Examples of the the word, toast , in a Sentence Context

The word ( toast ), is the 8130 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Into one's mouth or sucking through a spiral straw. Tubby Toast is circular, toast ,with a smiley face on it, made by the" Tubby Toaster. " The characters are
  2. Charles, and Les Charles. The show is set in the Cheers bar (named for the, toast ," Cheers" ) in Boston, Massachusetts,where a group of locals meets to drink
  3. Toppings, corn on the cob, smoothies * Many sandwiches, such as cheese on, toast , and cold sandwiches including roasted eggplant, mushrooms,bell peppers
  4. Goes seriously wrong and fills the inside of the Teletubbies' house with, toast , Fortunately, one of their housemates is a vacuum cleaner character named" New
  5. Do we not toast the King? " O'Kaolin replied that there was only one, toast ,: to the Nation; but after it was given, and he'd called for coffee, Dunsany
  6. Steal ". Valderrama played a blinder against England at Wembley and became the, toast ,of the footballing world. Collin tells the story:" We went to see him play
  7. Usage may vary when the past participles are used as adjectives, as in burnt, toast , (The two-syllable form learned, usually written without the grave, is used as
  8. Of a knife or other thin object to pry out the stuck media just like a piece of, toast ,stuck in a real toast er. This was fixed later, when Commodore changed the
  9. One of their banquets, he asked Sean O'Kaolin, who was presiding," Do we not, toast ,the King? " O'Kaolin replied that there was only one toast : to the Nation; but
  10. It will be followed by a reply from the" lassies" concerned. The men drink a, toast ,to the women's health. Reply to the Toast to the Lassies This is occasionally
  11. To the head of state, not to a governor-general, except insofar as a personal, toast ,may be proposed subsequently to" Governor-General and Mrs. X" as hosts of, or
  12. Same. Every January 19,in the early hours of the morning, the person made a, toast ,of cognac to Poe's original grave marker and left three roses. Members of the
  13. Syrup is often eaten with waffles, pancakes,oatmeal (oatmeal),and French, toast , It is also used as an ingredient in baking, and as a sweetener and flavoring
  14. Lady with whom he had a close but less intense relationship was Anne Long,a, toast ,of the Kit-Cat Club. Maturity Before the fall of the Tory government, Swift
  15. Avoiding Prohibition — regularly mixed rum and cola as a highball and a, toast ,to this West Indies island. * According to Bacardi: The world's second most
  16. Is a highlight of the evening. Supper At the end of the poem, a Scotch whiskey, toast ,will be proposed to the haggis, then the company will sit and enjoy the meal.
  17. S death was known, Amundsen had been offended by what he felt was a" sneering, toast ,"' from RGS President Lord Carbon, at a meeting held supposedly to honor the
  18. The most common are those made of Milanese, baked ham and cheese, pan de Amiga, toast , debates, panchos, choripanes, morcipanes, etc.; from Montevideo comes a
  19. This should be amusing but not offensive. Quite often the speakers giving this, toast ,and the previous one will collaborate so that the two toast s complement each
  20. Skull" and the Norse/Icelandic word for a drinking cup, skál. This is a common, toast ,in Scandinavian countries. Barbarity The image of wild-haired, dirty savages
  21. The United States,’ instead of the ‘ People of the United States,’ is the, toast ,given. This is not politically correct. " In New Left rhetoric By 1970,New
  22. HOL van a misdo? – more polite (and word-for-word) version *generic, toast ,: Egészségünkre! (literally:" To our health! ") *Do you speak English?:
  23. Size. The particles produced initially are invisible but become visible if the, toast ,is burned. Smoke from a typical house fire contains hundreds of different
  24. Harvests and peace. Following this, a beaker is drank for the king, and then a, toast ,is given for departed kin. Chapter 28 quotes verse where the kenning "
  25. And humorously) called the 'Toast to the Laddies ', and like the previous, toast ,it is generally quite wide-ranging nowadays. In it a female guest will give her
  26. To as brown bread, as in" Would you like white or brown bread for your, toast , " Vocabulary pertaining to race and ethnicity * Aboriginals (aka Natives
  27. As a heroine living in a castle at Mandala, who moves to Rome becoming the ", toast ,of the tetrarchy ", telling John the Baptist she will" drink pearls ... sup on
  28. Structure of meals Breakfast (Drumstick) commonly consists of bread, toast , and/or bread rolls with cold cut, cheese or jam (" Configure" or more
  29. He had been a year ago, and he hoped that Marshal Stalin would again propose a, toast ,to the execution of 50,000 officers of the German Army. " US Treasury Secretary
  30. Or" Hymn to Satan ". ) The poem was composed in 1863 as a dinner party, toast , published in 1865,then republished in 1869 by Bologna's radical newspaper
  31. At a New Year Party in 1935 in which he said" Comrades! I want to propose a, toast ,to our patriarch, life and sun, liberator of nations, architect of socialism he
  32. As a flavoring for soups, stews or oatmeal, or spread on bread, especially, toast , rather like Mar mite. The first part of the product's name comes from Latin
  33. Fellowship. When they ordered another round, one soldier suggested that they, toast ,¡POR Cuba Libre! In celebration of the newly freed Cuba. The captain raised his
  34. Put back the clocks by two hours in Mercader's house so that he could make a, toast ,at midnight with both families. His first wife agreed to keep up the facade of
  35. 20th century. Mar mite is traditionally eaten as a savory spread on bread, toast , savory biscuits (crackers in US usage),and other similar baked products.
  36. Other toast s and speeches These may follow if desired. It is not unusual to, toast ,the locality or nation in which the supper is being held. Works by Burns After
  37. First screen roles) is in another part of the room listening to the groom's, toast ,when Gareth dies. The funeral is that of Gareth. At the funeral, Matthew
  38. The launch of 8½,Fellini put aside the letter and went on the set. Raising a, toast ,to the crew, he " felt overwhelmed by shame … I was in a no exit situation. I
  39. Australian food paste made from yeast extract. It is a spread for sandwiches, toast , crumpets and cracker biscuits, and filling for pastries. It is similar to
  40. To celebrate this treaty. It was at this banquet that Theodoric, after making a, toast , killed Officer with his own hands. Like Officer, Theodoric was ostensibly only
  41. Eggs, bacon,country potatoes and choice of Swedish pancakes or French, toast ,sticks. In the Netherlands it consists of a croissant, a small bread roll
  42. May be added as well. Typically, tomato gravy is served over rice, eggs, toast , and biscuits. Indian curry, especially as it has been exported out of
  43. Since above all, the Burns' supper should be entertaining. Everyone drinks a, toast ,to Robert Burns. Appreciation The host will normally say a few words thanking
  44. Of claret being waved over water before the Loyal Toast so that it became a, toast ,to" the King (over the water) ". In 1725 Wade raised the independent
  45. As for victory and power for the king, followed by North and Freyr's, toast , intended for good harvests and peace. Following this, a beaker is drank for
  46. Dubh," black beer" ) is very dark or rich in color, and it often has a ", toast ," or coffee-like taste. The most famous example is Guinness followed by Murphy
  47. Composer of his day, was so impressed that in Elgar's presence he proposed a, toast ,to the success of" the first English progressive musician, Meister Elgar. "
  48. Cult surrounding him. The Finnish communist Argo Prominent records a sarcastic, toast ,proposed by Stalin at a New Year Party in 1935 in which he said" Comrades! I
  49. Hello our friend! ") # Fails porkies ain spar Andres – a drinking, toast , reconstructed as Fails pas fails, aīns per Antwan (" A healthy one after a
  50. Reinstated God Save the Queen for royal, vice-regal,defense, and loyal, toast ,occasions, and made plans to conduct a national poll to find a song for use on

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