Examples of the the word, fray , in a Sentence Context
The word ( fray ), is the 12056 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Of South Vietnamese forces, and determine whether U. S. would return to the, fray , On 13 December 1974,North Vietnamese forces attacked Route 14 in Hoc Long
- Degrees from two Roman Catholic colleges. Graham tried to remain above the, fray , but members of his staff openly accused Jones of jealousy on the grounds that
- Throughout the fight, which never let down in its intensity during the whole, fray , Chick took the aggressive, with the Count playing along easily and, on the
- But since the outlook for his party was dire, he felt duty-bound to join the, fray , His campaign manager Austin again relied on Garfield's appointees to man
- Match. After the first round, the 15 winners advance and the top seed joins the, fray , Most tournaments do not fence off for 3rd place, so the losers of the
- Roman reinforcements out of hiding; when the Romans attempted to enter the, fray , they were revealed by a Federation tachyon blockade, and the Dumas family
- In 1936. A hunter was killed when he tried to rescue his two dogs from a heated, fray , Other suggested causes for erratic and dangerous kangaroo behavior include
- As, in biographer Stephen Ambrose's words," the senior statesman above the, fray ,". He wrote guest articles for many publications both during the campaign and
- But there were hardware differences. Texas Instruments (TI) joined the, fray ,when it licensed the LMI-LAMBDA design and produced its own variant, the TI
- With his friend Geraldo Garibaldi, Manfred and his followers charged into the, fray ,and were slain. Aftermath The destruction of Manfred's army marked the
- Villagers, who owed Oswald 2,200 ducats. While there, Oswald entered into a, fray ,between the Domkapitel of Brien and the new Prince-Bishop of Brien, Ulrich
- Crisis: According to UNESCO, the unity of the UN Security Council begins to, fray , as a few countries, particularly France and Russia, become more interested in
- Of men at short range. The Lancastrians continuously threw fresher men into the, fray ,and gradually the numerically inferior Yorkist army was forced to give ground
- Is summed up by this statement in Tegmark's support:" Physicists outside the, fray , such as IBM's John A. Solid, say the calculations confirm what they had
- To the English side had perhaps only been a ruse, withdrew his forces from the, fray , bringing about a decisive English defeat. Edmund fled westwards and Cut went
- Issues having been raised in France first. Wollstonecraft first entered this, fray ,in 1790 with A Vindication of the Rights of Men, a response to Edmund Burke's
- As unofficial national anthems in English Canada. " O Canada" joined that, fray ,when a group of school children sang it for the 1901 tour of Canada by the Duke
- Could not explain atomic behavior. About this time, Niels Bohr stepped into the, fray ,and introduced a new model of the atom, wherein electrons orbited the nucleus
- 612 Spaghetti and California. Ferrari entered the mid-engined 12-cylinder, fray , with the Beretta Boxer in 1973. The later Testators remains one of the most
- The time is right for a direct approach, a single leap into the origins, fray , Introducing a biblically based, scientifically verifiable creation model
- Renaissance tended towards religious themes and mysticism, with poets such as, fray ,Luis de León, Teresa of Ávila and John of the Cross, and treated issues related
- With Anne Cavour continued to have repercussions. In March 1582 there was a, fray ,in the streets of London between Oxford and Anne's uncle, Sir Thomas Knives.
- And publishers were always looking for an edge. Once again, color came into the, fray ,when Frank Sousa introduced a weekly with brightly color covers in 1896.
- Unravelling. When a rope is cut, there is a natural tendency for the cut end to, fray , A whipping is one way to try to prevent this, by applying multiple turns of
- Mail reinforced with plate, nearly exhausted by charging several miles into the, fray ,(against their king's wishes) and having to walk through a quagmire of mud
- More expensive denims because of its durability, and self-edge that will never, fray , Stretch denim usually incorporates an elastic component (such
- Saw that there was no hope of victory, he threw himself into the thick of the, fray , When the corpses were counted, all Catiline’s soldiers were found with frontal
- Of Brig. Gens. Jubal A. Early and William B. Taliaferro—moved into the, fray ,from behind Gregg's original position. Inspired by their attack, regiments
- Colleague by cracking this most baffling of cases before Holmes returns to the, fray , Sir Hugo Baskerville–This 17th-century Baskerville ancestor spawned the legend
- Machines were released almost monthly. In August 1982,Dragon Data joined the, fray ,with the Dragon 32; the Dragon 64 followed a year later. The computers sold
- Might ', but whether his lameness resulted from the injuries sustained in the, fray ,with Knives is unknown. There was another fray between Knyvet's and Oxford's
- To come to each other's aid if a new party (presumably the US) entered the, fray , Each agreed that the pact did not change current relations with the Soviet
- D64) 1–0 Palestine conjures up an attack in the endgame, and his King joins the, fray , *http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame? Gid=1012099,EFI Bogolyubov vs
- Penniless at the end of 1341; he returned home, and when he returned to the, fray , it was to Brittany: he never returned to the Low Countries. The French
- As he realized the gravity of the American situation, Chatham re-entered the, fray , declaring that 'he would be in earnest for the public' and 'a scarecrow of
- Made, instruments as the Scottish bagpipes. " Corvus Coral also joined in the, fray ,with the release of an EP in 1996 that featured metal music with bagpipes.
- The caves where the scientists are hiding, and Minimal stumbles into the, fray , Among traps Minimal and the final Yamacraw with his webbing, but as Among
- The president of Yugoslav Macedonia, sought to keep his republic outside the, fray ,of the Yugoslav wars in the early 1990s. Yugoslav Macedonia's very existence
- And advertising industry-focused publications such as Business Week joined the, fray ,of online posts. The branding critic blog, Brand New, was one of those using
- This“ self-edge” or selvage. Selvage is desirable because the edge cannot, fray ,like denim made on a projectile loom that has separate wefts, which leave an
- Aquitaine in an attempt to subdue Richard. Richard’s barons joined in the, fray ,and turned against their duke. However, Richard and his army were able to hold
- Guitars). Frets The frets are made of loops of gut tied around the neck. They, fray ,with use, and must be replaced from time to time. A few additional partials
- And advertising industry-focused publications such as Business Week joined the, fray ,of online posts. The branding critic blog, Brand New, was one of those using
- Between the Kikuyu and the settlers increased alarmingly. Louis jumped into the, fray ,as an exponent of the middle ground. In Kenya: Contrasts and Problems, he
- Neighbourhood is awakened by the noise. The other apprentices rush into the, fray , and the situation degenerates into a full-blown riot. In the confusion
- With Longstreet actively directing artillery fire and sending brigades into the, fray , Longstreet and Lee were together during the assault and both of them came
- For a crossbow are typically made of strong fibers that would not tend to, fray , Whipcord was very common; however linen, hemp,and sinew were used as well. In
- The injuries sustained in the fray with Knives is unknown. There was another, fray ,between Knyvet's and Oxford's men on 18 June, and a third on 22 June in which
- High School in Pensacola, Florida; 30 students are injured in the 4-hour, fray , * February 11 – Clifford Alexander Jr. is confirmed as the first
- Lasted about an hour before each disengaged to erect earthworks. During the, fray , Confederate Brig. Gen. Leroy A. Stafford was felled with a severed spine, but
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