Examples of the the word, dim , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dim ), is the 7390 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Integer exists, then the dim ension of is said to be infinite, and one writes, dim , Moreover, has dim ension −1,i.e. dim if and only if it is empty. This definition
  2. Played by Stephen Fry, portrayed as a soft-spoken, ineffective,slightly, dim ,character, with the voice and mannerisms of Charles I's namesake, the current
  3. Dim (\KER (f) ) + \ dim (\operator name (f) ) = \ dim (V). The number, dim ,(I'm (f) ) is also called the rank of f and written as rank (f),or
  4. Of Joker. The humiliating nickname Homer Pyle originates from a likable but, dim ,character from the American television program Homer Pyle, USMC (first
  5. Be both hot and wet. The ancient Greeks used two words for air: are meant the, dim ,lower atmosphere, and either meant the bright upper atmosphere above the clouds
  6. Butter, one portion of jam, and coffee. IKEA Canada, for a limited time, served, dim , sum alongside its original breakfast menu. Refills of coffee, tea,and soft
  7. The dark elves are an intermediate class," not so much downright black, as, dim , dingy ". In support of such an intermediate class between light elves, or "
  8. And a Super Bowl. Yet the glory days of the Cowboys were again beginning to, dim ,as free agency, age and injuries began taking their toll. The Cowboys went 6–10
  9. Or animals, who often speak and transform easily. They are often set in a, dim ,and nonspecific past, what historian of religion Circa Elide termed in ill
  10. Thereby increasing the eye's sensitivity to dim light. Another adaptation to, dim ,light is the large pupils of cats' eyes. Unlike some big cats, such as tigers
  11. Travel to nearby star systems. Overview Barnard's Star is a red dwarf of the, dim ,spectral type M4,and it is too faint to see without a telescope. Its apparent
  12. Of the Alpha Centauri system. Despite its proximity,Barnard's Star, at a, dim ,apparent magnitude of about nine, is not visible with the unaided eye; however
  13. Small surprise and mortification, that though he still retained some vague and, dim ,recollection of the general purpose of the vision, yet,except
  14. Philosopher Thomas Hobbes, who held what Watterson describes as" a, dim ,view of human nature. " Although the debut strip clearly shows Calvin capturing
  15. S Dream, Arlecchino is nimble and adept at the same time as being clumsy and, dim , and is normally the 'messenger' character in a comedy — the catalyst for
  16. Will have moved even closer to the Sun. Barnard's Star will still be too, dim ,to be seen with the naked eye at the time of its closest approach, since its
  17. Cast that setting sun, Whose glorious course through our horizon run, Left the, dim ,face of this dull hemisphere, All one great eye, all drown'd in one great
  18. As well, such as Managua, from Hawaiian meaning" chewed up pork" for, dim ,sum bad, though the meat is not necessarily pork. Tennessee As Chinese cuisine
  19. And paleontology work together in the clarification of science’s still, dim ,view of the appearance of life and its evolution during deep time on earth.
  20. Hong Kong-style diners and cafés (also known as CIA chain ten (茶餐廳) ), dim ,sum tea houses, and hot pot restaurants. Many Chinatown areas also feature
  21. Fire '. This light has a continuous spectrum. Complete combustion of gas has a, dim ,blue color due to the emission of single-wavelength radiation from various
  22. Are served in Cantonese restaurants traditionally only at dinner. Traditionally, dim ,sum restaurants stop serving bamboo-basket dishes after yum CIA hour and begin
  23. Cover) such that no point is included in more than elements. In this case, dim , For a manifold, this coincides with the dim ension mentioned above. If no such
  24. A point just before it reaches the event horizon, the falling object becomes so, dim ,that it can no longer be seen. On the other hand, an observer falling into a
  25. Gestú, literally " ear" ) and creation (Dimmed: nu, likeness, dim , mud,make bear). He was associated with the southern band of constellations
  26. Binary system. However, these measurements are difficult to make because the, dim ,B component appears so close to the bright primary star. The resulting margin
  27. The fusion of east and west also characterizes Hong Kong's cuisine, where, dim , sum,hot pot, and fast food restaurants coexist with haute cuisine. Hong Kong
  28. It was clear that Kepler's future prospects in the court of Matthias were, dim , Also in that year, Barbara Kepler contracted Hungarian spotted fever, then
  29. And listening as for a bolt from the sky ... we were watching ... by the, dim ,light of the stars for the dawn of a new day ... we were longing for the answer
  30. Go out of scope. A number of intrinsic functions were extended (for example a, dim ,argument was added to the Marlon intrinsic). Several features noted in FORTRAN
  31. The voluntary Fatal Light Awareness Program, which " encourages buildings to, dim ,unnecessary exterior lighting to mitigate bird mortality during spring and
  32. Can distinguish roughly 10 million different colors. On the other hand, in, dim , light,the cones are under stimulated leaving only the signal from the rods
  33. UN Resolutions and decisions of the European Court of Human Rights; * took a, dim ,view of any proposals which did not allow for the repatriation of Turkish
  34. exception to Carbon dioxide which" At about 8 % it causes headache, sweating, dim , vision,tremor and loss of consciousness after exposure for between five and
  35. Of B production lent itself to the noir style for directly economic reasons:, dim ,lighting not only saved on electrical costs but helped cloak cheap sets (mist
  36. A relatively high proportion of rod cells, adapted for seeing in conditions of, dim ,light, but they also possess cone cells for sensing color during the day.
  37. A few months prior, told as though Frontline had covered the story. The, dim ,witted, egotistical host Mike Moore was a parody of current television hosts
  38. Of years in the future. It is" the last continent of earth, when the sun is, dim ,and tarnished. " These tales have been compared to the Dying Earth sequence of
  39. Rate, and causes reduced hearing. *At about 8 % it causes headache, sweating, dim , vision,tremor and loss of consciousness after exposure for between five and
  40. Features Stars Deep sky objects The few deep sky objects in Aries are very, dim , They include the galaxies NGC 697 (northwest of β ARI),NGC 772 (southeast
  41. Is said to be infinite, and one writes dim . Moreover, has dim ension −1,i. e., dim ,if and only if it is empty. This definition of covering dim ension can be extended
  42. The retina back into the eye, thereby increasing the eye's sensitivity to, dim ,light. Another adaptation to dim light is the large pupils of cats' eyes.
  43. Manual corrections. Most problems were in identifying objects that were too, dim , or were difficult to identify because of brighter objects causing diffraction
  44. Strength. However, Uderzo felt that the small sized hero needed a strong but, dim ,companion to which Skinny agreed. Hence, Obelix was born. Despite the growing
  45. Some noodle dishes are Cantonized. These are available as home-cooked meals, on, dim , sum side menus, or as street food at die pie dong, where they can be served
  46. A similar vessel was transported to the Muse du Louvre in 1867,a limestone, dim , used for storing the must from the grapes, which dates to the sixth century BC
  47. Was to provide astrological advice to the emperor. Though Kepler took a, dim ,view of the attempts of contemporary astrologers to precisely predict the
  48. Hara and Osborne. Classical historiographers had only retained a very, dim ,picture of Assyria. It was remembered that there had been an Assyrian empire
  49. Inseparable from the mythology associated with them, and he consequently took a, dim ,view of auxiliary languages: in 1930 a congress of Esperantists were told as
  50. Image information. However, these mechanical systems were slow, the images were, dim ,and flickered severely, and the image resolution very low. Camera systems used

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