Examples of the the word, admirable , in a Sentence Context
The word ( admirable ), is the 12040 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Corpus scripture ecclesiasticorum Latino rum, Vienna,1866). There is a most, admirable ,monograph on the Chronicle by J. Bernays (Berlin,1861). See also Golfer
- Elder also mentions this anecdote (II,81),suggesting that it came from an ", admirable ,inspiration ", as opposed to Cicero, who did not associate the prediction with
- Limitations of Paganism. Thus, G. K. Chesterton wrote:" The Pagan set out, with, admirable , sense,to enjoy himself. By the end of his civilization he had discovered that
- Taught to play the lute by Giovanni Angelo Testagrossa In addition to all these, admirable ,accomplishments, she also was an innovator of new dances, having been
- That combined wisdom and cunning. This quality was considered to be highly, admirable ,and was regarded by Athenians as one of the notable characteristics of the
- Høeg's novel Smilla's Sense of Snow, the titular heroine reflects that it is, admirable ,for the hotel's manager and guests to go to all that trouble so that the
- A critical judgment of their importance, for the merits of some consist in the, admirable ,finish of the whole, while others exhibit the impress of genius in the
- Schneider, who said" it was a matter of developing a good Romanesque set of, admirable ,antagonists ... an extension of the Roman civilization to the point of space
- Morals" prevail in the" state of nature" and he especially praised the, admirable ,moderation of the Caribbeans in expressing the sexual urge despite the fact
- Plays to Aristotle's precept about tragedy: that the protagonist must be an, admirable ,but flawed character, with the audience able to understand and sympathize with
- On violin and Fri pp on flute-Mellotron – Buford notoriously contributed “, admirable ,restraint” by sitting with his drumsticks crossed over his chest throughout
- To admire her fearlessness, and the general perception of Hepburn changed to an, admirable , Eleanor Roosevelt type character. Hepburn idolized her parents enormously
- Of heresy and apostasy. Melanchthon bore all accusations and calumnies with, admirable ,patience, dignity,and self-control. Disputes with Slander and Flavius In his
- Town itself was eventually conquered, the fortress itself was never taken,an, admirable ,feat, considering the size of the Scenes and Florentine forces that besieged
- Laden has given a speech denying any connection to the attacks, which he called, admirable , *4:35 a. m.: CNN reports that search warrants have been issued in south
- His Encyclopedia, Hegel praises Aristotle's On the Soul as" by far the most, admirable , perhaps even the sole, work of philosophical value on this topic ". In his
- Charlie Brown's main characteristic is either self-defeating stubbornness or, admirable ,determined persistence to try his best against all odds: he can never win a
- The most popular winter mountain resorts. Rock climbing sites can be found in, admirable ,corners of Jury Krakowsko-Częstochowska. The ruins of castles forming the Eagle
- Personality. He had most of the characteristics of a child, coupled with the, admirable ,traits of a consummate professional. A perfectionist, he remained in all
- The massing of light and shade, richness and delicacy of coloring, and for the, admirable ,drapery of the figures, Bartolomeo having been the first to introduce and use
- The New York Times hailed the exhibition as" one of the most ambitious, and, admirable , efforts to address the realm of architecture and cities that any museum in the
- She is the catalyst that transforms Homer from his comfortable but not entirely, admirable ,position at the apple orchard to becoming Dr. Larch's replacement at the
- Have been called, as the Prince of the Apostles says, out of darkness into his, admirable ,light, and believing we rejoice with joy unspeakable. (
- Noted the similarity to the Greek" periklutos" which can be translated as ", admirable ,one "; or in Arabic," Ahmad ". The name of" Muhammad" is frequently
- In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Jacobs asserts that Lucy is the most, admirable ,of the human characters and that generally the girls come off better than the
- Of Justin is found in the Ratio ad Graces by Titian, who calls him" the most, admirable ,Justin," quotes a saying of his, and says that the Cynic Crescent laid snares
- Against the Goths would not only make him a hero in Latin tradition, but an, admirable ,choice as an ancestor for Constantine, who was born at Narcissus, the site of
- Other members. " His opinions, in the view of one commentator, were concise and, admirable , placing Hughes in the pantheon of great justices. " His" remarkable
- The Hagia Sophia for Emperor Justinian I. The finished product was built in, admirable ,form for the Roman Emperor,“ All of these elements marvelously fitted together
- A paradise created by Cantor from which nobody shall ever expel us ... the most, admirable ,blossom of the mathematical mind and altogether one of the outstanding
- A new era in Jewish mysticism. To the common people, the Best appeared wholly, admirable , Characterized by an extraordinary sincerity and simplicity, he sought to meet
- As tall, stout,and squarely built. His voice was full and rolling, and of an, admirable ,quality for an actor, or even for a public crier. As far as his intellectual
- Reception. His reputation is not a dead shark but an albatross, which with, admirable ,economy Allen has arranged for the critics to carry around their own necks. "
- Criminal motive and criminal intent; the offender's motives or purposes may be, admirable ,and praiseworthy, but his intent may still be criminal. Hence, the saying that "
- A courtier but also one of the most popular Russian poets of his time. He wrote, admirable ,ballads, a historical novel, some licentious verse, and satires published under
- 1727,says:" He was not above twenty-two when he undertook of himself his, admirable ,treatise on the“ Truth of the Christian Religion” ". About the same time he
- Together, hidden nooks and crannies, as well as the inhabitants with their, admirable ,qualities, their oddities, and their idiosyncrasies. The fictional town
- Twenty, Mozart was able to write concerto citronella that gave the orchestra, admirable ,opportunity for asserting its character in an exposition with some five or six
- George Whitefield, Wesley wrote a memorial sermon which praised Whitefield's, admirable ,qualities and acknowledged the two men's differences:" There are many
- As beautiful, while Matthew Paris, writing in the 13th century, recalled her ", admirable ,beauty. " However, no one left a more detailed description of Eleanor; the
- With the libretto, and the opera's failure to make headway - despite an, admirable ,and impressive score - becomes comprehensible. The Book with Seven Seals
- In a subsequent radio broadcast, Churchill referred to the new drug as" This, admirable ,M&B. " It is highly probable that the correct information about the
- Of this, the word pearl has become a metaphor for something very rare, fine, admirable , and valuable. The most valuable pearls occur spontaneously in the wild, but
- And insight, often attributed to success in investment finance, or anyone with, admirable ,choice in style, often high society leaders. Discriminatory laws such as
- But he was inspired by Franz Liszt, whose command of the keyboard he found, admirable , In June 1885,Debussy wrote of his desire to follow his own way, saying," I
- Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France:" Burke's book is a most, admirable ,medicine against the French disease, which has made too much progress even in
- Navigation, and other domains. Pierre-Simon Laplace called logarithms an, admirable ,artifice which, by reducing to a few days the labor of many months, doubles
- One brand in Asia (as of 2007) and Europe (as of 2009),the 41st most, admirable ,company worldwide in Fortune's World's Most Admired Companies list of 2010 (
- Cameron. England how infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and, admirable , in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god! " — from William
- Of its tasks is garbage and litter collection at public places, and it does an, admirable ,job in the areas it services. Environmental complaints can be filed online and
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