Examples of the the word, plum , in a Sentence Context
The word ( plum ), is the 12055 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Named by Luther Burbank. Pluots () are later-generations that show more, plum ,than apricot characteristics; the fruit's exterior has smooth skin closely
- Feeler Fi-103 Heisenberg (FI 103R,a piloted V-1),and was named Baikal (", plum ,blossom" ). Baikal never left the design stage but technical drawings and notes
- May be served as a main course, so Germknödel and Dampfnudel. Potato soup and, plum ,cake is a traditional Friday course in the Palatinate. * Many Balkan dishes
- Corpuscles were distributed in a uniform sea of positive charge; this was the, plum ,pudding model as the electrons were embedded in the positive charge like plum s
- The richest natural sources are fruits and vegetables, and of those, the Keypad, plum ,and the camu fruit contain the highest concentration of the vitamin. It is
- Turn of the 20th century the accepted model of the atom was J. J. Thomson's, plum ,pudding model in which the atom was a large positively charged ball with small
- Of atoms was tightly condensed into a nucleus, and it became clear that the, plum ,pudding model could not explain atomic behavior. About this time, Niels Bohr
- Both names" plum cot" and" April" have been used for trees derived from a, plum ,seed parent, and are therefore equivalent. Plum cots/Prius Natural
- Alpha particles and the concentrated distribution of positive charge of the, plum ,pudding model, the experimenters expected all the alpha particles to pass
- Plum producer (after the United States) and as much as 75 % of Romania's, plum ,production is processed into the famous tunica, a plum brandy obtained through
- The fruit's exterior has smooth skin closely resembling that of a, plum , Plots were developed in the late 20th century by Floyd Ziegler, and " Plot "
- Known as Worcester Pear main originates from Worcestershire, and the Per shore, plum ,comes from the small Worcestershire town of that name, and is widely grown in
- Spring, including crocuses, daffodils,early-blooming rhododendrons, cherry and, plum ,trees. Every February there is an annual" flower count" in what for the rest
- The Iraqi Arabic uses also sounds, and uses Persian adding letters, e. g.: – a, plum ,; – a truffle and so on. Early in the expansion of Arabic, the separate emphatic
- The draw for the free skating then came under suspicion after Hence landed the, plum ,position of skating last, while College had to perform second of the 26
- Blooming season in which the may (rainy season of East Asia; literally ", plum ,rain" ) occurs, during which the city experiences a period of mild rain as
- Berry – (redcurrant, gooseberry,tomato, cranberry ) *stone fruit or drupe (, plum , cherry, peach,apricot, olive ) An aggregate fruit, or etheric, develops from
- S model was compared (though not by Thomson) to a British dessert called, plum ,pudding, hence the name. Thomson's paper was published in the March 1904
- Four tree species: short-leaf fig (Ficus popular var. Brevifolia),pigeon, plum ,(Coccoloba diversifolia),mastic (Sideroxylon foetidissimum) and poisonwood
- Of the medicinal herbs, and the cemetery (p) those of the trees, apple,pear, plum , quince, etc., planted there. Cells Every large monastery had depending upon it
- Pearls (波霸/黑珍珠) were adapted and quickly replaced the small pearls. Peach or, plum ,flavoring appeared, then more fruit flavors were added until, in some
- Various fruit wines and herbal wines exist in Korean cuisine. Acacia, maesil, plum , Chinese quince, cherry,pine fruits, and pomegranate are most popular. Meituan
- Winter» – three plants that together brave the cold season – pine, bamboo,and, plum , * Jetliner – Located to the west of the city at an altitude of above sea
- Nazi was a contemporary of Confucius (551-479 BC). His surname was Li (", plum ,"),and his personal name was Er (" ear" ) or Dan (" long ear" ). He was
- With slightly" fruity" compounds resembling apple, pear,pineapple, banana, plum , or prune, among others. Before the introduction of hops into England from the
- Rétes),filled with apple, cherry,poppy seed or cheese, Gundel pancake, plum ,dumplings (Silva combo),solo dumplings, dessert soups like chilled Sour
- Fired alpha particles (helium nuclei) at a thin film of gold foil. The, plum ,pudding model predicted that the alpha particles should come out of the foil
- International Plum Blossom Festival held in Plum Blossom Hill, the largest, plum ,collection in China, attracts thousands of tourists both domestically and
- As 75 % of Romania's plum production is processed into the famous tunica,a, plum ,brandy obtained through one or more distillation steps. Alcoholic beverages are
- The outer covering or carp, fleshy in other members of Prunes such as the, plum ,and cherry, is instead a thick leathery Eva Green coat (with a downy exterior
- Of the grape. Merlot-based wines usually have medium body with hints of berry, plum , and currant. Its softness and" flashiness ", combined with its earlier
- Snow layer. Few plants bloom in the winter, one exception being the flowering, plum , which flowers in time for Chinese New Year. The process by which plants become
- Garlic sauce, nam frisk far (, roasted chili paste),Nam him BUA (, plum ,sauce),or in a red curry paste, with chopped green onions. It is sometimes
- 4-4 is an (人 man),1-3 is NGO (鵝 goose or 和 harmony),5-5 is mew (梅, plum ,flower),3-3 is Cheung (長 long),2-2 is ban (板 board),5-6 is FM (斧
- And four on cow peas. Some other individual bulletins dealt with alfalfa, wild, plum , tomato, ornamental plants, corn,poultry, dairying,hogs, preserving meats in
- Jelly-like substance, and between the electron's discovery and 1909,this ", plum ,pudding model" was the most widely-accepted explanation of atomic structure.
- Model as the electrons were embedded in the positive charge like plum s in a, plum ,pudding (although in Thomson's model they were not stationary). Thomson's
- In the summer. However, the time from mid-June to the end of July is the, plum ,blossom blooming season in which the may (rainy season of East Asia;
- There are eight bonus tiles: four flowers and four seasons. The flowers are, plum , orchid, chrysanthemum and bamboo, and the seasons are spring, summer,autumn
- Alcoholic beverage, along with wine. Romania is the world's second largest, plum ,producer (after the United States) and as much as 75 % of Romania's plum
- The wax apple) *Java moss, Versicularia Guyana, a common aquarium moss *Java, plum , Spending mom bin, also known as the golden apple Transportation *USS Java (
- Is discussed further in the article on canonical commutation relations. The, plum ,pudding model of the atom by J. J. Thomson, who discovered the electron in 1897
- Thick. At the time of the experiment, the atom was thought to be analogous to a, plum ,pudding (as proposed by J. J. Thomson),with the negative charges (the plum s
- Orchid is the City Flower of Shooting, China. In Chinese culture, the bamboo, plum ,blossom, orchid,and chrysanthemum (often known as me LAN Zhu JU 梅兰竹菊) are
- Plums. Whereas plum cots and Aprils are first-generation hybrids between a, plum ,parent (P. Alicia or P. cerasifera or their hybrids),and an apricot (P.
- Field (yellow),it was deflected. Discovery of the nucleus Thomson's, plum ,pudding model was disproved in 1909 by one of his former students, Ernest
- Are check cu vising, tartă cu mere, alivenci moldoveneşti. Tunica is a strong, plum ,brandy that is widely regarded as the country's traditional alcoholic beverage
- Rappel (potatoes) German Kartoffeln (but Dutch Rappel),Zwetschke (, plum ,) instead of Flame, Schlagobers (whipped cream) German Schlagsahne
- Mango, papaya,cocoa, cashew,guava, orange,passion fruit, pineapple,and hog, plum ,are turned in juices and used to make chocolates, popsicles and ice cream.
- Of the flower tiles represent the four noble plants of Confucian reckoning: 🀢,, plum 🀣 orchid,🀥, 🀥rysanthemum,an, andbamboo. The other four flower tiles ( or(
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