Examples of the the word, thirteen , in a Sentence Context

The word ( thirteen ), is the 7531 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 2009). The initial Lions selection consisted of fourteen Irish players, thirteen ,Welsh, eight English and two Scots in the 37-man squad. In the first Test on 20
  2. Born 15 November 1945 in Bjørkåsen in Balance, Norway ) sang from the age of, thirteen ,with various dance bands, and worked mainly in a jazz-oriented cabaret style.
  3. T ", his first published story, and " Not For an Age ". Allies had only had, thirteen ,stories published at that time, and a fourteenth was hurriedly written to make
  4. Referred to as" Loyalists" or" Tories ". The geographical area of the, thirteen ,colonies is often referred to simply as" America ". The American Revolution
  5. Too shallow to permit passage of larger warships, and so Areas ordered his, thirteen ,ships of the line to form up in a line of battle following the northeastern
  6. Main article at: Alaska Native Regional Corporations The following, thirteen ,regional corporations were created under AN CSA: Also, most of these
  7. Time before issuing a stamp with his portrait. In all, Jackson has appeared on, thirteen ,different US postage stamps, more than that of most US presidents and second
  8. Including modifications to the Articles, required unanimous approval of all, thirteen ,state legislatures. Congress was denied any powers of, who was serving as the
  9. Former name for Brown University),the first Baptist college in the original, thirteen ,colonies, and now one of the Ivy League universities. In 1763,The Reverend
  10. Example, .5) as though they were longhand fractions (five tenths),such as, thirteen ,and seven tenths for 13.7. This formality is often dropped in common speech and
  11. From trade unions. In the first election after the Act was passed (1885), thirteen , were elected, up from two in 1874. The Third Reform Act also facilitated the
  12. Early military service During the American Revolutionary War, Jackson,at age, thirteen , joined a local militia as a courier. His eldest brother, Hugh,died from heat
  13. Terribly from the manuscript transmission. Aside from the loss of the first, thirteen ,books, the remaining eighteen are in many places corrupt and lactose. The sole
  14. Recognition of innocence of the nine prisoners still remaining alive (out of, thirteen ,). Later in Constantinople, Moses Montessori (leader of the British Jewish
  15. The Revolutionary War, began as a war between the Kingdom of Great Britain and, thirteen ,British colonies in North America, and ended in a global war between several
  16. Time and face down starting on the dealer's left so that each player receives, thirteen ,cards. In duplicate bridge the dealer is predetermined by the board; the board
  17. Officially controlled by Ella. He was succeeded by Adam and then a further, thirteen ,rulers, about all of whom nothing is yet known. These early kings from the 23rd
  18. Hand is referred to as the dummy and is played by declarer.: Scoring: After all, thirteen ,tricks have been played, the hand's score is determined by comparing the
  19. 2nd Prince of Brazil. He succeeded his father (João IV) in 1656 at the age of, thirteen , His mother, Luisa of Medina-Sidonia, was named regent in his father's will.
  20. The influential, eastern dialect region. As such, the term covers over, thirteen ,centuries of the development of Aramaic. This vast time span includes all
  21. Of society. Regions, provinces,and departments Burkina Faso is divided into, thirteen ,regions, forty-five provinces, and 301 departments. The regions are: Military
  22. The top forty on the Billboard Hot 100 in June 2011. Among females in the last, thirteen ,years, Spears now has the third-most top forty hits, with twenty-one. In August
  23. Followed the resignation of Shivering Chanderpaul, who had been captain for, thirteen ,months – in which the West Indies won just one of the 14 Test matches they had
  24. Learning was slow, and he still could not read when he was eight years old. At, thirteen ,he entered the Cole Central in Can, and at sixteen and a half the Cole
  25. Attacked a United Nations compound in Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan and killed, thirteen ,people, including eight foreign workers. Births *1543 – François de Bonne, duc
  26. 22 countries around the world. Architecture Steiner himself designed around, thirteen ,buildings, many of them significant works in a unique, organic—expressionist
  27. An important cultural icon. " Joan Alderman of The Boston Globe remarked that ", thirteen ,costume changes in 90 minutes won't bless her with Madonna's intelligence or
  28. Was the political upheaval during the last half of the 18th century in which, thirteen ,colonies in North America joined together to break free from the British Empire
  29. United States was influenced by indigenous American Indians, the cuisine of the, thirteen ,colonies or the culture of the antebellum American South; the overall culture
  30. In New England cuisine, the national traditions founded in cuisine of the, thirteen ,colonies and some aspects of other regional cuisine. **Spanish Americans and
  31. Caper family, sometimes included in Brassicaceae) * Family Moringaceae (, thirteen ,species of trees from Africa and India) Under the Conquest system, the
  32. Horse trader from Thessaly brought Philip a horse, which he offered to sell for, thirteen ,talents. The horse refused to be mounted by anyone, and Philip ordered it to be
  33. Album by a teenage solo artist" for ... Baby One More Time, which sold over, thirteen ,a million copies in the United States. Melissa Rugger of the Richmond
  34. Threw Ares into chains and put him in a bronze urn, where he remained for, thirteen ,months, a lunar year. " And that would have been the end of Ares and his
  35. Solo artist" for her debut album ... Baby One More Time which sold over, thirteen ,a million copies in the United States. Melissa Rugger of the Richmond
  36. Portions of the Laṅkāvatāra Supra, which are collected in a volume of twelve or, thirteen ,pages, ... bearing the title of Teaching of Bodhidharma. In other early texts
  37. As well as in international American schools. In the UK,13.7 would be read, thirteen ,point seven. In counting, it is common in both varieties of English to count in
  38. During the next four weeks, they played a total of seventeen sold-out dates, thirteen ,in the United States and four in Canada. The last scheduled ABBA concert in the
  39. Fees; the same term is used in the UK for a private school for pupils under, thirteen , designed to prepare them for fee-paying public schools. An American parochial
  40. Muse Rodin holds 7,000 of his drawings and prints, in chalk and charcoal, and, thirteen , vigorous dry points. He also produced a single lithograph. Portraiture was an
  41. The time of my ancestor Ali, the first Imam, that is to say over a period of, thirteen ,a hundred years, it has always been the tradition of our family that each Imam
  42. And the seat of his trousers" and threw him. Lincoln finished eighth out of, thirteen ,candidates (the top four were elected),though he received 277 of the 300
  43. Palestine, but the match consisted of only two games and took place in 1914, thirteen , years before Palestine became world champion. Nimzowitsch never beat Capablanca
  44. Is said" Geelong: fourteen, fourteen,ninety-eight, defeated Hawthorn: nine, thirteen , sixty-seven ". Additionally, it can be said that:" Geelong defeated Hawthorn
  45. Of resuming the projects on the Western Isles which the death of his father, thirteen ,years before had cut short. He laid a formal claim before the Norwegian king
  46. Version. " Fernando" took the world by storm, hitting number 1 in at least, thirteen ,countries worldwide, including the United Kingdom, Germany and Australia and
  47. 1974,all four companies were merged to form British Airways. After almost, thirteen ,years as a state company, that was sold in February 1987 as part of a
  48. He began an affair with a young woman in Carthage. She was his lover for over, thirteen ,years and gave birth to his son Advocates. Teaching rhetoric During the years
  49. Serum gesture Libra XXXI) was originally in thirty-one books, but the first, thirteen ,are lost (modern historian T. D. Barnes argues that the original was actually
  50. And bought the horse for him. Adolescence and education When Alexander was, thirteen ,years old, Philip began to search for a tutor. Many people were passed over

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