Examples of the the word, heartbeat , in a Sentence Context
The word ( heartbeat ), is the 12037 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The brain stem controls many of our vital functions, such as respiration and, heartbeat , When syringes affect the brain stem, the condition is called syringobulbia. )
- In medicine,one's pulse represents the tactile arterial palpation of the, heartbeat ,by trained fingertips. The pulse may be palpated in any place that allows an
- 35 days) will become visible on trans-rectal ultrasound (about day 21) and a, heartbeat ,should be visible by about day 23. After the formation of the endometrial cups
- Now believe low levels of serotonin in the animals' brain stems, which control, heartbeat ,and breathing, may have caused sudden death, they said in the July 4,2008
- Different ways of presenting Austin's powers were tested, including a, heartbeat ,sound effect that predated the electronic sound, and in the three original
- Orders Narcissa to verify that Harry is actually dead. She detects his, heartbeat , but she lies to Voldemort, knowing that she will be allowed to search for her
- Side effects are allergic reaction, blood disorders, changes in mood, racing, heartbeat , mental fogginess, anxiety,lethargy, difficulty urinating, spasm of the ureter
- Of cerebrospinal fluid that normally occurs in and out of the head during each, heartbeat , Duke University is conducting research to see if syringomyelia might be
- Or Florence syndrome is a psychosomatic illness that causes rapid, heartbeat , dizziness, fainting,confusion and even hallucinations when an individual is
- Fidel described the film's music as being about" a mechanical man and his, heartbeat ,". Almost all the music in the film was performed live. Fidel created music
- mmHg),though aneroid and electronic devices do not use mercury. For each, heartbeat , BP varies between systolic and diastolic pressures. Systolic pressure is peak
- More backward tilt of pelvis, greater longevity, lower basal metabolism, faster, heartbeat , greater extension of development periods, higher pitched voice and larger
- S measurement in addition to oscillometric methods, enabling irregular, heartbeat ,patients to accurately measure their blood pressure at home. Invasive Arterial
- On the Run" ). And a specially treated bass drum made to simulate a human, heartbeat ,(during" Speak to Me "," On the Run "," Time ", and " Eclipse" ). This
- In subsequent television ads as an announcer intoned," Quayle: just a, heartbeat ,away. " Despite much press about the Kennedy comments, this did not reduce the
- Heart attack, resulting in his being fitted with a pacemaker to regulate his, heartbeat , Once again, Sellers refused to slow down, nor did he follow doctors' orders
- As it is a myocardial stimulant as well as a vasodilator, it increases, heartbeat , yet it also dilates blood vessels, causing a reduced blood pressure. However
- Afterwards, the gate fold design also includes a visual representation of the, heartbeat ,sound used throughout the album, and the back of the album cover contains
- Theories that human rhythm recalls the regularity with which we walk and the, heartbeat ,we heard in the womb. London writes that musical meter" involves our initial
- In systole. * Pulses bituminous: indicates a pair of hoofbeats within each, heartbeat , Concurrent auscultation of the heart may reveal a gallop rhythm of the native
- And harmony. Percussion is commonly referred to as" the backbone" or" the, heartbeat ," of a musical ensemble, often working in close collaboration with bass
- S death have been problematic. Death was once defined as the cessation of, heartbeat ,(cardiac arrest) and of breathing, but the development of CPR and prompt
- S ship. The minimalist soundtrack features a memorable deep-toned electronic ", heartbeat ,", which quickens as the asteroid density is reduced by the player's fire.
- Concurrent auscultation of the heart may reveal a gallop rhythm of the native, heartbeat , * Pulses fisheries: an unusual physical finding typically seen in patients
- Not experienced with the breed. Whippets will, however,demonstrate a regular, heartbeat ,during exercise. In a health survey conducted by The Kennel Club (UK) cardiac
- Not normally open and close, trained fingertips will observe two pulses to each, heartbeat ,instead of one. * Pulses tarsus et parts: a slower than normal rise in the
- Called" Hemoglobin" with the lyrics" Hemoglobin is the key to a healthy, heartbeat ,". French rap artist MC Solar also had a successful single titled" La
- During" Speak to Me "," On the Run "," Time ", and " Eclipse" ). This, heartbeat ,is most prominent as the intro and the outro to the album, but it can also be
- Mostly backed by the switches. These include flow control, error control, and ", heartbeat ," monitoring on every link. The newest," fourth-generation" Marine, called
- Utero or after birth. After birth, rapid or labored breathing, cyanosis,slow, heartbeat , a barrel-shaped chest or low Agar score are all signs of the syndrome.
- And Hardy's grave health issues during shooting. Hardy developed an irregular, heartbeat ,while Laurel experienced painful prostate complications. Critics were
- Responds to impending danger, and is responsible for the increase of one's, heartbeat ,and blood pressure, among other physiological changes, along with the sense of
- By ambulance to a Scottsdale, AZ hospital because of dizziness and an irregular, heartbeat , Regular season stats Managerial statistics Word is a notable error in
- The early 1970s. " L. A. is my workplace ", she said in 2006," B. C. is my, heartbeat , " According to interviews, today she focuses mainly on her visual art, which
- Help maintain pulse in an ensemble and is thus sometimes referred to as the ", heartbeat ," of the group (the bottom bass was also often referred to as the" thud "
- Defibrillation have rendered that definition inadequate because breathing and, heartbeat ,can sometimes be restarted. Events which were causally linked to death in the
- On the body. Sweating, shortness of breath, lightheadedness,and irregular, heartbeat ,can also be experienced. If heart attack occurs, the bulk of damage is caused
- To flow at a tempo defined by the cactus, roughly the rate of the human, heartbeat , Which note value corresponded to the cactus was indicated by the sensual time
- Of climate change and public lands. He has two children. One son, Taro,had his, heartbeat ,recorded in uteri and used as the basis for the album Music to Be Born By. His
- Incompatible with both the final, buffered version of the E/I, and with the ", heartbeat ," interrupt used for the real-time clock under Disk BASIC. This could be
- Related to the flow or blood pressure that occurs from the beginning of one, heartbeat ,to the beginning of the next can be referred to a cardiac cycle. The SA node is
- And systems of blood vessels and pulmonary vessels, and ocean waves. DNA and, heartbeat ,can be analyzed as fractals. Even coastlines may be loosely considered fractal
- Symptoms even outside specific panic episodes. Often, normal changes in, heartbeat ,are noticed by a panic sufferer, leading them to think something is wrong with
- 1982) added various weapons and monsters, sophisticated sound effects, and a ", heartbeat ," health monitor. *Platform-adventure games: Metro id (1986) was the earliest
- The main center of coordination is, instead,in the atrium. The rate of, heartbeat ,varies enormously between different species, ranging from around 20 beats per
- Diastolic arterial BP's are not static but undergo natural variations from one, heartbeat ,to another and throughout the day (in a circadian rhythm). They also change
- Refers to the arterial pressure of the systemic circulation. During each, heartbeat , BP varies between a maximum (systolic) and a minimum (diastolic) pressure.
- Alphabet to render the required phonetic. Some example of the words are دھڑکن (, heartbeat ,), بھارت (India). On the other hand ی is used in two vowel forms: Chaotic ye (
- Other than the uterine wall *Ectopic beat occurs when electrical signals for a, heartbeat ,originate in the wrong part of the myocardium *Ectopic pacemaker, or ectopic
- Dosage of 1.5 to 2.5 mg/kg, effects include alertness, restlessness,increased, heartbeat , increased body temperature, intensification of emotions, euphoria,loss of
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