Examples of the the word, accidentally , in a Sentence Context

The word ( accidentally ), is the 7532 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Imitates natural speech will sometimes fall into a dactylic structure, but only, accidentally , Like Williams,Ginsberg's line breaks were often determined by breath: one
  2. Left cooking on the fire. Preoccupied with the problems of his kingdom, Alfred, accidentally , let the cakes burn. 870 was the low-water mark in the history of the
  3. Offerings to the goddess with a note asking for good luck, or to repent for, accidentally ,breaking any of the college's numerous other traditions. Athena's owl also
  4. Loss. According to the Latin version of the story told by the Roman Ovid having, accidentally ,seen Diana (Artemis) on Mount Citation while she was bathing, he was changed
  5. Man on earth. Eros agreed, but then fell in love with Psyche on his own, by, accidentally , pricking himself with a golden arrow. Meanwhile,Psyche's parents were anxious
  6. King Devon II of Armenia and Queen Kern of Armenia. Life In 1320,Androids, accidentally ,murdered his brother Manuel, whereupon their father died of grief. The murder
  7. Described as" impervious to thought ". Mags seizes control of Project X and, accidentally ,destroys it, demolishing the country's last railroad bridge across the
  8. The pitcher may intentionally hit the batter, disguising it as a pitch that, accidentally ,slipped his control. Managers may also order a pitcher to throw such a pitch (
  9. Successfully won her heart, except her hunting companion Orion, who was then, accidentally ,killed either by the goddess herself or by Gaia. Orpheus, a river god, was in
  10. History, such as the Age of Apocalypse, where Professor X being killed, accidentally ,in the past led to Apocalypse taking over America. The time travelling Marvel
  11. Sunk southwest of the island. *1943 – World War II: American bomber aircraft, accidentally ,cause more than 900 civilian deaths, including 209 children, and 1300 wounded
  12. Common carriers and public utilities. *1945 – World War II: After an air raid, accidentally ,destroys a train carrying about 4,000 Nazi concentration camp internees in
  13. Future history. In the process, they predict the rise of the Nazis and, accidentally ,start the US Civil War. *In the Neal Stephenson novel The Diamond Age
  14. Probes they were to insert into holes drilled in the surface. Young, however, accidentally , got one foot tangled up in the cable to one of the probes, detaching it and
  15. An altar-omphalos of Apollo. Later versions of the story suggested Troilus was, accidentally ,killed by Achilles in an over-ardent lovers' embrace. In this version of the
  16. The ludicrous adventures of one Lucius, who experiments with magic and is, accidentally ,turned into an ass. In this guise he hears and sees many unusual things, until
  17. A car accident in May 1962. Their son, Gur, died in October 1967 after a friend, accidentally ,shot him while they were playing with a rifle. After Margalit's death, Sharon
  18. The two of them experimented with acoustic telegraphy. On June 2,1875,Watson, accidentally ,plucked one of the reeds and Bell, at the receiving end of the wire, heard the
  19. Baltic Sea, raising concerns of environmental contamination. Even now fishermen, accidentally ,retrieve some of these materials: the most recent available report from the
  20. Of Heracles. Apollo gave him a tame deer as a companion but Caparisons, accidentally ,killed it with a javelin as it lay asleep in the undergrowth. Caparisons asked
  21. Of the page (marginal glosses) to correct their text—especially if a scribe, accidentally ,omitted a word or line—and to comment about the text. When later scribes were
  22. The module to view various stars by using the computer keyboard. However, he, accidentally , erased some of the computer's memory, which caused the inertial measuring unit
  23. This has been held to mean no more than that assault" cannot be committed, accidentally ,or recklessly or negligently" as upheld in Lord Advocate's Reference No 2 of
  24. A British officer for the Madras Presidency, John Smith, while hunting tiger, accidentally ,discovered the entrance to one of the cave temples (Cave No. 9) deep within
  25. Text. Comments stop at end of line, so there is no danger of unclosed comments, accidentally ,voiding whole sections of source code. Comments can be nested: prefixing each
  26. God),and a childhood friend of Athena. In every case, Athena kills Dallas, accidentally , and thereby gains the name for herself. In one telling, they practice the arts
  27. Phoenix and Alcindor. Telefax When the Greeks left for the Trojan War, they, accidentally , stopped in Music, ruled by King Telefax. In the resulting battle, Achilles
  28. Artemis struck him at Mount Photo. Sprites was a boy who, either because he, accidentally ,saw Artemis bathing or attempted to rape her, was turned into a girl by the
  29. Renting his room to a lodger),the defenseless Alex wanders the streets and, accidentally ,encounters his former victims, all of whom are keen on revenge. The policemen
  30. Instead. He is then envisioned hurling the turd at his attacker, missing and, accidentally ,hitting Ratings, a lyric poet not admired by Aristophanes. This was
  31. Al-Huda after three days of torture. *1981 – The U. S. Navy nuclear submarine, accidentally ,collides with the Nissan Mary, a Japanese cargo ship, sinking it. *1989 – The
  32. Particular animal to represent himself because of his stammer, and thus would, accidentally ,introduce himself as" Do-do-dodgson. " Alice's Adventures in Wonderland In
  33. The ludicrous adventures of one Lucius, who experiments with magic and is, accidentally ,turned into a donkey. Life Apuleius was born in Madras (now M'Daourouch
  34. Resolution Protocol, AARP ) which handled contention between different nodes, accidentally ,choosing the same number. For socket numbers, a few well-known numbers were
  35. 11,though its exact mission was unknown. While moving within the cabin, Aldrin, accidentally , broke the circuit breaker that would arm the main engine for lift off from the
  36. Mechanism has been triggered, thus preventing existing CPC software from, accidentally ,invoking them. Despite the significant hardware enhancements, the hardware
  37. Caspian Sea is part of the Zebra mussel's native range. The mussel has been, accidentally ,introduced around the world and become an invasive species where it has been
  38. Alcmena went with Amphitryon to Thebes, where he was purified by Creon for, accidentally ,killing Electron. Alcmena refused to marry Amphitryon until he had avenged the
  39. Favour to his eldest son Data Shiloh. In 1644,Aurangzeb's sister Chandra was, accidentally ,burned when the chemicals in her perfume got close to a lamp while in Agra.
  40. Rather than the instigator of the plot that he is in the novel. In Ringo, Vimes, accidentally ,picks up a pocket organizer that should have gone down another leg of the
  41. A potential electromagnetic interference problem. During removal, the shelf was, accidentally ,dropped about because a retaining bolt had not been removed. The tank appeared
  42. Of the original slow scan source transmission from the lunar surface were, accidentally ,destroyed during routine magnetic tape re-use at NASA. Archived copies of the
  43. Set in Aberdeen. *Sarah Jane Smith from the popular sci-fi show Doctor Who was, accidentally ,returned to Aberdeen instead of her home in South Croydon by the fourth
  44. Party and envisioning him, as he stoops down to pick up a rock in the darkness, accidentally ,picking up a fresh turd instead. He is then envisioned hurling the turd at his
  45. The monoamine oxidase inhibitors (Maoist) and tricyclic antidepressants were, accidentally ,discovered to be effective in the treatment of depression. These findings and
  46. It is claimed that the common bacterium Streptococcus mites was found to have, accidentally ,contaminated the spacecraft's camera prior to launch and survived dormant in
  47. Aspartame in the course of producing an antiulcer drug candidate. He, accidentally ,discovered its sweet taste when he licked his finger, which had become
  48. Idea was later known as stop-motion animation. Relies discovered this technique, accidentally ,when his camera broke down while shooting a bus driving by. When he had fixed
  49. The Apollo 11 moonwalk, NASA concluded the data tapes had more than likely been, accidentally ,erased. The Moon landing data was recorded by a special Apollo TV camera which
  50. Heard and understood an ant warning other ants to return home to avoid being, accidentally ,crushed by Sulaiman and his marching army. In parts of Africa, ants are

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