Examples of the the word, rosemary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rosemary ), is the 12038 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A promising cancer chemo prevention and anti-cancer agent. A study found that, rosemary ," produced a significant enhancement of performance for overall quality of
  2. Rue (macho and hem bra, that is," male" and" female" ), mallow, rosemary , passion flower, bira bird, palán plan, muña Luna, to mention only the main
  3. And if placed outside the home it would repel witches. Somehow, the use of, rosemary ,in the garden to repel witches turned into signification that the woman ruled
  4. Rosemary’s use as a love charm was that a young person would tap another with a, rosemary ,sprig and if the sprig contained an open flower, it was said that the couple
  5. Of the mint family Lauraceae, which also includes many other herbs. The name, rosemary ,derives from the Latin name, which is from" dew" ( ROS) and" sea" (
  6. And sauce recipes Bread Common pizza recipes *Focaccia all Rosario - based on, rosemary ,and olive oil, sometimes served with prosciutto. Usually served as appetizer
  7. In all parts and include many widely used culinary herbs, such as basil, mint, rosemary , sage, savory,marjoram, oregano,thyme, lavender,and perilla. Some are shrubs
  8. Limbs" and to treat gout. It was used externally and prepared by mixing fresh, rosemary ,tops into spirits of wine. Don Quixote (Chapter XVII,1st volume) mixes it in
  9. To stop it getting straggly and unsightly, though when grown in a garden, rosemary ,can grow quite large and still be attractive. It can be propagated from an
  10. With a fine flour, salt dough with yeast and olive oil *Pan DI Merino - a, rosemary ,bread seasoned with sugar and salt. The bread was originally served during Holy
  11. Of Commerce) * Pesto di Modena - cured pork back fat pounded with garlic, rosemary ,and Parmigiano-Reggiano used to fill Burleigh and baked presenting Tuscany
  12. Herbs, including most of the more common cooking herbs, including basil, rosemary , sage, oregano,and catnip. As an English colloquial term, any small
  13. Containing rosemary have been reported. Recent European research has shown, rosemary ,interferes with the absorption of iron in the diet, which indicates it should
  14. May have some anticarcinogenic properties. A study where a powdered form of, rosemary ,was given to rats in a measured amount for two weeks showed a reduction in the
  15. Potential medicinal use The results of a study suggest carbolic acid, found in, rosemary , may shield the brain from free radicals, lowering the risk of strokes and
  16. Omen for the union and family. In ‘ A Modern Herbal ’, Mrs Grieves says“ A, rosemary ,branch, richly gilded and tied with silken bands of all colors, was also
  17. Production could be profitable and sustainable. Potential side effects When, rosemary ,is harvested appropriately and used within recommended guidelines, side effects
  18. On Good Friday *Standalone - made with sweet chestnut flour and strewn with, rosemary ,leaves *Pan Marko - equal parts wheat and maize flour, with pine nuts and
  19. Rosemary evolved into a love charm. Newly-wed couples would plant a branch of, rosemary ,on their wedding day. If the branch grew, it was a good omen for the union and
  20. This practice became a bone of contention; and men were known to rip up, rosemary ,bushes to show that they, not their wives, ruled the roost. Potential medicinal
  21. There is a market for rosemary antioxidants, and under the right conditions, rosemary ,production could be profitable and sustainable. Potential side effects When
  22. Curative vibrations for illness. It was believed that placing a sprig of, rosemary ,under a pillow before sleep would repel nightmares, and if placed outside the
  23. A rosemary headpiece and the groom and wedding guests would all wear a sprig of, rosemary , and from this association with weddings, rosemary evolved into a love charm.
  24. Cyclamen, hyacinth,iris and ivy, lavender,lilies, myrtle,narcissus, poppy, rosemary , and violet. The beds of flowers were popular in the courtyards of the rich
  25. Ages, rosemary was associated with wedding ceremonies - the bride would wear a, rosemary ,headpiece and the groom and wedding guests would all wear a sprig of rosemary
  26. Vary by region, and include Fleur de SEL, herbes de Provence, tarragon, rosemary , marjoram, lavender,thyme, fennel,and sage. Fresh fruit and vegetables, as
  27. On Good Friday *Standalone - made with sweet chestnut flour and strewn with, rosemary ,leaves *Pan Marko - equal parts wheat and maize flour, with pine nuts and
  28. this medicinal use of rosemary is currently small, but there is a market for, rosemary ,antioxidants, and under the right conditions, rosemary production could be
  29. Rosmarinic acid. Other bioactive compounds include camphor (up to 20 % in dry, rosemary ,leaves),caffeine acid, ursolic acid, betulinic acid, rosmaridiphenol, and
  30. Signification that the woman ruled the household in homes and gardens where, rosemary ,grew abundantly. By the 16th century, this practice became a bone of contention
  31. Born of Ouranos's semen. Today, the goddess Aphrodite is associated with, rosemary , as is the Virgin Mary, who was supposed to have spread her cloak over a
  32. Would all wear a sprig of rosemary , and from this association with weddings, rosemary ,evolved into a love charm. Newly-wed couples would plant a branch of rosemary
  33. Closely related to soil moisture content. The market for this medicinal use of, rosemary ,is currently small, but there is a market for rosemary antioxidants, and under
  34. 5. ) One modern study lends some credence to this reputation. When the smell of, rosemary ,was pumped into cubicles where people were working, those people showed
  35. Pink, purple,or blue. Mythology Coming from the Latin words ROS Marines, rosemary ,translates into dew of the sea. It was said to be draped around Aphrodite when
  36. A few instances of allergic skin reactions to topical preparations containing, rosemary ,have been reported. Recent European research has shown rosemary interferes with
  37. And sauce recipes Bread Common pizza recipes *Focaccia all Rosario - based on, rosemary ,and olive oil, sometimes served with prosciutto. Usually served as appetizer
  38. Bacon and Pecorino cheese * Hugo DI castrate - mutton sauce made with onion, rosemary , bacon, white wine, and tomatoes * Mozzarella all afferent - mini
  39. People showed improved memory, though with slower recall. In the Middle Ages, rosemary ,was associated with wedding ceremonies - the bride would wear a rosemary
  40. Critical. Crete has a rich variety of indigenous herbs including common sage, rosemary , thyme, and oregano. Rare herbs include Cretan distant. Settlements
  41. Psyllium, garden sage, and a number of table herbs such as mint, basil,and, rosemary , Characteristics Species in this order typically have the following
  42. Of remembrance for the dead. In Shakespeare's Hamlet, Ophelia says," There's, rosemary , that's for remembrance. " (Hamlet, iv. 5. ) One modern study lends some
  43. Of Commerce) * Pesto di Modena - cured pork back fat pounded with garlic, rosemary ,and Parmigiano-Reggiano used to fill Burleigh and baked presenting Tuscany
  44. Palermitana - tuna Palermo-style; tuna marinated in white wine, lemon,garlic, rosemary ,and broiled, then served with pan-seared sardines * IL Kimball del gattopardo
  45. Virgin Mary, who was supposed to have spread her cloak over a white-blossomed, rosemary ,bush when she was resting; according to legend, the flowers turned blue, the
  46. Biology. Natural food preservation Naturally occurring substances such as salt, rosemary ,extract, sugar,vinegar, alcohol,hops, and diatomaceous earth are also used as
  47. Palermitana - tuna Palermo-style; tuna marinated in white wine, lemon,garlic, rosemary ,and broiled, then served with pan-seared sardines * IL Kimball del gattopardo
  48. With a fine flour, salt dough with yeast and olive oil *Pan DI Merino - a, rosemary ,bread seasoned with sugar and salt. The bread was originally served during Holy
  49. Bianca refers to a type of bread topped with olive oil, salt and, occasionally, rosemary , sprigs. It is also a Roman style to bottom the white pizza with figs, the

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