Examples of the the word, gracious , in a Sentence Context
The word ( gracious ), is the 12041 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- In 1999 is inscribed:: William McGonagall: Poet and Tragedian:" I am your, gracious ,Majesty: ever faithful to Thee, : William McGonagall, the Poor Poet, : That lives
- Discourse with Nicodemus indicates that birth by water and Spirit becomes the, gracious ,means of entry into the place where God rules. Validity considerations by some
- Is not an exclusive sex manual; it presents itself as a guide to a virtuous and, gracious ,living that discusses the nature of love, family life and other aspects
- Lamented that she never had her hero for herself. Foreign ambassadors found her, gracious ,and beautiful, and she had good taste, although her character showed some
- Embrace the biblical witness to God's activity in creation, encompass God's, gracious ,self-involvement in the dramas of history, and anticipate the consummation of
- Been slain in 575. The fame of Columbus had preceded him. Gotham gave him a, gracious ,reception, inviting him to remain in his kingdom. The saint complied, and
- Part of Creon in the tragedy, and cast out this body of mine unburied. But, O, gracious , Neptune,I, for my part, while I am yet alive, arise up and depart out of this
- Wittgenstein, who found his student to be" quiet, shy,well-mannered, and, gracious , in accepting criticism. " Copland's fascination with the Russian Revolution
- And switched to Weaver, giving him the victory. Kennedy then gave a, gracious ,concession speech. The defeat was actually a boost for Kennedy's long-term
- Colleagues as maintaining“ an impenetrable dignity…formal manner, invariable, gracious , and cordial, covered shyness and a deep reserve. He had few intimates, even
- Out to right field. The younger Back commented later," If my dad had been, gracious ,enough to let Hank Aaron hit a home run, we both would have given up 756. "
- Virtually unanimous. John Stott writes that propitiation" does not make God, gracious ,... God does not love us because Christ died for us, Christ died for us because
- B; ballet: a classical type of dance;: literally" beautiful gesture ",a, gracious ,gesture, noble in form but often futile or meaningless in substance; Beaux arts
- The dynasty's rooting itself in England ", and W. H. Wilkins said her ", gracious ,and dignified personality, her lofty ideals and pure life did much to
- Else than the imitation of God, is concerned with daily conduct, with being, gracious ,and merciful, with keeping oneself from defilement by idolatry, adultery,and
- He did not know what the vision meant. He rejoiced greatly in the benign and, gracious ,expression with which he saw himself regarded by the seraph, whose beauty was
- 21, 1774. Other In spite of his failures, Abdülhamid was regarded as the most, gracious ,Sultan of the Ottomans. He administrated the fire brigade during the fire in
- A major English-speaking role). Complemented by the refined McDowell, his, gracious , generous performance is never dominating, and their exchanges offer unexpected
- Readers who appreciate the original order believe that Lewis was simply being, gracious ,to his youthful correspondent and that he could have changed the books' order
- Are a long retelling of Israel's past disobedience - but also God's, gracious ,care, leading to a long call to Israel to choose life over death and blessing
- Of Miles, a pupil of Pythagoras. Public buildings became" dignified and, gracious ,structures ", and were sited so that they related to each other architecturally
- Speech. *Action (delivery) is the final step as the speech is presented in a, gracious ,and pleasing way to the audience - the Grand Style. This work was available
- For humans, and as adults they are decorative couch potatoes with remarkably, gracious ,house-manners. Borzois should never display dominance or aggression towards
- יוחנן Standard Hebrew Johann, Tiberian Hebrew Johann meaning" Yahweh is, gracious ,", Greek: Εὐαγγελιστής Ἰωάννης) (c. 1 - c. 100 AD) is the conventional name
- From the start through names of the participants: Naomi, which means" my, gracious ,one" or" my delight," later asks to be called Mara," the bitter one "; her
- Equated" with the Eumenides (Εὐμενίδες, pl. Of Εὐμενίς; literally" the, gracious ,ones" but also translated as" Kindly Ones" ) Notes Marquess of Aberdeen and
- Voted Democratic in a general election. Nixon said that Humphrey left a, gracious ,message congratulating him, noting " I know exactly how he felt. I know how it
- Been," He hath made a remembrance of his wonderful works, being a merciful and, gracious ,Lord: He hath given food to them that fear Him. " And in this folk rhyme: From
- And pageants, most with a strong Protestant flavor. Elizabeth's open and, gracious ,responses endeared her to the spectators, who were" wonderfully ravished ".
- S. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt said that Elizabeth was" perfect as a Queen, gracious , informed, saying the right thing & kind but a little self-consciously regal ".
- The child was still alive, I fasted and wept. I thought,'Who knows? The may be, gracious ,to me and let the child live. ' But now that he is dead, why should I fast? Can
- George and Martha made a compatible marriage, because Martha was intelligent, gracious , and experienced in managing a slave plantation. Together the two raised her
- 1943 Quadrant conference in Quebec on military and political strategy; he was a, gracious ,host but was kept out of the important meetings by Winston Churchill and
- Employer, Peter Hawkins, of Peter in England. At first enticed by Dracula's, gracious ,manner, Harker soon discovers that he has become a prisoner in the castle. He
- As members of that community do individuals share in the benefits of God's, gracious ,choice. " Arminianism and other views Understanding Arminianism is aided by
- Try to bring the divided nation together. Nixon said:" I have received a very, gracious ,message from the Vice President, congratulating me for winning the election. I
- You and may the Lord cause his countenance to shine upon you. May the Lord be, gracious ,unto you and grant you peace. NIMBY was asked to read these verses as part of
- He returns unexpectedly. Although surprised to find her there, Mr Darcy appears, gracious ,and welcoming, and treats the Gardeners with great civility. Mr Darcy
- Strives for nothing in the way of smash effects, substituting instead a kind of, gracious ,and unpretentious simplicity. " The New York World-Telegram and Sun pronounced
- Orin Hatch: On the issues, we were frequent opponents, but he was always, gracious ,both in victory and defeat. This is a man who earned his law degree while
- To God alone belongs this power; or, rather,not even to God himself. For his, gracious ,gifts, it Scripture says, are irrevocable. God would not therefore reduce the
- Therefore, that only the LORD your God is God, the steadfast God who keeps His, gracious ,covenant to the thousandth generation of those who love Him and keep His
- The simplicity, tenderness and grace of the early archaic art of Santa. The, gracious ,figure in the pink and buff cloak surrounded by green aureole is emerging to
- Benchmark morality of all Xia adherents in Jiangsu is on en (恩; good-deed or, gracious ,deeds) and yuan (怨; feuds or misgiving). There is one profession within
- Without saying one word to Garland. Garland was reported not to have been very, gracious ,about Kelly's win, saying in later years," I didn't appreciate Grace Kelly
- Or making well-disposed (from Latin propitiate, to appease, from propitious, gracious ,), especially a deity, thus incurring divine favor or avoiding Divine
- In the same cave where God once appeared to Moses and revealed Himself as, gracious ,and merciful, Elijah was summoned to appear before God. By this summons he
- Devotion. Assessments Archbishop William Laud described Charles as" A mild and, gracious ,prince who knew not how to be, or how to be made, great. " Ralph Button says: "
- In. By 10:30 the next morning he was convinced that he had lost; he then sent a, gracious ,telegram of concession to Truman. The Chicago Daily Tribune, a pro-Republican
- Upperclassmen. Forbes is located on the site of the historic Princeton Inn,a, gracious ,hotel overlooking the Princeton golf course. The Princeton Inn, originally
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