Examples of the the word, thee , in a Sentence Context

The word ( thee ), is the 5953 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. It; that they may eat in remembrance of the body of thy Son, and witness unto, thee , O God, the Eternal Father, that they are willing to take upon them the name of
  2. Just observations. ” A. C. 1831 VI p. 627“ 12. When I shall send Artemis unto, thee , or Tactics, be diligent to come unto me to Necropolis: for I have determined
  3. Of this prayer on the water is as follows::" O God, the Eternal Father, we ask, thee , in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this water to the
  4. Secret. Be not curious in unnecessary matters: for more things are shewn unto, thee ,than men understand" (). Traditional Judaism In traditional Judaism
  5. Neither search the things that are above thy strength. But what is commanded, thee , think upon with reverence; for it is not needful for thee to see with thine
  6. Defiance to every enemy. One popular verse is 3:5," Behold, I am against, thee , saith YHWH of hosts, and I will uncover thy skirts upon thy face; and I will
  7. To view: Lift the chorus: Speed it onward: Sing it loud and free: Hail to, thee ,our alma mater: Acadia, hail to thee : Far above the busy highway: And the
  8. To 'the love which thou dost bear/ To TH' Haligonian imps and they to, thee ,', likely in reference to Oxford's literary protegees Lyly, Munday, Greene and
  9. Before thee , did not other kings possess it for a while, then pass away? After, thee , will not other kings assume control, and eat the fruits of the tree of thy
  10. The nations; then shall the Lord rise upon thee and His glory shall be seen on, thee ,' Isaiah LX.2," (Sanhedrin 99a). A Christian came to Abbey with the
  11. The fox then asks ENIL King of the Gods," If I bring Ninhursag before, thee , what shall be my reward? " Ninhursag's sacred fox then fetches the goddess.
  12. Majesties: Above the fruited plain!: America! America!: God shed His grace on, thee ,: And crown thy good with brotherhood: From sea to shining sea!: O beautiful
  13. Our savior, the angels in Heaven sing, enable us who are on Earth, to glorify, thee ,in purity of heart. This procession reenacts the journey of the Myrrh bearers to
  14. Uncertain but some like the Infants have claimed a dative singular one (" to, thee ,") and an accusative singular UN (" thee " ). Demonstrative The
  15. To them," O my son Absalom. My son, my son Absalom. Would God I could die for, thee , O Absalom, my son. My sons! " * Absalom is the name of a character in Ericeira
  16. During the sack of Rome, he writes," Truth,another's lust cannot pollute, thee , " Chastity is" a virtue of the mind, and is not lost by rape, but is lost by
  17. Instructed to tell Lois that," the LORD hath given a commandment concerning, thee , that no more of thy name be sown. " Nahum 1:14. Doctrines While the SDA's, the
  18. There are no graves in Cæsarea (compare Exodus 14:11) that I have sent, thee ,off to Tiberius? Study must precede practice" ( Yer. Pelagic iii.30b). Abbey
  19. And for relief of spirit in times of depression ('almighty God! I thanks, thee ,for my soul; & may I never die spiritually into a mere mind through disease of
  20. Of the blood of thy Son, which was shed for them; that they may witness unto, thee , O God, the Eternal Father, that they do always remember him, that they may
  21. The statement (in the King James translation):" Verily, verily,I say unto, thee , Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God ". Also, in the
  22. What is commanded thee , think upon with reverence; for it is not needful for, thee ,to see with thine eyes the things that are in secret. Be not curious in
  23. The whole world nothing is found whereunto anything created can say,'I need, thee ,not. '" This, and related statements, reflect the deep thread of international
  24. Cover the earth, and gross darkness the nations; then shall the Lord rise upon, thee ,and His glory shall be seen on thee ' Isaiah LX.2," (Sanhedrin 99a). A
  25. That he should" Return to Egypt, with same surroundings. There I will give, thee ,signs. " Nonetheless, Crowley ignored the advice of Always, instead heading off
  26. Year. Anne expressed her grief for his death in her poem" I will not mourn, thee , lovely one ", in which she called him" our darling ". Thor Green appeared
  27. Edmondson Anton, in his poem Heart of Bruce, to Sir James the Good:" Pass, thee ,first, thou dauntless heart, As thou were won't of yore! ", prior to Douglas's
  28. That fly, : Undimmed by human tears.: America! America!: God shed His grace on, thee ,: 'Til selfish gain no longer stain, : The banner of the free.: And crown thy
  29. He said, O my son Absalom, my son, my son Absalom! Would God I had died for, thee , O Absalom, my son, my son! "),is the inspiration for the text of several
  30. Twain, : New wedded in the village by thy fine, : Lady of all chaste love, to, thee , it is: We bring these amaranths, these white lilies, : A sign, and sacrifice;
  31. The local people were saying. In reply, the prophet said:" They lie, I bade, thee ,remain for the sake of what I had left behind me. So return and represent me in
  32. These early poems were rhymed and metered and included archaic pronouns like ", thee , " Williams hated the poems. He told Ginsberg later," In this mode perfection
  33. Asks him to take both his sword and his dagger (" Hold, take my sword ... Take, thee ,that too" On Macbeth's approach, he demands the sword returned to him quickly
  34. The Earth-mother goddess (Ninhursag, his wife and consort) will work above, thee ,::" ( Ninth? ) (goddess of birth) will stand by thy fashioning;: :"Oh my
  35. Claimed a dative singular one (" to thee " ) and an accusative singular UN (", thee ,"). Demonstrative The demonstratives, ca and ta, are used without distinction.
  36. Gleam: Undimmed by human tears.: America! America!: God shed His grace on, thee ,: And crown thy good with brotherhood: From sea to shining sea. Popular
  37. Be that thou shalt drink of the wadi, and I have commanded the Arabs to feed, thee ,there. And he went and did according to the word of Jehovah and went and dwelt
  38. In the same Gospel, in verses 7 and 8,Jesus says: Marvel not that I said unto, thee , Ye must be born again. / The wind blower where it listed, and thou nearest
  39. Commandment--"thou shalt not kill"--seemed insoluble and hence stood as one of, thee ,main objections against the procedure. Williams maintained that because the
  40. His wife commanded. God reassured Abraham that" Isaac shall seed be called to, thee , " () He also said that Ishmael would make a nation," because he is thy seed
  41. Man–the prophet in disguise. The man greeted him courteously,“ Peace be with, thee , Rabbi. ” Instead of returning the greeting, the rabbi could not resist an
  42. It onward: Sing it loud and free: Hail to thee our alma mater: Acadia, hail to, thee ,: Far above the busy highway: And the sleepy town: Raised against the arch of
  43. From 1549,but into which were inserted the words 'which we now offer unto, thee ,' (in small caps) with reference to the 'holy gifts' An Epictetus was
  44. And Doctrine and Covenants. It reads::" O God, the Eternal Father, we ask, thee ,in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this bread to the
  45. Plural (due to peculiar historical changes): SG. be (+G) Nevis (without, thee ,) ~ pl. be (+D) jump (without you); SG. pa (+A) cell (along the road)
  46. Find it out? " ().: Ben Sir:" Seek not out the things that are too hard for, thee , neither search the things that are above thy strength. But what is commanded
  47. Practice is sanctioned in the Qur'an by Surah 48:10:" Verily, those who give, thee ,their allegiance, they give it but to Allah Himself ". The word is used for the
  48. To the feudal homage due the emperor on appointment is guarded:" shall do unto, thee ,for these what he rightfully should" was the wording of the privileging
  49. Was the travelers reply," but methinks not it confers much strength. Before, thee , did not other kings possess it for a while, then pass away? After thee , will
  50. 537 in the presence of the emperor, who exclaimed," O Solomon, I have outdone, thee , " St Sophia was served by 600 people including 80 priests, and cost 20,000

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