Examples of the the word, centimetre , in a Sentence Context
The word ( centimetre ), is the 12039 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The level of rainfall as measured by a rain gauge * in the CGS system,the, centimetre , is used to measure capacitance, where 1 cm of capacitance = 1.113×10^ Farad *
- At the temperature of solidification of platinum is 60 new candles per square, centimetre , It was then ratified in 1948 by the 9th CGPM which adopted a new name for this
- 0.02778 yards (1 yard is equal to 36 inches. ) * 2.54 centimeters (1,centimeter, ≈ 0.3937 international inches. ) Historical origin The origin of the inch is
- 7/16 inch on an English inch ruler). Equivalence to other units of length 1,centimeter, is equal to: * 0.01 meter, which can be represented by 1.00 E-2 m (1 meter is
- This is the consequence of the fact that in EU system kc=1. For example,a, centimetre , of capacitance is the capacitance between a sphere of radius 1 cm in vacuum and
- Paid him $8 million over three years from 1999 for wearing a 10 by 8,centimeter, advertisement on his post-race cap. The deal was extended until 2010. He
- To arc across small gaps at electric field strengths which exceed 30 KV per, centimetre , Over larger gaps, its breakdown strength is weaker, perhaps 1 KV per
- Being a volume, the other a linear measurement. The abbreviation cc (for cubic, centimetre , equal to a milliliter or mL) is a unit of the CGS system, that preceded the
- As" the force required to accelerate a mass of one gram at a rate of one, centimetre , per second squared ":; 1 Dan 1 g·cm/s² 10−5 kg’m/s² = 10−5 N The done per
- The abampere),the amount of current that generates a force of two dunes per, centimetre , of length between two wires one centimeter apart. The size of the unit was
- Uses of centimeter In addition to its use in the measurement of length,the, centimetre , is used: * sometimes, to report the level of rainfall as measured by a rain
- Kilolitres, megalitres and gigaliters. * Length: kilometer, metre, decimetre, centimetre , millimeter, and smaller are common. The micrometer is often referred to by the
- Thrown are rounded down to the nearest whole inch, rather than the nearest, centimetre , US high school rules allow the use of a solid rubber discus; it is cheaper and
- CGS unit of luminance is the still, which is equal to one candela per square, centimetre , or 10 CD/m2. Explanation Luminance is often used to characterize emission or
- Made of flint or chert and typically a centimeter or so in length and half a, centimetre , wide. It is produced from either a small blade (microblade) or a larger
- The two systems differ only in the scale of two out of the three base units (, centimetre , versus meter and gram versus kilogram, respectively ), while the third unit (
- Of a liter, and also often referred to by the SI derived unit name" cubic, centimetre ,". It is a commonly used measure, especially in medicine and cooking. Other
- The SI unit of kilogram per cubic meter () and the CGS unit of gram per cubic, centimetre , ( ) are probably the most common used units for density. (The cubic centimeter
- In the ground by the falling shot, with distances rounded down to the nearest, centimetre , under RAAF, WMA, USATF, and NCAA rules. Legal throws The following rules are
- Discus has landed is measured, and distances are rounded down to the nearest, centimetre , The competitor's best throw from the allocated number of throws, typically
- Standard atmosphere of pressure and supported on two cylinders of at least one, centimetre , diameter,symmetrically placed in the same horizontal plane at a distance of
- And engineers in the United States use hybrid units, such as volts per, centimetre , for electric field. In fact, this is essentially the same as the SI unit system
- Film on Charles Mingus directed by Don McGlynn and released in 1998. A, centimetre , ( American spelling: centimeter, symbol cm) is a unit of length in the metric
- Factors of 103—like mill- and kilo-—are often preferred by technicians,the, centimetre , remains a practical unit of length for many everyday measurements. A centimeter
- Thin. The back-bias voltages are near breakdown (around a thousand volts per, centimetre , ). Germanium and silicon are common materials. Some of these detectors sense
- Notation) or (scientific E notation) — meaning or respectively. The, centimetre , is the base unit of length in the now deprecated centimetre -gram-second (CGS)
- System (abbreviated CGS or CGS) is a metric system of physical units based on, centimetre , as the unit of length, gram as a unit of mass, and second as a unit of time.
- Fields of material science, electrodynamics and astronomy. The units gram and, centimetre , remain useful as prefixed units within the SI system, especially for
- The one-hour festivities included the presentation of a massive 63 by 114,centimeter, carrot cake, the firing of a gun salute by the Royal Canadian Artillery's 15th
- Almost exactly one kilogram, due to the gram being defined in 1795 as one cubic, centimetre , of water. Definition A liter is defined as a special name for a cubic decimeter
- Solids and liquids have densities between 0.1 and 20 kg/dm³. * grams per cubic, centimetre , ( g/cc, gm/cc or g/cm³) In U. S. customary units' density can be stated in: *
- Gaussian units is a popular electromagnetism variant of the, centimetre , gram second system of units (CGS). In Gaussian units,Maxwell's equations
- Microlith is a small stone tool usually made of flint or chert and typically a, centimetre , or so in length and half a centimeter wide. It is produced from either a small
- To the point where the tip of the javelin landed, rounded down to the nearest, centimetre , Competition rules are similar to other throwing events: a round consists of
- Centimetre remains a practical unit of length for many everyday measurements. A, centimetre , is approximately the width of the fingernail of an adult person (between 3/8
- Over larger gaps, its breakdown strength is weaker, perhaps 1 KV per, centimetre , The most visible natural occurrence of this is lightning, caused when charge
- BC. The arrows were made of pine and consisted of a main shaft and a 15–20,centimeter, ( 6–8 inches) long fore shaft with a flint point. There are no definite
- An air pressure of 65.71–68.75 kilopascals, or 0.67–0.70 kilograms per square, centimetre , or 9.5–10.0 lbs per square inch. Spare balls are allowed under the condition
- Per second squared ":; 1 Dan 1 g·cm/s² 10−5 kg’m/s² = 10−5 N The done per, centimetre , is the unit traditionally associated with measuring surface tension. For
- Down to 1 meter. * Commercial Navigation (Encrypted): High accuracy to the, centimetre , ; Guaranteed service for which service providers will charge fees. * Safety Of
- Nuclei. Radio telescopes can also be used to observe neutral hydrogen (via 21,centimeter, radiation ), including,potentially, the non-ionized matter in the early
- Atmosphere) ** gram-force and tonne-force (metric ton-force) per square, centimetre , Examples As an example of varying pressures, a finger can be pressed against a
- Current. They are often cooled by liquid nitrogen. For longer range (about a, centimetre , ) particles they need a very large depletion depth and large area. For short
- About 0.393700787401575 inch (1 inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters) 1 cubic, centimetre , is equal to 1 milliliter, under the current SI system of units. Uses of
- Is the SI base unit of length. Cent is the SI prefix for a factor of. Hence, a, centimetre , can be written as (engineering notation) or (scientific E notation) —
- Is equal to 1 milliliter, under the current SI system of units. Uses of, centimetre , In addition to its use in the measurement of length, the centimeter is used: *
- European sizes are measured in Paris Points, which are worth two-thirds of a, centimetre , The UK and American units are approximately one-quarter of an inch, starting
- Short),and ton-force (long) **kilogram-force, or kilo pond, per square, centimetre , ( technical atmosphere) ** gram-force and tonne-force (metric ton-force) per
- Generates a force of two dunes per centimeter of length between two wires one, centimetre , apart. The size of the unit was chosen so that the units derived from it in the
- As follows: Therefore, in electrostatic CGS units, a Franklin is equal to a, centimetre ,Times Square root of done:: \math rm. The unit of current is defined as::
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