Examples of the the word, torque , in a Sentence Context
The word ( torque ), is the 12033 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Caused by the high compression ratio of the engine and the large amounts of, torque ,generated to the crankshaft. In addition, diesels are often built with stronger
- The vertical stabilizer, or a stretched fuselage to compensate for the higher, torque , The P-40L was sometimes nicknamed" Gypsy Rose Lee ", after a famous stripper
- Designs, while greatly improving engine efficiency. Poor power and narrow, torque ,bands have been addressed by superchargers, turbochargers,(especially
- wasn't limited. *Carefully-designed types disengage, but continue to transmit, torque , in such tools as controlled- torque screwdrivers. *Many safety clutches are not
- Results in the transfer of angular momentum from Earth to Moon (due to tidal, torque ,the Moon exerts on the Earth). This in turn results in the slowing down of the
- The system to be" closed" here is mathematically equivalent to zero external, torque ,acting on the system:: \math bf_ \math rm \leftrightarrow \sum \bold symbol_ 0
- An electric motor) have an effect on the process outputs (e.g. velocity or, torque ,of the motor),which is measured with sensors and processed by the controller;
- For a magnetic dipole moment m (in ampere-square meters). The resulting, torque ,will tend to align the dipole with the applied field, which in the case of an
- s): v = velocity (m/s): v0 velocity at time t 0: W work (J kg m²/s²): τ =, torque ,(m N, not J) ( torque is the rotational form of force): s (t) = position
- Either in amount or over time (e.g., electric screwdrivers limit how much, torque ,is transmitted through use of a clutch; clutches control whether automobiles
- Centre section, their effect is to reduce vertical turning caused by bow-hand, torque , This is, of course, in addition to any long-rod stabilizer anti- torque effect.
- Field, equal but opposite forces arise on each side of the dipole creating a, torque ,τ:: \bold symbol = \math bf \times \math bf for an electric dipole moment p (in
- Geometry turbochargers and shorter piston strokes to achieve a wider spread of, torque ,over the engine's speed range, typically peaking at around 2500–3000 rpm.
- This had been suggested by the Princeton physicist Richard Beth in 1936. The, torque ,was greatly enhanced by the resonant coupling of the incident light to
- Is done by the working fluid expanding on to the piston (this produces usable, torque ,) Maximum thermal efficiency The maximum thermal efficiency of a Diesel cycle
- Pawl pressed against the sleeve and kept it from rotating. The wrap spring's, torque ,kept the sleeve's tooth pressing against the pawl. To engage the clutch, an
- Of gravity (C of G) of the bow forwards, with the result that, firstly,", torque ," effect (sideways twisting of the bow-hand) movement is reduced. Since, at
- A variable valve timing system. * 2010: Scania AB's V8 had the highest, torque ,and power ratings of any truck engine: 3500 Nm and. How diesel engines work The
- Moments of force ( torque s) relative to a given point. Thus, the total applied, torque ,\mathcal M about the origin is given by: \mathcal M= \math bf M_B + \math bf M_C
- Freely-floating pawls arranged so that when the clutch was tripped, the load, torque ,on the first pawl to engage created force to keep the second pawl engaged
- And thus engine displacement. A common way to increase the low-speed, torque ,of an engine is to increase the stroke, sometimes known as" shaft-stroking. "
- Analog computers of the" rotating-shaft" type for providing operating, torque ,to the inputs of subsequent computing mechanisms, as well as driving output
- Continuously monitored and fed back to the system, which adjusts the motor's, torque ,accordingly. Where there is regular feedback, control theory can be used to
- By new 2.4L and 2.8L 30V V6s in 1998,with marked improvement in power, torque ,and smoothness. Further engines were added along the way, including a 3.7L V8
- Method. For example drive straps are now commonly employed to transfer, torque ,as well as lift the pressure plate upon disengagement of vehicle drive. With
- When the mechanism jammed, as motors used in such calculators had high stall, torque ,and were capable of causing damage to the mechanism if torque wasn't limited.
- Mathbf_ \math rm \leftrightarrow \sum \bold symbol_ 0 where \bold symbol_ is any, torque ,applied to the system of particles. It is assumed that internal interaction
- 6 cylinder,16 liter diesel engines producing 3150 Nm (2323.32 lb•ft) of, torque ,and fully complying with Euro 5 emission standards. * 2010: Mitsubishi
- The spring to contract and wrap tightly around the driving sleeve. Load, torque ,tightened the wrap, so it did not slip once engaged. If the pawl were held away
- Dimensions, it may be meaningless to compare or add them. For example, although, torque , and energy share the dimension ML2/T2,they are fundamentally different
- Integrators, cams (2-D and 3-D),mechanical resolvers and multipliers, and, torque , servos. Key electrical/electronic components might include: The core
- See Noether's theorem. The time derivative of angular momentum is called, torque ,:: \bold symbol \franc \franc \times \math bf + \math bf \times \franc 0 + \math bf
- Set the body into twisting rotation. Moving the arms back produces opposite, torque ,which stops the twisting rotation. Entry The rules state that the body should
- 45 degrees to the wind flow. The three cup anemometer also had a more constant, torque ,and responded more quickly to gusts than the four cup anemometer. The three cup
- The system includes dual electrohydraulically controlled clutches instead of a, torque ,converter. This is implemented in some VW Golfs, Audi A3 and TT models where
- Angular momentum is conserved in a system where there is no net external, torque , and its conservation helps explain many diverse phenomena. For example, the
- Body is directed always toward some fixed point, the center, then there is no, torque ,on the body with respect to the center, and so the angular momentum of the body
- V0 velocity at time t 0: W work (J kg m²/s²): τ = torque (m N, not J) (, torque ,is the rotational form of force): s (t) = position at time t: s0 position at
- The most important as a cause of diesel's harmful health effects. Power and, torque ,For commercial uses requiring towing, load carrying and other tr active tasks
- Rotation. An alternative explanation is that the moving arms have precession, torque ,on them which set the body into twisting rotation. Moving the arms back
- An error of less than 3 % up to. Patterson found that each cup produced maximum, torque ,when it was at 45 degrees to the wind flow. The three cup anemometer also had a
- Had high stall torque and were capable of causing damage to the mechanism if, torque ,wasn't limited. *Carefully-designed types disengage, but continue to transmit
- Peaking at around 2500–3000 rpm. While diesel engines tend to have more, torque ,at lower engine speeds than petrol engines, diesel engines tend to have a
- An electromagnet attracted the pawl away from the sleeve. The wrap spring's, torque ,rotated the sleeve which permitted the spring to contract and wrap tightly
- Tend to have better torque characteristics. Diesel engines tend to have their, torque ,peak quite low in their speed range (usually between 1600 and 2000 rpm for a
- Turn the head into the wind. In 1918 an aerodynamic vane with eight times the, torque ,of the flat plate overcame this problem. Effect of density on measurements In
- Specifically, the conoid process) to the side of the briefcase, providing, torque , about the axis of jaw articulation. In comparing the skulls of carnivores and
- Was released, whose comfortable and precise sliding pitch control and high, torque ,direct drive motor made beat matching easier, and it became the standard among
- Production model. The P-40 N featured a stretched rear fuselage to counter the, torque ,of the larger, late-war Allison engine, and the rear deck of the cockpit behind
- Load carrying and other tr active tasks, diesel engines tend to have better, torque ,characteristics. Diesel engines tend to have their torque peak quite low in
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