Examples of the the word, contaminated , in a Sentence Context

The word ( contaminated ), is the 8131 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Can remain in the air for long periods * fecal-oral transmission - usually from, contaminated ,food or water sources * vector borne transmission - carried by insects or other
  2. Metals such as magnesium or aluminum. However, the product is almost always, contaminated ,with metal brides. Pure boron can be prepared by reducing volatile boron
  3. Special action for public health preparedness.;, inhalation,ingestion of, contaminated ,water or insect bites. Francisca tularemia is very infectious. A small
  4. A corner of his laboratory. On returning, Fleming noticed that one culture was, contaminated ,with a fungus, and that the colonies of staphylococci that had immediately
  5. 2005. Salmonella and E. coli Escherichia coli and Salmonella come directly from, contaminated ,food. When both bacterium are spread, serious health conditions arise. Many
  6. Sanitize" cycle, are effective methods for reducing the risk of illness due to, contaminated ,cooking implements. Effects on nutritional content of food Proponents of Raw
  7. Compounds are especially potent poisons. Many water supplies close to mines are, contaminated ,by these poisons. Arsenic disrupts ATP production through several mechanisms.
  8. PARC Place, now Rector Square were punctured by airplane parts and severely, contaminated , The Winter Garden and other portions of the World Financial Center were
  9. Has resulted in bioconcentration and biomagnification. The areas most heavily, contaminated ,with dioxins are the sites of former U. S. air bases. Sociopolitical effects
  10. Chemical. The 2,4,5-T used to produce Agent Orange was later discovered to be, contaminated ,with 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxin,an extremely toxic dioxin compound. It
  11. Metallurgy Works and the Photo uranium mine (both in southwestern Bulgaria), contaminated , the region with lead, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, ethanol,and mercury.
  12. More efficient excavation, and also assisted in environmental issues, as less, contaminated ,fill needed to be exported than if a traditional cut-and-cover method had been
  13. 2,4,5-T) had informed the U. S. government as early as 1952 that 2,4,5-T was, contaminated ,with a toxic contaminant. In the manufacture of 2,4,5-T,accidental overheating
  14. Oxidation and/or limits As (V) reduction is relevant for bioremediation of, contaminated ,sites (Coal). The study of chemolithoautotrophic As (III) oxidizers and
  15. Including fruits and vegetables. It is also well-documented that mushrooms from, contaminated ,forests accumulate radiocaesium (caesium-137) in their fungal scorecards.
  16. Especially microorganisms in an effort to find sustainable ways to clean up, contaminated ,environments. The elimination of a wide range of pollutants and wastes from the
  17. Correspondence on the point. Smallpox is highly infectious and does not require, contaminated ,blankets to spread uncontrollably, and together with measles, influenza
  18. Sexual contact * indirect contact - usually by touching soil contamination or a, contaminated ,surface * airborne transmission - if the microorganism can remain in the air
  19. BT toxin in the gut of humans or if humans are exposed by ingestion of, contaminated ,food. Starlink corn controversy Starlink is a variety of BT corn patented by
  20. In the traditional vaccine preparations but also a source of infections if, contaminated , In the case of insulin grown in transgenic plants, it is well-established that
  21. Reused if they are first resterilized,e.g. in an autoclave. When needles are, contaminated , risk of bacterial or other blood-borne infection increases, as with re-use of
  22. Concentration in the environment. Californium can enter the body from ingesting, contaminated ,food or drinks or by breathing air with suspended particles of the element.
  23. And/or thermal waste, the purification of water and air, and the remediation of, contaminated ,sites, due to prior waste disposal or accidental contamination. Among the
  24. Of time were deadly places to live in, due to health problems resulting from, contaminated ,water and air, and communicable diseases. In the Great Depression of the 1930s
  25. Into Antimatter when Penguin mistakenly rehydrates them with heavy water, contaminated ,with radioactive waste, regularly used to recharge the Batcave's atomic pile.
  26. Direct or indirect contact with dried skin (e.g., colonisation with MRSA) or, contaminated ,surfaces or any combination of the above. Footnotes Further reading * *
  27. Remainder prices and also stealing a few. There have been cases of humans being, contaminated ,with americium, the worst case being that of Harold McCloskey, who at the age
  28. Weapons are produced for decades at the Hanford Site, which is now the most, contaminated ,nuclear site in the U. S. All these developments have had a tremendous impact
  29. Infants died. It was subsequently discovered that the BCG administered had been, contaminated ,with a virulent strain that was being stored in the same incubator, and led to
  30. Contain an estimated 270 billion US gallons (1 billion m3) of groundwater, contaminated ,by high-level nuclear waste that has leaked out of Hanford's massive
  31. Up to 350 times higher than international recommendations for action. The, contaminated ,soil and sediment continue to affect the citizens of Vietnam, poisoning their
  32. Alone will create more than 20 million climate refugees. Bangladeshi water is, contaminated ,with arsenic frequently because of the high arsenic contents in the soil. Up to
  33. Conditions, plague also can be spread in the air, by direct contact, or by, contaminated ,undercooked food or materials. The symptoms of plague depend on the
  34. Faces serious environmental challenges. Soil throughout the region was, contaminated ,by DDT and toxic defoliants used in cotton production during the Soviet era.
  35. Discovered its sweet taste when he licked his finger, which had become, contaminated ,with aspartame, to lift a piece of paper. In 1975,prompted by issues
  36. Can reduce power usage by twofold or more from older models. Well water can be, contaminated ,in some areas. The son arsenic filter eliminates unhealthy arsenic in well
  37. Bioleaching. Biotechnology is also used to recycle, treat waste, clean up sites, contaminated ,by industrial activities (bioremediation),and also to produce biological
  38. With 45 species recorded. Despite its only wells being infected with cholera or, contaminated ,and undrinkable. Once they had landed on Ashore, asylum seekers could claim to
  39. Damage. But in 1969,it was revealed to the public that the 2,4,5-T was, contaminated ,with a dioxin,2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxin (TCDD),and that the TCDD was
  40. Have suggested a correlation between chronic consumption of drinking water, contaminated ,with arsenic and the incidence of all leading causes of mortality. The
  41. That the common bacterium Streptococcus mites was found to have accidentally, contaminated ,the spacecraft's camera prior to launch and survived dormant in this harsh
  42. And entering into food chain through the animals and fish that feed in the, contaminated ,areas. Movement of dioxins through the food web has resulted in
  43. Complicating the situation, the Marines' only available water supply was, contaminated ,with oil. Still, by the eighth day the 5th and 7th Marines had accomplished
  44. Her paper. She subsequently withdrew it realizing that some of her samples were, contaminated , but continued her microscopic studies for several more years. Her paper is
  45. Destroyed, whereas other colonies farther away were normal. Fleming showed the, contaminated ,culture to his former assistant Merlin Price, who reminded him," That's how
  46. Are working on advanced detection systems to provide early warning, identify, contaminated , areas and populations at risk, and to facilitate prompt treatment. Methods for
  47. For all that had happened. For from that moment on I was inescapably, contaminated ,morally; from fear of discovering something which might have made me turn from
  48. By a human CJD agent. Transmission The defective protein can be transmitted by, contaminated ,harvested human brain products, Immunoglobulins (IVG),corneal grafts, dural
  49. Impact agricultural and forest productivity. And ocean waters are becoming, contaminated ,from agricultural, industrial,mining, and forestry activities. Global climate
  50. Associated with measles immunization. Some vaccines, later shown to have been, contaminated ,with host animal CNS tissue, have ADAM incident rates as high as 1 in 600.

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