Examples of the the word, innovate , in a Sentence Context
The word ( innovate ), is the 12054 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Must incessantly revolutionize the economic structure from within, that is, innovate ,with better or more effective processes and products, such as the shift from
- Biography in 1913 for the Mutual Film Corporation where Bitter continued to, innovate , perfecting existing technologies and inventing new ones. During this time he
- Components of the customer relationship, so that businesses may anticipate and, innovate ,to better serve customers, referred to as" Social CRM ". Another related
- A new psychology of evolution. To accomplish this, he needed to constantly, innovate ,and create new alarm clocks to awaken his sleeping students, as Jesus did 1900
- And security matters. This has allowed the university to move rapidly and to, innovate , focusing its new, rigorous academic program on the fundamental causes of
- Downloading files in pieces by hash from multiple peers simultaneously) but, innovate ,in the design of the server network, such as in the case of BitTorrent, which
- North Terrace campus. He hoped that the Bedford Park campus would be free to, innovate ,and not be bound by tradition. Although the Labor Party had favored the name "
- Have delivered economic self-management, they would always have been slow to, innovate ,as apathy and frustration took their inevitable toll, and they would always
- Widely in the field of Spiritual Direction (one-on-one counseling) and to, innovate ,contemporary systems to help renew a healthy spirituality in Jewish life. He
- IA languages split into Northern, Eastern,and Western divisions based on the, innovate ,characteristics such as stops becoming voiced in the Northern (Set. Danta "
- Vigorously defended itself in the public arena, arguing that its attempts to ", innovate ," were under attack by rival companies jealous at its success, and that
- The Amid ah. These are known as Taranto. The Pharisees based their authority to, innovate ,on the verses:" .... according to the word they tell you ... according to all
- To revive the pagan philosophical tradition. Platinum was not claiming to, innovate ,with the Endears, but to clarify aspects of the works of Plato that he
- Quality, competitiveness,market share, and others. All organizations can, innovate , including for example hospitals, universities,and local governments. For
- Of parecon's desirability compared to capitalism with respect to incentives to, innovate , Notably, innovation is sometimes the outcome of cumulative creativity, which
- Production to the new Waverley Works after World War II. BSA continued to, innovate ,introducing the 4-Star derailleur gear in 1949 along with an associated 4 speed
- Punta dancing is consciously competitive. Artists like Pen Caetano helped, innovate ,modern junta rock by adding guitars to the traditional music, and paved the way
- Teachers. Scientific research – whether to launch or test out new theories, to, innovate , or to pave the way for discoveries across a wide range of disciplines – became
- National identities. Business legacy American Motors was forced to constantly, innovate ,for 33 years until Chrysler absorbed it in 1987. The lessons learned from this
- Core memory, soon to be replaced by solid state memory. Even here DG managed to, innovate , packing this very small core and the corresponding support electronics onto a
- Gradually overtook judicial law making so that, today,judges are only able to, innovate ,in certain very narrowly defined areas. Time before 1189 was defined in 1276 as
- Like Tommy Dorsey, Cab Calloway, Benny Goodman, and Count Basie continued to, innovate , Big band singers, who had previously been considered instrumentalists and were
- Line; precept upon precept; until it comes into the currency of a proverb, To, innovate , is not to reform ". He argued that he was rewarded on merit but the Duke of
- As automobiles and airplanes became more common, but the CPR continued to, innovate ,in an attempt to keep ridership up. Beginning November 9,1953,the CPR
- As he preferred a stable technological footing as opposed to Chapman's need to, innovate ,and invent, but the two forged a successful partnership. Rindt's first victory
- Genre. What is undeniable is that the Romans, in comparison with the Greeks, innovate ,relatively few literary styles of their own. Satire is one of the few Roman
- Zenith Publications, under the umbrella name Atlas Comics. Atlas, rather than, innovate , took a proven route of following popular trends in television and
- Went on to have significant success in this burgeoning market. GI continued to, innovate ,in microprocessors and microcontrollers with products including the CP1600
- Endogenous-growth theory provided standard economic reasons for why firms, innovate , leading economists to think of innovation and technical change as determined
- Move into a 3-story building in St. Paul, MN. The Kluge brothers continued to, innovate , and the company still exists as of 2011. While the automatic feeder was a
- Michigan, and played football at West Texas State. As a wrestler, he helped, innovate ,the" brawling" style and was infamous for his wild and legitimately
- Release two successful albums during 1967 Are You Experienced and that, innovate ,both guitar, trio and recording techniques. *The Beatles release the seminal
- Capacity to use his skill for meticulous planning and organization, and to, innovate ,in the area of technology and tactics. Bean had been no great admirer of Monash
- Royal letters in the Close Rolls and the Patent Rolls. Walter also continued to, innovate ,in local government, as the earliest record of the coroner's rolls, or county
- Offered a research-and-development tax credit to encourage businesses to, innovate ,; a new tax credit focused on bringing jobs to the struggling North Country; and
- Country. '" Inability to trust people who are different due to failure to, innovate ,in technical OPEC Wright claims that" Much of the intelligence community is
- Approach) or users might adapt their products themselves. U-STIR, a project to, innovate ,Europe’s surface transportation system, employs such workshops. Regarding this
- Of Bell, California,to introduce his new Super Pan-9 game. Fred Wolf needed to, innovate ,new gaming structures in order to overcome the competition of the larger Los
- However, the new subsidiary, threatened with being sold off and free to, innovate , quickly spun off losing track to short lines, instituted scheduled freight
- The Cardinal's demands were too restrictive for Corneille, who attempted to, innovate ,outside the boundaries defined by Richelieu. This led to contention between
- Adoption of it. He used his clout, both professional and financial, to, innovate , new methods of reproducing audio of his performances. But NBC (and competitor
- Concord, were variations of the Hornet's platform. The company continued to, innovate ,existing designs introducing in 1979 the 4-wheel-drive AMC Eagle. The Eagle is
- Less original, and Jones in particular became determined the Pythons should, innovate , After much debate, Jones remembered an animation Gilliam had created for Do
- The least abstract, always anxious to preserve and renovate rather than to, innovate , In politics, he resembled the modern architect who would restore an old house
- Also increased choice of products. What is more, businesses in competition will, innovate ,to create new products; another benefit for consumers. Transition to a single
- Gradually overtook judicial law-making, so that today judges are only able to, innovate ,in certain very narrowly-defined areas. The year 1189 was defined in 1276 as
- Book included ephedrine, mica minerals, and linear. *1075 – the Song Chinese, innovate ,a partial decarbonization method of repeated forging of cast iron under a cold
- Higher quality. To ensure this quality in its product, the disruptor needs to, innovate , The incumbent will not do much to retain its share in a not so profitable
- In North Korea. Such repeated demands that North Koreans learn to build and, innovate ,domestically had run its course as had the ability of North Koreans to keep
- Operation Kangaroo" headbands in 1990. Even today North continues to, innovate , with the Orange sponsored Kangaroo jumper in 2001,and the introduction of an
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