Examples of the the word, wasp , in a Sentence Context
The word ( wasp ), is the 12047 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Able to develop a highly specialized relationship with some specific animal (a, wasp , for example). Such a relationship, with a hypothetical wasp carrying pollen
- Of specialization in both the plant (s) and their partners. Note that the, wasp ,example is not incidental; bees, which,it is postulated, evolved specifically
- Use of paralysis in the natural world is the behavior of some species of, wasp , To complete the reproductive cycle, the female wasp paralyzes a prey item such
- Of the American Museum of Natural History in New York, introducing the gall, wasp ,to the scientific community and laying out its phylogeny. Of the more than 18
- Of Gulliver from Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels, ( 2) ESP, Latin for ", wasp ," a reference to the stinging heel spurs, and (3) IAN from Lilliputian, one
- Episode .... The rediscovered section describes Alice's encounter with a, wasp ,wearing a yellow wig, and includes a full previously unpublished poem. If
- The absence of capricious or fig wasp s. There is typically only one species of, wasp ,capable of fertilizing the flowers of each species of fig, and therefore
- Diploid males are known to be produced by inbreeding in many ant, bee and, wasp ,species. One consequence of haplodiploidy is that females on average actually
- But not in the female meconiums because the female flower is too long for the, wasp ,to successfully lay her eggs in them. Nonetheless, the wasp pollinates the
- For the next generation of wasp s. This accounts for the frequent presence of, wasp ,larvae in the fruit, and has led to a coevolutionary relationship. Technically
- Tube: the prime suspect is a species called the black and yellow mud dauber, wasp ,), Northwest Airlines Flight 6231,Proper Flight 603 (blocked static port)
- Snake, scorpion,jellyfish, wasp ) *Defense (bee, ant,termite, honeybee, wasp , poison dart frog) Some of the more well known types of biotoxins include:
- Number of bee and wasp species including the large Eugenia caterpillar hunting, wasp , Delta dimiatipenne and the striking blue banded bee, ( America environs).
- Clearwing moths) have a general appearance that is sufficiently similar to a, wasp ,or hornet to make it likely that the moths gain a reduction in predation by
- Are found on the body of a box jellyfish. One member of this family, the sea, wasp , Chiron flicker, is " claimed to be the most venomous marine animal known,"
- Stop the decline of bees. Evolution Bees, like ants, are a specialized form of, wasp , The ancestors of bees were wasp s in the family Crabronidae, and therefore
- Lewis Carroll decided to suppress a scene involving what was described as" a, wasp ,in a wig" ( possibly a play on the commonplace expression" bee in the bonnet
- Their unique inflorescence and distinctive pollination syndrome, which utilizes, wasp ,species belonging to the Agonize family for pollination. The specific
- Means of the visitor. None of these examples is quite as remarkable as the, wasp ,genus Megarhyssa, the females of which have a slender visitor (Barbra)
- And reproductive behavior evidence, such as the correspondence between fig and, wasp ,larvae maturation rates, have been cited as support for this hypothesis for
- In the female produces the pheromones. An example is that of the polka-dot, wasp ,moth (Syntomeida replies),which produce sounds with a frequency above that
- Cycles perhaps developed as a response to predators, such as the cicada killer, wasp ,and praying mantis. A predator with a shorter life cycle of at least two years
- S. Gilbert:: There was an old man of St. Bees, : Who was stung in the arm by a, wasp ,;: When they asked," Does it hurt? ": He replied," No, it doesn't, : But I
- This is an example of mutualism, in which each organism (fig plant and fig, wasp ,) benefit each other, in this case reproductively. The intimate association
- Species that pose a significant threat to native species include the European, wasp , the red fire ant, the yellow crazy ant and feral honeybees which compete with
- Visitors and were partially covered with pollen when they were fed to the, wasp ,larvae. This same evolutionary scenario has also occurred within the respond
- Symbiosis, bacteria living in the guts of insects and other organisms, the fig, wasp ,and yucca moth pollination complex, lichens with fungi and photosynthetic algae
- Have two primary functions: *Predation (spider, snake,scorpion, jellyfish, wasp , ) *Defense (bee, ant,termite, honeybee, wasp , poison dart frog) Some of the
- Animal (a wasp , for example). Such a relationship, with a hypothetical, wasp ,carrying pollen from one plant to another much the way fig wasp s do today
- Be found. The islands sand dunes and shoreline are home to a number of bee and, wasp ,species including the large Eugenia caterpillar hunting wasp , Delta
- Spitting. * Topical tobacco paste is sometimes recommended as a treatment for, wasp , hornet, fire ant, scorpion,and bee stings. An amount equivalent to the
- Head caress ", kusula → casual" youngest child ", marimbondo" tropical, wasp ,", and subangular → singular" to dance like a wizard ". Finally, it has
- Fig trees (otherwise, the trees would suffer). But why shouldn't anyone fig, wasp ,cheat and leave a few more eggs than her rivals? At the level of human society
- Onto one of many shelves in a 'catacomb ', to form the food-stock for the, wasp ,grub that grows out of the egg deposited there. Symbolism In France, the cicada
- Biocontrol-cotton polistes- wasp . JPG|Natural biocontrol: predatory Polishes, wasp ,looking for boll worms or other caterpillars on cotton plant in Hemingway, South
- Pollinates the flower with pollen from the CARITIG it grew up in. When the, wasp ,dies, it is broken down by enzymes (Fiction) inside the fig. Fig wasp s are not
- Cheap preparation can introduce undesirable amounts of heavy metals. The" sea, wasp ," Chiron flicker has been described as the world's most venomous animal and
- Fungal or algal spore). ZZX, a location in California, and fuzzy, a type of, wasp , consist of only the last three letters of the alphabet. Typewriter words The
- And Termitopone) while a few Cerapachyinae prey on other ants. The tropical, wasp ,Mischocyttarus present coats the pedicle of its nest with an ant-repellant
- Pests; two South American natural enemies Apoanagyrus Lopez (a parasitic, wasp ,) and Typhlodromalus trip (a predatory mite) were found to effectively
- Their mating flights in order to begin their colonies. Therefore, unlike their, wasp ,ancestors, most ants travel by walking. Some species are capable of leaping.
- Trees come down in a strong gale. Oak apples are galls on oaks made by the gall, wasp , The female Hermes scale causes galls to grow on Hermes oak. Oaks are used as
- Is too long for the wasp to successfully lay her eggs in them. Nonetheless,the, wasp ,pollinates the flower with pollen from the CARITIG it grew up in. When the
- Case reproductively. The intimate association between fig species and their, wasp ,pollinators, along with the high incidence of a one-to-one plant-pollinator
- Is a white cover with comic writing:" Stephen King" " The Shining" with a, wasp ,in the lower-right corner. Background After writing Carrie and Salem's Lot
- Is the biggest enemy of cicadas. Another known predator is the cicada killer, wasp , In eastern Australia, the native freshwater fish Australian bass are keen
- Do you know what this theories? ": Her aunt, with a gasp, : Replied:" It's a, wasp ,: And you're holding the end where the Menzies. " The limerick form is so
- Reproduction by a single recessive locus has also been found in the parasitic, wasp ,Lysiphlebus fab arum. Examples in animals There are examples of parthenogenesis
- Of some species of wasp . To complete the reproductive cycle, the female, wasp ,paralyzes a prey item such as a grasshopper and places it in her nest. She then
- Be caught on baits as diverse as cheese, sweetcorn,bread, earthworms,and, wasp ,larvae. A low Earth orbit (LEO) is generally defined as an orbit within the
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