Examples of the the word, demolition , in a Sentence Context
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- Applications, RDX is also used in controlled demolition to raze structures. The, demolition ,of the Jamestown Bridge in the US state of Rhode Island is one example where
- Cost of money, insurance,maintenance, refurbishment,and ultimately, demolition ,and associated disposal, recycling,and replacement, less the value of scrap
- To George Hills, there are no primary sources that could explain whether such a, demolition ,was requested or authorized by any Spanish or British authority. According to
- Of German tradition were ignored or regarded as" Prussian barbarism" worth of, demolition ,while Flemish-Dutch, Italian and French influences were emphasized. Boosted by
- Over time, three different theories have emerged: (a) Campbell ordered the, demolition ,on his own authority (b) under instructions from the British Government (c)
- And dome of Sent'Andrea Dell Rate by his rival, Borromini, and also the, demolition ,of the chapel that he, Bernini,had designed at the Colegio di Propaganda FIDE
- License Board requires both an asbestos certification (ASB) and a, demolition ,classification (C-21) in order to perform Fire and Water Restoration work.
- Including a low interest council Heritage Loans Scheme. And the prevention of, demolition ,by neglect discouraged by council policies. Since the 1970s,the local council
- Route between Dachau and Schleißheim. The building material recovered from the, demolition ,of three wings of the Dachau castle was transported to Schleißheim this way. By
- A-frame crane and winch attached to the front of the turret, and an M135 165 mm, demolition , gun. Commonly fitted with the D7 bulldozer blade, or a mine-clearing equipment.
- A very important role. The center of Athens was largely rebuilt, leading to the, demolition ,of a number of neoclassical buildings. The architects of this era employed
- Must be free of trash, wood,paper and other such materials, is collected from, demolition ,sites and put through a crushing machine, often along with asphalt, bricks and
- Greek fire by the Byzantines, which was used to set enemy fleets on fire. Empty, demolition ,ships utilized the tactic to crash into opposing ships and set it afire with an
- The Shiv Sent then no one would have been able to control the Muslims after the, demolition ,of the mosque. However, in an interview in 1998,he claims to have tempered his
- Old park would have caused a significant outcry (as did the closure and later, demolition ,of Tiger Stadium that same year after decades of grassroots efforts to try to
- Show. Some buses meet a destructive end by being entered in banger races or at, demolition ,derbies. Much old retired buses have also been converted into mobile holiday
- Of the Trimurti of the Hindu Pantheon). The communal riots that followed the, demolition ,of the mosque led to nearly 1000 deaths and many inquiry committees
- College. By 1991,the site was nearly empty, and the buildings were at risk of, demolition ,for redevelopment. On 10 February 1992,Milton Keynes Borough Council declared
- Blow the forts up. Such a task was carried out on 14 February together with the, demolition ,of the rest of the fortifications of the Spanish Lines.: (According to George
- Relevant taxes. In the 11th century, the Fatimid caliph al-Hakim ordered the, demolition ,of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. When non-Muslim houses of
- Concrete by unscrupulous makers. Dust from rubble or broken concrete upon, demolition ,or crumbling may cause serious health concerns depending also on what had been
- Dose is approximately 20 grams of ash. Scrap CCA lumber from construction and, demolition ,sites may be inadvertently used in commercial and domestic fires. Protocols for
- Uses Dynamite is mainly used in the mining, quarrying,construction, and, demolition , industries,and it has had some historical usage in warfare. However the
- The story concerns a reunion in a crumbling Broadway theater, scheduled for, demolition , of the past performers of the" Weismann's Follies," a musical revue (based
- Of facilities, Simmons Middle school will be significantly remodeled with the, demolition ,of the original 1929 building and the addition of a new classroom and cafeteria
- As was the former East German parliament building, the Palest her Republic, demolition ,of which began in February 2006 and has been completed. The reconstruction of
- Project, fined the owners for many infractions of building codes, ordered the, demolition ,of aspects exceeding the height standard for the city. The Encyclopedia of
- Governor, Cardinal Cisneros, ordered family lands to be confiscated,the, demolition ,of the outer wall, the gates and two towers of the family castle, the moat was
- Heavily on Sherman dozens. *M4 Dewitt: Engineer Corps' Sherman dozen with, demolition ,charge on wooden platform and T40 Whizzbang rocket launcher (the Dewitt did not
- These were built upon the site of the second set of city walls following their, demolition , Metro line 2 runs under much of these. On the eastern side of the city, the
- The book stacks in the central courtyard of the museum empty, the process of, demolition ,for Lord Foster's glass-roofed Great Court could begin. The Great Court
- Also for the story that the victorious Spartan generals, having planned the, demolition ,of Athens and the enslavement of its people, grew merciful after being
- Plato; visit Ave bury, Silbury and Coventry Cathedral; spend a lot of time with, demolition ,gangs on slum clearance sites; and listen to the whole of Britten's War
- In the concrete) to be sure they were safe, so the engineers recommended, demolition , However, demolishing these historic structures required considerably more
- Etc. Outside military applications, RDX is also used in controlled, demolition ,to raze structures. The demolition of the Jamestown Bridge in the US state of
- About the demolition caused by the restructuring of the city. As a result,the, demolition ,was stopped, and the highway was never built, with only the metro being
- Likely features include a large dozen blade or mine plows, a large caliber, demolition ,cannon, augers,winches, excavator arms and cranes or lifting booms. These
- Demolished in the 1950s and 1960s in both West and East Berlin. Much of this, demolition ,was initiated by municipal architecture programs to build new residential or
- Last of the ancient skyscrapers, the Empire State Building, is even now under, demolition ,in C. E. 2106! ". * David Macaulay's 1980 illustrated book Building depicts
- Who planned to demolish the mansion and build a housing estate. Before the, demolition ,could take place, Admiral Sir Hugh Sinclair (Director of Naval Intelligence
- Are used mainly for this purpose. Recycled aggregates (from construction, demolition ,and excavation waste) are increasingly used as partial replacements of natural
- Notes both Shah Japan and Aurangzeb's distaste for Christians. This led to the, demolition ,of Christian settlements near the British/European Factories and enslavement of
- At Okinawa the preliminary shelling was superb. Frogmen performing underwater, demolition ,at Two Jim confused the enemy by sweeping both coasts, but later alerted
- From 3,000 to 9,000 meters per second. They are normally employed in mining, demolition , and military applications. They can be divided into two explosives classes
- In the 1990s to play a series of charity concerts to save the school from, demolition , Stories have been told about the very young Chest who, when a friend or
- At Whitfield, have been demolished since the 1990s or are scheduled for future, demolition , Climate The climate, as is the case with the rest of North-West Europe is
- Venue used by a professional sports team in the United States since the 1991, demolition , of Mickey Park in Chicago. Because of the ballpark's age and constrained
- Bookmarks riots) broke out, where people expressed their fury about the, demolition ,caused by the restructuring of the city. As a result, the demolition was
- Was moved from Montgomery Street to North Main Street in 1971 to prevent its, demolition , Beaver Meadow Golf Course, located in the northern part of Concord, is the
- Most adapted with modifications, the base unit being the ARE carrying a large, demolition ,gun. M4 Sherman *Dozen: The bulldozer blade was a valuable battlefield tool on
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