Examples of the the word, rework , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Not subsequently picked up as a full series, producer Sherwood Schwartz would, rework ,the basic premise for the short-lived 1980s sitcom Together We Stand starring
  2. To the Living (1973),among many others. Pulp heroes Many of Farmer's works, rework ,existing characters from fiction and history, as in The Wind Whales of Ishmael
  3. In 1918 by William Struck, Jr., one of White's professors at Cornell. White's, rework ,of the book was extremely well received, and further editions of the work
  4. Team their own building, left them alone, and gave them time and money to, rework ,the Nx686. The result was the K6 processor, introduced in 1997. Although the K6
  5. Location, if the trail is properly designed, there should be no need for major, rework ,such as grading or erosion control efforts. However, mountain trails which see
  6. S early skepticism of the DVD format, it was also because of his desire to, rework ,parts of the film before it was released on DVD. In 2004,Lucas finally set
  7. Of the body by the Italian Flamingo Burton. It took three years for Citroën to, rework ,the TPV, resulting in the car being nicknamed the" Tours Pas Vue" ( Still
  8. Hired a movie novice named Samuel Fuller, who was on leave from the Army, to, rework , the entire script. Get was soon impressed with his views of the dailies each
  9. For its position after the given name. It is legally possible in Iceland to, rework ,the patronymic into a patronymic, replacing the father's name with the mother
  10. Excellence levels. For example, if a firm could reasonably reduce errors and, rework ,(the Process component of human capital) from 10,000 hours per annum to 2,000
  11. The original SVG 1.1 was released on August 16, 2011. * SVG 2.0 will completely, rework ,draft 1.2 with more integration with new web features such as CSS,HTML5 and
  12. To Israel ruling over the nations. Insofar as Micah appears to draw on and, rework ,parts of Isaiah, it seems designed at least partly to provide a counterpoint to
  13. Been unhappy with how the ceiling looked but had never had the time or money to, rework ,it previously. The script called for an entirely new location on the Enterprise
  14. The connections with his stepfather by converting to Catholicism, and to, rework ,his filmmaking into a style emphasizing" honesty ". Controversy at 2011 Cannes
  15. Narratives of Arthur found in medieval materials, and American authors often, rework ,the story of Arthur to be more consistent with values such as equality and
  16. To this end, Omega used a stellar manipulation device, the Hand of Omega, to, rework , a nearby star into a new form to serve that source. As of the current series
  17. Test, technicians may disorder and replace failed components, a task known as, rework , Protection and packaging PCBs intended for extreme environments often have a
  18. In three films. Later there were releases of two shorter features which, rework ,the material of the first three films. He also contributed to Visions of Europe
  19. Resulting in some gods being and others. There was also a tendency to, rework ,Irish genealogies to fit into the known schema of Greek or Biblical genealogy.
  20. Song he had written for the show. Kaufman was less enthusiastic, and refused to, rework ,the libretto to include this number. The discarded song was" Always "
  21. Of the first orbiter, Columbia (OV-102),would have required extensive, rework , Because STA-099's qualification testing prevented damage, NASA found that
  22. Phase of development; any problems encountered in earlier phases meant costly, rework ,and often jeopardized the whole project. By developing in iterations, software
  23. Ignore this complication and pretend chemical potentials don't matter. Let's, rework ,everything using a grand canonical ensemble this time. The volume is left fixed
  24. Of the morning newspapers due to a Chicano turf war. Bernstein suggested they, rework ,East Side Story and set it in Los Angeles, but Laurent's felt he was more
  25. Is most useful for extremely large projects as it gives the maker time to, rework ,areas. Mosaic murals, benches and tabletops are some items usually made
  26. George Gershwin, Jerome Kern, and Stephen Sondheim, who was persuaded to, rework ,some of his songs especially for this recording. The Broadway Album was met
  27. Which featured its new Dynamic Scalable Architecture, DSA. DSA involved a major, rework ,of the core engine of the product, supporting both horizontal parallelism and
  28. Has since spread to the grade school system, as school systems try to, rework ,their curricula to introduce students to diversity earlier—often on the grounds
  29. S.447,that exists in two versions, those of 1867 and 1875. Another composer to, rework ,material from Tristan was Emmanuel Charier in his humorous Souvenirs de Munich
  30. The machinations of a rich, depraved suitor. All of Alger's boys' novels, rework ,the same plot: a young boy struggles to escape poverty through hard work and
  31. Only at being strange. " Bonito withdrew the opera from further performances to, rework ,it, and it had a more successful second premiere, in Bologna on 10 April 1875.
  32. Nomssi-Nzali. ** http://sourceforge.net/projects/gziplite/ graphite: Minimalist, rework ,of GZIP / unzip with minimal memory requirement, also supporting on-the-fly
  33. Tieback" ( written by Hosting shortly before his death)," 3. October" and, rework ,of" Kometenmelodie Part I" made by Laibach's subgroup 300,000 V. K. For vol.
  34. The book might fit better in the Hitchhiker's series, and suggested he might, rework ,those ideas into a sixth book in that series. He described Mostly Harmless as "
  35. Statues rework ed. Because there is an economic incentive to seize property and, rework ,statues anyway, historians and archaeologists have had difficulty determining
  36. Its executives were unhappy with the finished product, and wanted Hawkins to, rework ,some material. In particular, they were insisting that Hawkins remove a
  37. Can increase quality and simultaneously reduce costs (by reducing waste, rework , staff attrition and litigation while increasing customer loyalty). The key is
  38. Other items — and Tim Robbins' collaboration with Scott and Susan Sarandon to, rework ,the final scene with a more upbeat ending. Russell Crowe commented," I like
  39. S The Lost Books of the Odyssey (2007) is a series of short stories that, rework ,Homer's original plot in a contemporary style reminiscent of Italy Calvin.
  40. It sucked ". In October 1993,Tenor agreed to, rework ,the production on Marilyn Manson's album, taking them and their tapes to The
  41. For the modern notion of integral, the Lebesgue integral. It is possible to, rework ,measure theory on the basis of the computable real line, where the
  42. Album, led Simon to remove Garfunkel's vocal tracks and, rework ,the songs himself. The 1983 Simon solo album Hearts and Bones was the result
  43. At odds with Mao's communitarian vision, and disbanded communes, attempting to, rework ,the system to pre-Leap standards. Private handicrafts and street vendors were
  44. Interests signed another memorandum of understanding approving Saarinen's, rework ,; implementing it would cost about $5.053 million. On March 10, 1959,mayor
  45. Tirolean (1891). One of these poems further intrigued him, and he began to, rework ,the head note to turn it into first a short story and then a novella. He worked
  46. Frequently, never being satisfied ... and perhaps this facility itself made him, rework ,whatever dissatisfied him, certain that he had the power to repair the fault
  47. Its atheist implications. In 1955,Tyrone Guthrie encouraged Wilder to, rework ,The Merchant of Yonkers into The Matchmaker. This time the play enjoyed a
  48. Lynn Thomson was a dramaturge who was hired by New York Theatre Workshop to help, rework ,Rent. She claimed that between early May and the end of October 1995,she and
  49. Branches, ground,keeping everything going on and equal basis and unceasingly, rework ,until you have got it. Paint generously and unhesitatingly, for it is best not
  50. The guardian of morality (" Quit suicide? Du Theater Antique" ). She seeks to, rework ,the story of Offer (Orpheus) and Eurydice - who, despite being husband and

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