Examples of the the word, fasten , in a Sentence Context
The word ( fasten ), is the 12045 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- And an improvement was made by forming them with teeth, or " flukes ", to, fasten , themselves into the bottom. Admiralty Pattern The Admiralty Pattern," A. P. "
- The film was responsible for copycat violence. Quoting Kubrick:" To try and, fasten ,any responsibility on art as the cause of life seems to me to put the case the
- Ring, or hærder, on a green background. It was made of wood and was used to, fasten ,a tree trunk to a rope in order to haul it over the land. Similar devices were
- Then folded across the front, with the ends of the sleeves wrapping around to, fasten ,or tie behind the back. On some jackets, the sleeve-ends are not anchored to
- By each player, most halls have the players sit at tables to which they often, fasten ,their cards with adhesive tape. To mark cards faster the players usually use
- Drywall - a specialty blued-steel nail with a thin broad head used to, fasten ,gypsum wallboard to wooden framing members * Finish - a wire nail that has a
- Tyrant is at bay at Duns inane, Caithness sees him as a man trying in vain to, fasten ,a large garment on him with too small a belt:" He cannot buckle his distemper
- Chanters) in various combinations, held in place in stocks—connectors that, fasten ,the various pipes to the bag. Air supply The most common method of supplying
- That is made by local jewelers in different shapes and sizes and is used to, fasten ,the two parts of the dress together over the chest. In ancient times
- Debut album. A paper clip (or sometimes paperclip) is an instrument used to, fasten ,sheets of paper together usually made of steel wire bent to a looped shape.
- Black bow ties, and low-cut waistcoats, while others feature high collars that, fasten ,around the neck and corresponding high-gorge waistcoats. Red Sea Rig In
- Craftsman shapes it with his chisel. 4 They adorn it with silver and gold; they, fasten ,it with hammer and nails, so it will not totter. 5 Like a scarecrow in a melon
- Embassy; in French it is also the past participle of the verb attached (= to, fasten , to tighten, to be linked); Antique AU Fer: An attack on the opponent's blade
- Complexities, trying to skip whole layers or levels of theory in their rush to, fasten ,everything securely and neatly to the foundation. " Using the terminology of "
- China. It is established to develop export-oriented economy in Zhangjiagang and, fasten ,the links between the Chinese market and the international market. The zone
- To ring the fire bell while everyone else near the fire ran to the hose cart to, fasten ,the hose to the nearest hydrant. When the fire bell rang, firemen from every
- Agreement, promise,oath" etc. Pokorny's interpretation also supports" to, fasten , strengthen ", which may be found in Latin media" city wall, fortification "
- Call booking is done via GPS or digital voice dispatch. All passengers must, fasten ,their seat belts by law. Most taxis run on diesel fuel. Daily trips: about
- Disadvantages. Motorists who would normally wear seat belts must still, fasten ,the manual lap belt, thus rendering redundant the automation of the shoulder
- Being the normal length. They may have an attached hood, and may cover and, fasten ,down the front, in which case they have holes or slits for the hands to pass
- Ochre is used in similar ways in less-secret ceremonies. Blood is also used to, fasten ,the feathers of birds onto people's bodies. Bird feathers contain a protein
- Many cars) must be tightened progressively and evenly. The use of air tools to, fasten ,lug nuts is awful practice, unless a torque tube is also used. The
- One in the middle of the breast and the other in the middle of the back, and to, fasten ,them there with pins, the gallium thus becoming Y-shaped. A further development
- And may damage an eyepiece filter and cause immediate eye damage. Securely, fasten ,the filter and ensure that attached auxiliary devices such as spotter scopes
- Admitted in his diary of the time to" lusts ... so masterly as no good could, fasten ,upon me. " Biographer Francis Bremen suggests that Winthrop's need to control
- The name of Hellenes; though a long time elapsed before that name could, fasten ,itself upon all. " He regards the Athenians as having lived in scattered
- The line. The bowline is commonly used in sailing small craft, for example to, fasten ,a halyard to the head of a sail or to tie a jib sheet to a clew of a jib. The
- He enters new fields. We can only hope that Truth will follow swiftly enough to, fasten ,the label 'Liar' to his genteel coat-tails. " On the other hand, this outlook
- The reel only slowly and gradually, as when the occupant extends the belt to, fasten ,it. A sudden rapid pull of the belt — as in a sudden braking or collision event
- In musical instruments, particularly woodwind instruments, where it is used to, fasten ,together segments of the instrument, making the seams airtight. Conducting
- Thus rendering redundant the automation of the shoulder belt. Those who do not, fasten ,the lap belt wind up inadequately protected by only the shoulder belt; in a
- The common names 'shark sucker' and 'whale sucker' ). Smaller records also, fasten ,onto fish like tuna and swordfish, and some small records travel in the mouths
- Grommets under each armpit for ventilation, a metal hook under the collar to, fasten ,the top of the opening, and snap-down collar so the tips won't blow around
- On the dashboard and a buzzer or chime reminding the driver and passengers to, fasten ,their belts. Originally, these lights were accompanied by a warning buzzer
- The jacket, gimmicked jackets intended for stage magic tend to omit arm loops, fasten ,with simpler types of buckles, or leave hidden openings in the sleeves. Safety
- Ezekiel (, Y'he'Del, )," God will strengthen" ( from, ḥazaq, literally " to, fasten ,upon ", figuratively " strong ", and,El, literally " strength ", figuratively
- Are absent in other related words. Other examples include the ‹ t › in fast and, fasten , and the ‹ h › in heir and inherit. Another example includes words like mean
- With full-rotation bindings. A series of straps, usually three, are used to, fasten ,the foot to the snowshoe. Some styles of binding use a cup for the toe. It is
- Eight KAL paper cups, shoes,sandals, and sneakers, a camera case, a " please, fasten ,seat belt" sign, an oxygen mask, a purse, a bottle of dish washing fluid
- Thematic, It is a derivation from Proto-Indo-Iranian root *dear- (" to, fasten , to support, to hold" ), in turn reflecting Proto-Indo-European root *deer- (
- When full they Secure the open part with the fish Skins across which they, fasten ,tho the loops of the basket that part very Securely, and then on a Dry
- Some wood along with the old glue. ) Weaker, diluted glue is usually used to, fasten ,the top to the ribs, and the nut to the fingerboard, since common repairs
- Have been changed to match current styles and textile needs. Cloaks generally, fasten ,at the neck or over the shoulder, vary in length, from hip all the way down to
- Latin words related to census are census 'wedge' and its derivative cure 'to, fasten ,with a wedge ', ( figurative) " to squeeze in ", leading to English words such
- Company, oft on been Oder Meir Persephone, Grichen perfume AUF den Plate, fasten ,Menander BEI den Hen den, machten linen run den Eras UND taken blade hinder
- The arms from being raised over the head. Friction buckles are commonly used to, fasten ,institutional jackets with webbing or cloth straps because they are very
- Night and as they are leaving they cut the thongs on the Adlet's sledges that, fasten ,the crossbars to the runners. The dogs start barking, but as the Adler mount
- Or to a tailpiece below the bridge. There were two ways of tuning: one was to, fasten ,the strings to pegs which might be turned; the other was to change the place of
- There was so much going on that the perplexed ear knew not where to turn or, fasten ,itself. " Denigration of Tippet reached a climax with the first production of
- The chime until the driver (and sometimes the front passenger, if present), fasten , their seatbelts. Legislation Observational studies of car crash morbidity and
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