Examples of the the word, hardcore , in a Sentence Context
The word ( hardcore ), is the 12046 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Life - PBS Gangsta rap is a subgenre of hip hop music that evolved from, hardcore ,hip hop and purports to reflect urban crime and the violent lifestyles of
- Such as Heresy and Unseen Terror, have emphasized the influence of American, hardcore ,punk, including Septic Death, as well as Swedish D-beat. Sore Throat cites
- Has a very dark, spooky atmosphere and heavy beats, sometimes approaching, hardcore ,rap. IV introduced more diverse sounds on the beats while maintaining the
- Pronounced effect, the string is plucked or picked first, or,in a metal or, hardcore ,punk context, a pick may be scraped along the sides of the strings. The
- And the film was rated X due to sexual content, but it was not considered, hardcore ,pornography. Plato subsequently would appear in only one more film. Personal
- Rap. IV introduced more diverse sounds on the beats while maintaining the, hardcore ,edge. The first albums are mostly influenced by psychedelic music, but the band
- Order to interest today’s cyberpunk fans, which Paula Yew claims" proves that, hardcore ,hackers, multimedia junkies, cyberpunks and cellular freaks are poised to take
- Fanboy Slim, and 1990s UK dance act 808 State, as well as naming German digital, hardcore ,band Atari Teenage Riot. The ST was later superseded by the Atari TT, Atari
- Band became increasingly disillusioned with the underground scene as well. The, hardcore ,scene, which had been a haven for free-thinking intellectuals and downtrodden
- And may return to a lower difficulty at any time. Players can also create a, hardcore ,character. In soft core, the player can resurrect their character if killed and
- Posse, Extince and Duvelduvel. Odor Posse make to what they themselves call, hardcore ,rap and use beats that have much in common with N. W. A. Their lyrics are
- Embedding of regular and special forces troops among Iraqi army units. These, hardcore ,groups were also incorporated into local neighborhood outposts in a bid to
- And Ad-Rock (Adam Horowitz) who plays the guitar. The Beastie Boys began as, hardcore ,punk band in 1979,first appearing on the compilation cassette New York Thrash
- Century-style R&B. Informal training In other less mainstream genres, such as, hardcore ,punk or metal, the pedagogical systems and training sequences are typically not
- Death metal, industrial music, noise and the more extreme varieties of, hardcore ,punk. Grind core is characterized by heavily distorted, down-tuned guitars, high
- Level embedding and integration. In tandem with mobility is the embedding of, hardcore ,counter-insurgent units or troops with local security forces and civilian
- To ensuring the club continued to play at their spiritual home. Fulham's more, hardcore ,fans are known to congregate at the back of the Hammersmith end, the
- 7" EP Polly Wog Stew at 171A studios, an early recorded example of New York, hardcore , On Friday,November 13,1982,the Beastie Boys, consisting of band members
- The increasing popularity of thrash metal and stereotypical macho" post-1982, hardcore ," which brought the group (and their genre) an audience that had little to do
- Posse's existence, the crew hasn't changed their style and are still making, hardcore ,hip hop. Later days After the first Odor Posse demo cassette they toured
- And are similar to U. S. old-school hip hop. Frontman Def-P describes it as, hardcore ,rap. In the 17 years of de Odor Posse's existence, the crew hasn't changed
- Of the movie 'Shaman ', the track 'Bastards de Barbara' is from an imaginary, hardcore ,rap band composed of Dimitri, the 'Child of the East' and Abdul Shared
- Lighten Up" and" Something's Got to Give ". The band returned to their, hardcore ,punk roots for the song" Time for Living' ", a Sly & the Family Stone cover.
- Albums. The New York rap group Run DMC is often credited with popularizing, hardcore ,and confrontational attitudes and lyrics in hip hop culture, and were one of
- Up to 3 extra floppy disk drives via an DB23F connector. Notable uses * Digital, hardcore ,group EC8OR recorded their premier title album using only an Amiga 500 and a
- An underground form of music. Characteristics Grind core relies on standard, hardcore ,punk and heavy metal instrumentation: electric guitar, bass and drums. Beyond
- Libby Roderick, Christian music singer/songwriter Lincoln Brewster, metal/post, hardcore ,band 36 Crazy fists and the groups Pamela and Portugal. The Man. There are many
- Wells. The band's music had evolved much in a short time, moving away from, hardcore ,formulas toward a more innovative jazz-informed style, featuring musicianship
- Originated from the gritty 1990s East Coast rap scene and were influenced by, hardcore ,artists such as The Notorious B. I. G, Wu-Tang Clan, and Na's. Made and Cam'Ron
- These up with equally influential (and bassline-heavy) tracks in the UK, hardcore ,style as Trunk House in 1991/1992. Another Detroit artist who was important
- Per minute (BPM) than that of early house music. This subgenre was known as ", hardcore ," rave but from as early as 1992,some musical tracks made up of these
- This co-operative group met on Sundays before the weekly CBGB Sunday, hardcore ,matinées and organized several benefit concerts. The group published a
- Siege's goal was maximum velocity:" We would listen to the fastest punk and, hardcore ,bands we could find and say, ‘ Okay, we’re gonna deliberately write something
- History Early years (1979–1983) The Beastie Boys came together in 1979 as a, hardcore ,punk band. A teenaged Adam Yauco had the idea to start an NY-Hard Core band
- By Kool G Rap in the late 1980s. It is the pseudo-Mafia extension of East Coast, hardcore ,rap, and is considered the counterpart of West Coast G-Funk rap. Mafioso rap is
- As in Britain, although this usage is mostly confined to soccer journalists and, hardcore ,fans and is not universal among either group. The digit 0,for example, when a
- Elements of British 1970s punk with the raw energy of the 1980s American, hardcore ,punk scene. Dead Kennedy's' songs mixed deliberately extreme lyrics with satire
- Called" adult cinemas ", were established, and the legal production of, hardcore ,pornographic films began. Porn films such as Deep Throat and its star Linda
- Former N. W. A member Ice Cube would further influence gangsta rap with his, hardcore , sociopolitical solo albums, which suggested the potential of gangsta rap as a
- Western Music. The Bakersfield sound Another genre of country music grew out of, hardcore ,honky took with elements of Western swing and originated north-northwest of Los
- Musician along with the now deceased Nate Dogg. Mafioso rap is a, hardcore ,hip hop sub-genre founded by Kool G Rap in the late 1980s. It is the
- Extinct, known for his easy flows, catchy songs and funky tunes, while, hardcore , performers like Westland and Odor Posse found their own niche group of fans.
- Elements such as programmed drums). Although an influential phenomenon on, hardcore ,punk and other popular genres, grindcore itself remains an underground form of
- The The L. O. X, among others, pioneered a grittier sound known as East Coast, hardcore ,hip hop. Wu-Tang Clan, B. I. G., and some Bad Boy Records artists paved the
- The player can resurrect their character if killed and resume playing, while a, hardcore ,character has only one life. If killed, the character is permanently dead and
- Siege, from Weymouth, Massachusetts,were influenced by classic American, hardcore ,(Minor Threat, Black Flag, Void ) and by British groups like Discharge, Venom
- Young Dubliners, The Tossers introduced a hybrid of Celtic rock, punk,reggae, hardcore ,and other elements in the 1990s that has become popular with Irish-American
- Stylistic change in gangsta rap (or as it is referred to on the East Coast, hardcore ,rap),as it morphed into a new subgenre of hip hop which would become even
- In San Francisco, California in 1978. The band became part of the American, hardcore ,punk movement of the early 1980s. They gained a large underground fan base in
- The most widely acknowledged precursors of the grind core sound are Siege,a, hardcore ,punk group, and Repulsion, an early death metal outfit. Siege, from Weymouth
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