Examples of the the word, brag , in a Sentence Context

The word ( brag ), is the 12034 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Luxury steamboats operating between St. Louis and New Orleans, launched its ", brag ,boat ", the City of Natchez. This ship survived only a year before succumbing
  2. Character While Sid and his mates BAZ, Bob and Joe, who are all Georges, brag ,continually about their sexual prowess, each strip centers around his struggle
  3. As a good player with a great baseball sense (and a lot of luck). Likes to, brag , but also works pretty hard when motivated. Kine is also the best center
  4. He was not interested in giving up smoking; he was a ladies man and would, brag ,to other members of his sexual exploits, and in Houck's opinion Wilson
  5. For two of the shooters. In the days after the massacre, Scalise was heard to, brag ,“ I am the most powerful man in Chicago. ” He had recently been elevated to
  6. Beats true: 'neath the Red, White and Blue, : Where there's never a boast or, brag ,.: But should AFLD acquaintance be forgot, : Keep your eye on the grand old flag.
  7. In the evening at his School, walk the bridges, and end at the Gâteaus to, brag ,of his victory. Of course, he wants the Red Prince to be unable to duplicate
  8. And by 1933 it had become Photoplay magazine's main competition. It began to, brag ,on its cover that it had" The Largest Circulation of Any Screen Magazine "
  9. State/province/prefecture, city,etc., has often been considered something to, brag ,about. Often, builders of high-rise buildings have used transmitter antennas to
  10. Much like later sports legends Joe Namath and Muhammad Ali, Dizzy liked to, brag ,about his prowess and make public predictions. In 1934,Dizzy predicted," Me
  11. Maria established his" seat" at Drooling (go Beau lung) in Choral (who, brag ,) in Southern Tibet just north of Bhutan. Maria married the lady Camera, and
  12. Kitty Cat ". Normal seems kind and playful, but likes to annoy Garfield and, brag ,about how much cuter he is. Garfield often attempts (usually unsuccessfully)
  13. The Hatchet" Lonsdale's (P. H. Moriarty) weekly high-stakes three card, brag ,game. Harry learns that Eddy is card savant from his bodyguard Barry" the
  14. Year. Terminology coined in Wall Wall Proud residents of the town often, brag ,about it as" the town so nice they named it twice. " Wall Wall is a Native
  15. I believe we are prepared. That's the one thing that I've always been able to, brag ,about. " Later that day she issued a request for federal assistance and USD $9
  16. God Thor, a ridiculously muscular and dim-witted redhead drunkard who likes to, brag ,about how big he can make his hammer grow (pun intended by the character).
  17. Autograph reproduced by woodblock print. Hoyle wrote a treatise on the game of, brag ,(1751),a book on probability theory (1754),and one on chess (1761). The
  18. Up to look for it. Cinderella's and Rapunzel's Princes, who are brothers, brag ,about their new-found loves (" Agony" ). The Baker's wife takes note when
  19. Existed in some games as of the late 15th century, for example Three-card, brag , a precursor to modern forms of Poker. It was not only the French deck which
  20. Brodie, the first man to supposedly jump off the Brooklyn Bridge and live to, brag ,about it. An undistinguished period followed with Paramount Pictures from 1935
  21. In a number of intros (what crackers used to put before a pirated game to, brag ,) and on music discs. A cover of the Comic Bakery tune was also used for the
  22. Cultures around the world living in or near the city. Sports Both cities, brag ,of their first-class Canadian Football League and National Hockey League teams.
  23. Notwithstanding that our powder and shot was well near all spent, we set on a, brag ,countenance and have them chase, as though we had wanted nothing, until we had
  24. Least of having it said concerning me that few miscarries under me; but I cannot, brag ,of my correspondence with some other of my faculty .... Though yet, in taken
  25. Into the sky, where he will never be seen again. Loki says that Thor should not, brag ,of his time in the east, as he once crouched in fear in the thumb of a glove (
  26. Reduced his photography workload, turning his attention to films. He likes to, brag ,that the only pictures he takes anymore are of his grandchildren, although he
  27. Cultivated a wide network of friends and acquaintances. Late in life, he would, brag ,that he had been the only man in history friendly with both Vladimir Lenin and
  28. After Left monastery (SNA ft Dion) he founded near More Dark (do rue, brag ,) in Central Tibet (bus). Lingrepa's teachers were Gampopa's disciple
  29. Astor Clement: Ernest's uncle, a wealthy college professor who likes to, brag ,about his rich status and unusual intelligence and was the main narrator of
  30. Takeda Katsuki 武田勝頼. Tokyo: Shin Ninjutsu Aisha 新人物往来社,2003. Three card, brag ,is a 16th century British card game, and the British national representative of
  31. When I was a young boy of ten or eleven years old she would come home and, brag ,about spending the day in X-rated movie theaters in downtown Baltimore .... My
  32. Being supposedly of upper-class upbringing, Violet also makes it a point to, brag ,frequently about her father, especially to Charlie Brown, sometimes driving him
  33. In the bet. In lieu of this, Brokkr sewed Loki's lips so that Loki would not, brag ,until the thread came out. Notes NF may refer to:; Science and medical *
  34. Printable words close to it, like " jade ". Years later, Brown would frequently, brag ,that he led" the first white jazz band" to go up north. Brown's careful
  35. Who loses £500,000 to a powerful crime lord in a rigged game of three card, brag , In order to pay off his debts, he and his friends decide to rob a small-time
  36. Were built at: 'Ching by Nam Ra, Kwa Chu in Brag Mar,'Gran bang,'Khan, brag ,and seas gong. Buddhist monks from Khan (Li),fleeing the persecutions of
  37. Now played was a game known as Primer, which evolved into the game three-card, brag , a very popular gentleman's game around the time of the American Revolutionary
  38. Of them off the map. And I never—I couldn't approach—I don't say it just to, brag , but, I mean, my sensitivities are completely different. Perot and Stock dale
  39. Get together at the bigger fairs and play for quite high stakes. Three card, brag ,was played in the film Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels directed by Guy
  40. Term blow; (poker term): perhaps from Dutch bluffed (" to, brag , boast" ) or verbluffen (" to baffle, mislead ")
  41. Damage the scuffle with Brendan caused to the garden. After Brendan attempts to, brag ,about the pH balance of the soil, Tracey sharply comments that gardening is
  42. Rock had a routine. He said some—too many of our men,they're proud, they, brag , about doing things they're supposed to do. They say 'Well, I- I'm not in jail
  43. To be struck with Lady Huntingdon's sermons. The Methodists have nothing to, brag ,of his conversion, though Whitefield prayed for him. " Ferrets subsequently
  44. Thereafter no one will be able to see Loki. Loki states that Thor should never, brag ,of his journeys to the east, claiming that there Thor crouched cowering in the
  45. Became a rallying cry for the working classes; politicians would later proudly, brag ,about their participation with the Commune. Deportation After Bloody Week, the
  46. And officers. One who has been in the service for a lengthy term might, brag ," I was DO at the last supper ". " Getting Better" is a song written mainly
  47. Experience an erection lasting longer than four hours, call up your friends and, brag ,about it. " Incidentally, the commercial is either edited out completely or
  48. On Fraser entitled" Three Dates and a Breakup," Fraser calls Norm to, brag ,that he has three dates for the weekend. Fraser specifically says" Norm
  49. The Thalia Kay was established by Zhang Yudrakpa Sondra Dark (Zhang g. you, brag ,pa Batson 'grub rags pa) (1123–1193) or Lama Zhang who founded the monastery
  50. Stereotypes. The" Biggs," he said, glorify ignorance and sloth, and, brag , about fulfilling any minor responsibility. Rock rejects the view that this

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