Examples of the the word, archived , in a Sentence Context

The word ( archived ), is the 8132 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Pieces of Robeson related memorabilia, film,books, photos and ephemera were, archived ,and cataloged into" The Paul and Island Robeson Archives ". The collection is
  2. Field (secretary, list manager, etc.). * Archived-At: A direct link to the, archived ,form of an individual email message. Note that the To: field is not necessarily
  3. Systems are at risk. Encrypted data protected using public-key algorithms can be, archived ,and may be broken at a later time. Mainstream symmetric ciphers (such as AES
  4. Working there, and its bulletins and maps about the transport situation are, archived ,on the http://www.unjlc.org/23003/DRC/ UNCLE website. The First and Second
  5. An alternative second verse naming Christ and promoting Christian values An, archived ,claim that the verse was sung in the 1930s at Smithson, Tasmania,is
  6. The Y2K Project) *http://www.kettlebaston-2000project.fsnet.co.uk/ The, archived ,Kettlebaston 2000 Project site Karl Amadeus Hartmann (2 August 1905 – 5
  7. First cross-platform web browser supporting Windows and macOS Despite this, archived ,and unsupported versions of the browser remain available for download. Release
  8. Approved by the occupying authorities. Thought lost for many years, it is now, archived ,at the Cinémathèque Franchise. It was at Too that he met NATO WADA. WADA was
  9. Skinhead Nation (, archived ,) *
  10. Been grandfathered in (except for locationless/reverse, which are completely, archived ,). Earth caches are the exception to the no-container rule; they are caches in
  11. Control room with ornate wood panels. Old (and future) control rooms can be ", archived ," by the PARIS without the Doctor's knowledge, as seen in The Doctor's Wife.
  12. These include no archive, which instructs a search engine not to store an, archived ,copy of the page, and no snippet, which asks that the search engine not include
  13. Oi! The Truth History of Oi! According to Garry Bushel (, archived ,) *
  14. And the Multi-system emulator MESS. Electron software is predominantly, archived ,in the UHF file format. A Fire Upon the Deep is a science fiction novel by
  15. Heidelberg Fire Department showcases his last workshop. Wankel's papers are, archived ,in the Techno museum in Mannheim. Furthermore, there is an exhibition "
  16. Aboard by the House entity, to deactivate the TARDIS's defenses from an ", archived ," control room. Programming The PARIS can be programmed to execute automatic
  17. The group's definition of" polyamory ". The 1997 version, which has been, archived ,online, contains this definition: In 1999,Zell-Ravenheart was asked by the
  18. 1957,Eliot shared a flat with his friend John Davy Hayward, who gathered and, archived ,Eliot's papers, styling himself" Keeper of the Eliot Archive. " Hayward also
  19. Of the four was always in a shipyard refitting, recent declassification of, archived ,files disclose that the Royal Navy deployed four boatloads of reentry vehicles
  20. For; A new privilege" oversight" is created allowing specific versions of, archived ,pages with unacceptable content to be marked as non-viewable; Semi-protection
  21. Return to the show for the series finale, aired in May 1999,only appearing in, archived ,footage. He was shooting the film Speedway Junky for release that summer. Cast
  22. Was acting up, to the comp. Sys. Mac hierarchy. Many of his posts are now, archived ,through Google. Challenges to the authenticity of his messages later led Adams
  23. Will not be distributed or exchanged outside a private group and will not be, archived ,for a long time, a proprietary format may be an acceptable way to obtain
  24. Combines files before compressing them can exploit redundancy across several, archived ,files. Solid compression does have disadvantages as compared with compressing
  25. Collect two copies of each zine, one of which circulates with the second copy, archived ,for preservation. To facilitate circulation, Barnard zines are cataloged in
  26. Best-known song is" This Land Is Your Land ". Many of his recorded songs are, archived ,in the Library of Congress. Guthrie traveled with migrant workers from Oklahoma
  27. This team communicates using the kde-core-devel mailing list, which is publicly, archived ,and readable, but joining requires approval. KDE does not have a single central
  28. As are required, or through any of a number of Internet media (usually an, archived ,mailing list or internet forum). Initially, gameplay occurs in clockwise order
  29. Altogether, almost half a million pages of verse have been collected and, archived ,by the Finnish Literature Society and other collectors in Estonia and the
  30. Died May 31, 1995 of a heart attack. His manuscripts and correspondence are, archived ,in Olin Library at Washington University in St. Louis. Elkin's literary legacy
  31. Doctor's knowledge. The PARIS reveals that she has around 30 console rooms, archived , even those that the Doctor has yet to use. The Virgin novels introduced a
  32. In July 2009,the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 first Moon landing, archived ,notes made by Apollo astronauts Charles Duke and Jack Swinger on the accident
  33. Documents were written from about 870 to as late as 1880 AD and have now been, archived ,in various American and European libraries. The Taylor-Schechter collection in
  34. Encoding methods in use (and the need for backward compatibility with, archived ,data),many computer programs have been developed to translate data between
  35. Inconvenient than extraction - just changing a single character of one of the, archived ,files will typically require that the entire archive be uncompressed, updated
  36. However, central policies are voted upon by the server admin community which is, archived ,for referencing. Due to EFnet's nature, it has gained recognition over the
  37. Outputs, lessons learned, results,logs, documents related to the project are, archived ,and used as a reference for future projects. Automated testing Many programming
  38. HTML Web Page on Richard Rognlie's Play-By-eMail Server Current and, archived ,games can be seen http://www.gamerz.net/pbmserv/List.php? Football here
  39. Serbia Spain After the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire was successfully, archived ,in 1521,Mexico became part of the Spanish Empire as the Viceroyalty of New
  40. Journal called Games and Education. As of 1998,past issues of this journal are, archived ,on the RPG net site. In religion and theology, revelation is the revealing or
  41. Containing 85,000 items of poetry over a period of 40 years. They have also, archived ,65,000 items of poetry that remain unpublished. By the end of the 19th century
  42. Full professor of biochemistry. Asimov's personal papers from 1965 onward are, archived ,at the university's Sugar Memorial Library, to which he donated them at the
  43. On the SPACE mailing list, the presumption was that new users would ftp, archived ,past messages. In practice, this never happened. Instead, the dynamic on
  44. March 1,2008,when AOL canceled technical support. AOL allows downloading of, archived ,versions of the Netscape Navigator web browser family. Moreover, AOL maintains
  45. And most of the caches were adopted by their respective owners. Many were soon, archived , and only one cache of the Project A. P. E. type remains active today (near
  46. A mailing list especially for advocacy. This mailing list is automatically, archived ,and made accessible online. They also provide some official advocacy material
  47. The Houghton Library at Harvard University. Other collections of material are, archived ,at the British Library, Keats House, Hampstead, the Keats-Shelley Memorial
  48. From a skyscraper. The swimming pool, the scullery, squash court 7,the, archived ,Ninth and Tenth Doctor's console room, and Amy and Rory's quarters were
  49. Escaped. Other oxygen fire occurrences are documented in certain US reports, archived ,in the National Air and Space Museum, such as: * Selection of Space Cabin
  50. Currently, Martha (named after Martha Washington) is in the museum's, archived ,collection, and not on display. A memorial statue of Martha stands on the

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