Examples of the the word, unconventional , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unconventional ), is the 12044 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. But it is estimated that there are also about 900 trillion cubic meters of ", unconventional ," gas such as shale gas, representing about 540 gigatons of carbon. Carbon is
  2. Just out of reach ". Though film noir is often identified with a visual style, unconventional ,within a Hollywood context, that emphasizes low-key lighting and unbalanced
  3. But not guaranteed. He also argues that if the Confederacy had fought using, unconventional ,tactics, they would have more easily been able to hold out long enough to
  4. Of barriers against hybridization. Wallace was strongly attracted to, unconventional ,ideas. His advocacy of Spiritualism and his belief in a non-material origin for
  5. Guitars played with tremolo picking, blast beat drumming, raw recording, and, unconventional , song structure. During the 1980s,a few thrash metal bands formed a prototype
  6. Army created an elite mounted infantry unit called Grey's Scouts to fight, unconventional ,actions against the rebel forces of Robert Mugabe and Joshua Promo. The horse
  7. Themes in Ayckbourn's mature plays with his childhood experience of several, unconventional ,relationships and an unhappy marriage. Cockburn attended Hillary, in the
  8. In forcing capitulation, however,one or both sides may eventually resort to, unconventional ,warfare tactics. History Formation of the state was first advocated
  9. Known outside the physics community as an exceptional teacher and colorful, unconventional ,character. During Lee A. DuBridge's tenure as Caltech's president (1946–1969
  10. A post as his assistant. The request for March stemmed from Schrödinger's, unconventional ,relationships with women: although his relations with his wife Any were good
  11. Unusual sounds or instrumental timbres through the use of non-traditional (or, unconventional ,) instruments or playing techniques. As such, bass guitarists playing
  12. To the Paris Salon. The subject was an elderly neighborhood street porter. The, unconventional ,bronze piece was not a traditional bust, but instead the head was" broken off
  13. Where he enrolled, earning achievement awards. He applied his intelligence in, unconventional ,ways, winning a contest when he was in eighth grade by finding over 4,500 words
  14. Tried to change the tactical scheme in an effort to click in with the blatantly, unconventional ,Valderrama .... that was the defining point of Valderrama's career, it was all
  15. Oil Sands (sometimes known as the Athabasca Tar sands) have estimated, unconventional ,oil reserves approximately equal to the conventional oil reserves of the rest
  16. Woman going through a nervous breakdown. He also experimented with several more, unconventional ,ways of writing plays, such as Intimate Exchanges, which has one beginning and
  17. Was inevitable that Capoeira practitioners would start using their abilities in, unconventional ,ways. Many began to use Capoeira as body guards, mercenaries,hitmen, henchmen.
  18. Use of various experimental techniques to convey its narrative in ultimately, unconventional ,ways. Footage was sped up, rapid cutting used to distance the audience from the
  19. Has also been described as a critical theorist to the extent that he was an, unconventional ,and critical sociologist; this appropriation is similarly casual, holding
  20. Construction. Wartime emergencies also spurned the creation or conversion of, unconventional ,aircraft carriers. CAM ships, like,were cargo-carrying merchant ships which
  21. Czech" became prevalent in English. " Bohemian" may also denote" a socially, unconventional ,person, especially one who is involved in the arts. " (see Bohemianism).
  22. Posthumously known as Emperor Keno, ascended before his elder brother. This, unconventional ,sequence was in accordance with an agreement made by the two brothers. Nine
  23. And capitalization Cummings's publishers and others have sometimes echoed the, unconventional ,orthography in his poetry by writing his name in lowercase and without periods
  24. Of some sort could occur within the plasma of a star, though it would be highly, unconventional , Several pre-conceived ideas about the characteristics of life outside of Earth
  25. In Vienna. Starved of supplies, money and men, Eugene was forced into, unconventional ,means against the vastly superior enemy. During a daring raid on Ceremony on the
  26. To a judgment of cultural works or academic efforts based on the behavior or, unconventional ,political beliefs of an artist, author,or musician, or the taste of an
  27. The language of sensibility asserted individual rights, sexual freedom, and, unconventional , familial relationships based only upon feeling. Furthermore, as Janet Todd
  28. He recruited talented and sometimes little-known artists whom he assembled into, unconventional ,and revealing configurations. As a performer, he was a pioneer in double bass
  29. Middle of the senior dance at Buffy's high school. Through the use of her own, unconventional ,methods, she is able to defeat Lot hos and his minions. Cast * Ben Affleck (
  30. To" paint a picture" with some of his poems. The seeds of Cummings ', unconventional ,style appear well established even in his earliest work. At age six, he wrote
  31. The Yardbirds. During their psychedelic period, The Beach Boys started to use, unconventional ,instruments and elaborate layers of vocal harmonies on their groundbreaking
  32. Market involving trust that banks have each other and forcing ECB to use, unconventional ,measures about Monetary policy. On 17 December 2010,the ECB announced that it
  33. And appealed to his background in mathematics and avant-garde storytelling. Its, unconventional ,unfolding of plot (exemplified in its mathematical layout of dialogue) and
  34. Greatest admirers, reportedly re-read Williams’s extraordinary and highly, unconventional ,history of the church, Descent of the Dove (1939),every year. Williams’s
  35. Medicine. They argued that the vast majority of studies were based on, unconventional ,understandings of physiology and disease and have shown little or no effect.
  36. Means that it has a smaller budget than traditional theaters and used more, unconventional ,performing methods. It is located in an old factory in the Os tend district. Die
  37. To take advantage of the poor position it leaves the puncher in. Another, unconventional ,punch is the rarely used" solo punch ", in which the opponent swings an arm
  38. Cali manager tried to change the scheme in an effort to click in with the, unconventional ,Valderrama, that was the defining point of Valderrama's career, it was all
  39. Realism of his first major figure — inspired by his 1875 trip to Italy — to the, unconventional ,memorials whose commissions he later sought,Rodin's reputation grew, such
  40. Armies were being outflanked in Syria. Khalid selected, instead,a short and, unconventional ,route to Syria, passing though the Syrian Desert. Although probably hyperbole
  41. Geodesic structures had disadvantages (see geodesic domes),including their, unconventional ,appearance. A spin-off of Fuller's dome-design conceptualization was the
  42. Is the rule among low-temperature superconductors but is not realized in many ", unconventional ,superconductors ", such as the" d-wave" high-temperature superconductors.
  43. Natural gas fields and two of its 100 largest oil fields. Conventional and, unconventional ,natural gas output from several Colorado basins typically account for more than
  44. Prize together with Paul Dirac. His position at Oxford did not work out; his, unconventional ,personal life (Schrödinger lived with two women) was not met with acceptance.
  45. 2–1. Briefly brought in Miguel Batista to get out Derek Peter and then in an, unconventional ,move, brought in the previous night's starter Randy Johnson, who had thrown
  46. School in North America). A 2001 survey of European universities found that, unconventional ,medicine courses are widely represented at European universities. They cover a
  47. Industry to the east of Edmonton. The Athabasca oil sands have estimated, unconventional ,oil reserves approximately equal to the conventional oil reserves of the rest
  48. He won public attention by creating small, intimate modestly scaled works in, unconventional ,media and with eccentric subject. He settled in the free imperial city
  49. Sufficient to stop it. Sometimes the hero is required to dispose of the body in, unconventional ,ways. The preferred method is to cut off the draugr's head, burn the body, and
  50. Brewery and beer garden featuring the Kuchlbauer Tower, a colorful and, unconventional ,observation tower designed by Viennese architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser.

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