Examples of the the word, apostle , in a Sentence Context

The word ( apostle ), is the 7382 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Mt 10:2,3),but it is unlikely that either of these wrote the letter. One, apostle , James the son of Zebedee, was martyred about 44 CE. This would be very early
  2. The early believer considered heretic Marion believed that Paul was the only, apostle ,who truly understood Jesus's message. Marion rejected three of the four
  3. Smith. In 1921,the church called chemistry professor John A. Wide as an, apostle , Widtsoe's writings, particularly Rational theology and Joseph Smith as
  4. Very highest degree of visible Christian communion. Who can suppose that the, apostle ,meant this: Take heed and have no company with a man, no not so much as in the
  5. Before 45AD. The Protestant reformer Martin Luther denied it was the work of an, apostle ,and termed it an" epistle of straw" as compared to some other books in the
  6. The value converges to 15 digits of precision. The first epistle of Paul the, apostle ,to the Corinthians, often referred to as First Corinthians (and written as 1
  7. In Ephesians and Philemon, and he is to tell the recipients of the state of the, apostle , After friendly greetings, he bids them exchange this letter with the one he
  8. Light foot, in his Commentary on the epistle, says:" At this point the, apostle ,takes the pen from his amanuensis, and the concluding paragraph is written with
  9. A one keep no company, no not to eat. ” This makes it most apparent, that the, apostle ,doth not mean eating at the Lord’s table; for so, they might not keep company
  10. Birth evolved. The debate has continued over the author's identity as the, apostle , the brother of Jesus, both,or neither. Some scholars have argued that since
  11. Would be very early for him to have been the writer. (Ac 12:1,2) The other, apostle ,James, the son of Alphabets, is not prominent in the Scriptural record, and very
  12. 2006,Pope Benedict XVI remarked:" The seer of Patmos, identified with the, apostle , is granted a series of visions meant to reassure the Christians of Asia amid
  13. Search Galatians%201:1-10; version 31; 1:1–10),the, apostle ,discusses the subjects which had occasioned the epistle. In Chapter
  14. Bold added):: The folk here are civil, and,like the barbarians unto the holy, apostle , have shown me much kindness; and there are a sort of chosen people in the land
  15. In the 6th century AD, under emperor Justinian I over the supposed site of the, apostle ,'s tomb. It is now surrounded by Seljuk. The Temple of Artemis, one of the
  16. Peter, is a book of the New Testament. The author claims to be Saint Peter the, apostle , and the epistle was traditionally held to have been written during his time as
  17. This Gautier, who at his consecration received the honored name of the, apostle ,Simeon, went to Sweden, and was honorably received by the king and the people;
  18. Guilty of the vilest adultery in departing from the LORD. (Hosea 1:2 NIV) The, apostle ,John used a similar analogy in Revelation chapter 17. The Book of Haggai is a
  19. Religion. They certainly appear to have questioned Paul's authority as an, apostle , perhaps appealing to the greater authority of the Jerusalem church governed by
  20. One of them to South Africa. Perhaps the most famous and successful, apostle ,was Carl Peter Thunberg, who embarked on a nine-year expedition in 1770. He
  21. Argued that since the author of that letter has not identified himself as an, apostle ,and actually refers to the apostle s as a third party, he cannot be identified
  22. His martyrdom in 62AD. Authorship has also occasionally been attributed to the, apostle ,James the Great, brother of John the Evangelist and son of Zebedee The letter
  23. In Politics" wrote: On the one hand Burke is revealed as a foremost, apostle ,of Liberty, on the other as the redoubtable champion of Authority. But a charge
  24. They ought to be secure only when they have dominated this world's lusts. The, apostle ,certainly prepares us for that future life in words of which I also reminded
  25. Calling H. Oaks, American The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, apostle ,and former Utah Supreme Court Justice * 1932 – Charlie O'Donnell, American game
  26. Voted on August 8,1844, to accept the argument of Brigham Young, senior, apostle , of the Quorum of the Twelve, that there could be no true successor to Joseph
  27. Of the apostle s. This is in spite of the fact that Peter was the first, apostle ,called by Jesus (Matthew 4) and Peter was married (Matthew 8). A footnote
  28. One of the Twelve. Others have drawn the opposite conclusion, i. e., that as an, apostle , he would not have made such a claim on his own behalf. The many Jude's, named
  29. The author of Titus identifies himself as" Paul, a servant of God and an, apostle ,of Jesus Christ. " According to Easton's Bible Dictionary," Paul's
  30. Must be that of Martin van Creed, who has declared Clausewitz to be an, apostle ,of Trinitarian War, by which he means, incomprehensibly,a war of 'state
  31. Including The Psychiatric Study of Jesus (1911); and his two studies of the, apostle ,Paul, Paul and his Interpreters, and the more complete The Mysticism of Paul
  32. Expedition to Oceania on the Endeavor in 1768–71. Slander was not the only, apostle ,to journey with James Cook; Andes Spartan followed on the Resolution in
  33. So much as in the highest degree of communion that you can have? Besides,the, apostle ,mentions this eating as a way of keeping company which, however,they might
  34. Services himself. When Franklin met Voltaire in Paris and asked this great, apostle ,of the Enlightenment to bless his grandson, Voltaire said in English," God and
  35. S Bible Dictionary, this epistle" shows the powerful self-control of the, apostle ,in spite of his physical weakness, his distressed circumstances, his incessant
  36. The outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit upon all people was notably quoted by the, apostle ,Peter in his Pentecost sermon (). The table below represents some of the more
  37. Indicate that its precedence has always come from its direct lineage from the, apostle ,Peter rather than its association with Imperial authority. After the passage of
  38. Following. According to tradition, the church was established by Saint Mark the, apostle ,and evangelist in the middle of the 1st century (approximately AD 42). The
  39. Christ. It ends with an account of how Paul was selected and qualified to be an, apostle ,to the Gentiles, in the hope that this will keep them from being dispirited and
  40. And persecution he encountered. On his last journey to Jerusalem,the, apostle ,landed at Miles and, summoning together the elders of the church from Ephesus
  41. Empire. This term was used by both the pagan poet Martial and the Christian, apostle ,Paul. Martial used the term with reference to gifts of literature exchanged by
  42. Revolution but prior to the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks in October, LDS, apostle , David O. McKay told an audience in general conference that" It looks as if
  43. Company, which are forbidden. Keep no company with such a one, saith the, apostle , no not to eat — as much as to say, no not in so low a degree as to eat with
  44. Independent of Rome. In this connection,whether Barnabas was an, apostle ,became important, and was often discussed during the Middle Ages. The
  45. Is the highest. Nearly all bishops are set in line directly from the chief, apostle , They support and help their superior apostle . Church of God (Cleveland
  46. Anyone. He did this, he says, even though he could have used his status as an, apostle ,to impose upon them. Paul goes on to answer some concerns which have arisen in
  47. Majority of Saints. Young had been a close associate of Smith's and was senior, apostle ,of the Quorum of the Twelve. Other splinter groups, excommunicated from the
  48. In line directly from the chief apostle . They support and help their superior, apostle , Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee ) In the polity of the Church of God (
  49. During their expeditions. Early expeditions Christopher Maelstrom, the first, apostle ,and a 43-year-old pastor with a wife and children, made his journey in 1746. He
  50. However, is not the only grounds for excommunication, according to the, apostle ,: in Paul says:" I am writing to you not to associate with anyone who bears the

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