Examples of the the word, pronoun , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pronoun ), is the 12035 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Singular noun," í" is used (for" she" or" it" ), as opposed to normal, pronoun ," SI "; for plural nouns," IAD" is used (for" they" or" those" ), as
  2. Vocative forms. Vestiges are present in the masculine personal interrogative, pronoun ,кой (" who" ) and in a number of phraseological units and sayings. The major
  3. Dutch: 't definite article of neuter nouns and third-person singular neuter, pronoun , 'k first-person pronoun , je second-person singular pronoun , ie third person
  4. Go to the cinema. " This example shows several features of Blissymbolics: * The, pronoun ," I" is formed of the symbol for" person" and the number 1 (the first
  5. As 很 hen (" very" ) or 不 BU (" not" ). A sentence could also simply use a, pronoun ,and a verb: for example, 我饿。 to è. " I am hungry. " Only sentences with a noun
  6. The word" is" is the copula (rhymes with the English word" hiss" ). The, pronoun ,used with the copula is different from the normal pronoun . For a masculine
  7. Qui,"" quad," and" what,"" quo," are inflected in Latin, while relative, pronoun ,in Italian for" who" and" what" is" Che" and in Corsican is uninflected
  8. Schopenhauer even went so far as to protest against the use of the, pronoun ," it" in reference to animals because it led to the treatment of them as
  9. Basic English: plural, conjugate,noun, adjective,adverb, qualifier,operator, pronoun , and directive. Criticism Like all international auxiliary languages (or IAS
  10. The spoken varieties of Chinese include the use of serial verb construction, pronoun ,dropping and the related subject dropping. Although the grammars of the spoken
  11. Transition. Noun Classical Armenian has no grammatical gender, not even in the, pronoun , The nominal inflection, however,preserves several types of inherited stem
  12. The above two examples, the formal expression uses a plural verb but a singular, pronoun , which allows speakers to distinguish the two grammatical forms. ) *Кои сте вие
  13. Hey, Margarita ') are today seen as rude *The masculine interrogative, pronoun ,кой, ( 'who' ) and all of its derivatives – these, however,are not declined
  14. From the conjugated verb. The Catalan rules for combination of the object, pronoun ,critics with verbs, articles and other pronoun s are significantly more complex
  15. Is not used when an adjective is added to the noun; here the demonstrative, pronoun ,is used instead: den store and" the big man "," the big house ", det store
  16. Some sort of – no sort of" — Note: the subject of the sentence is simply the, pronoun ," Maya" ( lit. " This one here "; colloq. " She" ). Similar" meaningless "
  17. An independent pronoun (hind et cetera, etymologically corresponding to German, pronoun ,Jenner). Since the nouns also were fully declined, this lead to" double
  18. Said the primary goal of his actions as president (he used the first person, pronoun ,and explicitly refers to his" official duty" ) was preserving the Union:
  19. And prepositional objects or possession of nouns. The first-person singular, pronoun ,has a different enclitic form used for verbs (/-NI/) and for nouns or
  20. Of neuter nouns and third-person singular neuter pronoun ,'k first person, pronoun , JE second-person singular pronoun , ie third-person masculine singular pronoun
  21. Singular noun," é" is used (for" he" or" it" ), as opposed to the normal, pronoun ," SE "; for a feminine singular noun," í" is used (for" she" or" it" )
  22. Word" hiss" ). The pronoun used with the copula is different from the normal, pronoun , For a masculine singular noun," é" is used (for" he" or" it" ), as
  23. Gender, case,and number, and were slightly abbreviated forms of an independent, pronoun ,(hind et cetera, etymologically corresponding to German pronoun Jenner). Since
  24. Bi-" come with "; SAF" see "; yes" what" ( or similar); ill" ( relative, pronoun ,) ". Dialect groups The major dialect groups are: Egyptian Arabic * Egyptian
  25. Set of affixes and the full set of forms allowed for any available word (noun, pronoun , or the limited set of verbs). The 850 core words of Basic English are found
  26. Wishes to emphasize that the individuals are acting separately, a plural, pronoun ,may be employed with a singular or plural verb: the team takes their seats or
  27. Pronoun, je second-person singular pronoun , ie third-person masculine singular, pronoun , he third-person plural pronoun * Plautdietsch:" Day'a't Vonda? ":" Will
  28. Or conjugated) prepositions. A preposition combines with a personal, pronoun ,to give a separate word form. For example, gans (with, by ) + my (me) →
  29. It is not required in some situations, for example when an indirect object, pronoun ,comes before a direct object noun, for example,I'll write her a letter). In
  30. Cannot be deleted. If the present copula is omitted, the following, pronoun ,é, í,IAD preceding the noun is omitted as well. Essence versus state Romance
  31. Nouns," IAD" is used (for" they" or" those" ), as opposed to the normal, pronoun ," SIAD ". To describe non-permanent states," to be" is used, e. g., Tá me AG
  32. Period, when the accusative and dative pronoun s merged into a single objective, pronoun ,used in both roles. This merging of accusative and dative functionality in
  33. Had implications for some grammatical constructions: *The third-person plural, pronoun ,and its derivatives. Before 1945 the pronoun " they" was spelled (Te),and
  34. In English). Fine, a true accusative masculine third-person singular, pronoun , is attested in some northern English dialects as late as the 19th century.
  35. Of); Nikki (no sort of); vsyakakuv (every sort of); and the relative, pronoun ,auto (the sort of ... that ...). The adjective Edna (" the same" )
  36. Tě) –" they" became те (the),the same as the second person direct object, pronoun ,те –" you ". In spite of the literary norm regarding the at vowel, many
  37. Or the genitive, except for personal pronoun s and the personal interrogative, pronoun ,KDKA/ken, which have a special accusative form ending in -t. The major new
  38. The third-person plural pronoun and its derivatives. Before 1945 the, pronoun ," they" was spelled (Te),and its derivatives took this as the root. After
  39. Completely accept the explanation, proposing that 是 served as a demonstrative, pronoun ,and a copula at the same time in ancient Chinese. Etymologically, 是 developed
  40. Which it was constructed as" it" +" me" ( the dative case of the personal, pronoun ,) +" thinks" ( i.e.," seems ", < Old English Taycan," to seem ", a verb
  41. Singular neuter pronoun ,'k first-person pronoun , je second-person singular, pronoun , i.e. third-person masculine singular pronoun , ze third-person plural pronoun *
  42. And its derivatives took this as the root. After the orthographic change,the, pronoun ,and its derivatives were given an equal share of soft and hard spellings:
  43. Familiar persons—informal masculine and feminine second-person singular. The, pronoun ,hi is used for both of them, but where the masculine form of the verb uses a -k
  44. Aramaic dialects do not pronoun ce h in all words (the third-person masculine, pronoun ,'HU' becomes 'ow' ). # Proto-Semitic */θ/ */ð/ are reflected in Aramaic as
  45. In the Romance languages, the articles and direct and indirect object personal, pronoun ,forms are critics. In Spanish, for example: According to most criteria, in fact
  46. Subject. Before the Han Dynasty, the character served as a demonstrative, pronoun ,meaning" this" ( this usage survives in some idioms and proverbs, as well as
  47. To the beginning of sentences if it is long and is followed by a presumptive, pronoun , Verbs and nouns are negated by the particle n, but in is used for adverbial
  48. Cf. Spanish fewer pan but French JE vex Du pain),it does have a partitive, pronoun , like in Gallo-Romance languages: Jo en tin tree 'I have three of them' (
  49. Pronoun, ie third-person masculine singular pronoun , ze third-person plural, pronoun ,* Plautdietsch:" Day'a't Vonda? ":" Will he do it today? " *Gothic:
  50. But lost in Corsican, which has Bette/Etta," to put. " The Latin relative, pronoun ," who,"" quit,"" quad," and" what,"" quo," are inflected in Latin

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