in the Doors' song L. A. Woman, calling ,himself" Mr. Mojo Rising' ". The use of anagrams and fabricated personal names
  39. Effect free and can therefore run concurrently with other functions). A task, calling ,a protected object is blocked if another task is currently executing inside the
  40. Had decided that Ahmad Khan would be their new leader, and already began, calling ,him as Ahmad Shah. Meanwhile, in the preceding three years, the Sikhs had
  41. Bankrupt after losing a court case in which he sued the artist Nina Hammett for, calling ,him a black magician in her 1932 book, Laughing Torso. In addressing the jury
  42. An intellectual Rocky Horror Show," and John Gross of The Sunday Telegraph, calling ,it" a clockwork lemon. " Even Burgess himself, who wrote the script based on
  43. The mold as being from the Penicillin genus, and,after some months of, calling ,it" mold juice" named the substance it released penicillin on 7 March 1929.
  44. Given in any ancient source; late-medieval manuscripts began the tradition of, calling ,him Lucius from the name of the hero of his novel. Details regarding his life
  45. Azerbaijan. In 1993,the UN Security Council adopted four resolutions, calling ,for the cessation of hostilities, unimpeded access for international
  46. God for Dead Soldiers" and" Thank God for 9/11. " The ACLU issued a statement, calling ,the legislation a" law that infringes on Shirley Phelps-Roper's rights to
  47. Legislature that protected the liberty of the individual states. While, calling ,on Congress to regulate military and monetary affairs, for example, the
  48. First World War, she worked at a hospital as a nurse; she liked the profession, calling ,it" one of the most rewarding professions that anyone can follow ". She later
  49. From the Cleveland Lloyd site found wide variation between individuals, calling ,into question previous species-level distinctions based such features as the
  50. Wounds; alum is still used as a styptic. In 1761,Guy ton de Morveau suggested, calling ,the base alum alumina. In 1808,Humphry Davy identified the existence of a

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