Examples of the the word, ego , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ego ), is the 5954 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Plot Batman stops a hostage situation in a bank caused by Two-Face, the alter, ego ,of the disfigured former district attorney, Harvey Dent. Unfortunately
  2. He broke new ground by going on to explain the source for the apparent, ego ,: it is merely the result of identification with the temporary aggregates (
  3. Ancestry In psychology, ego lessness is an emotional state where one feels no, ego ,(or self); of having no distinct being apart from the world around oneself.
  4. Here that historical traditions are merely features given to the pure, ego ,'s intuition, like any other. A longer section follows on the" life world "
  5. Persist in the present. Overview Through the popularity of his Superman alter, ego , the personality, concept,and name of Clark Kent have become ingrained in
  6. Becomes transcendent. It remains, however,alone (unconnected). Only the, ego ,'s grasp" by analogy" of the Other (e.g., by conjectural reciprocity)
  7. Sigmund Freud described this as the result of a struggle between the, ego ,and the super ego parental imprinting. Freud rejected the role of God as
  8. Cartesianae" at its Prol ego menon identified" bonito ergo sum" the ", ego ,sum cogitate" ( I am a thinking being) as the thinking substance with his
  9. Comic book artist Mark Schultz have concluded that Conan was an idealized alter, ego ,for Howard. Unlike the modern, stereotypical view of a brainless barbarian
  10. Structured sentence, having the subject in the nominative: e.g., Dixit quo, ego ,funeral saves). * with case-specific prepositions such as" per" ( through)
  11. In ten chapters describing the absurd adventures of Pasqualino, an alter, ego , Writing for radio while attempting to avoid the draft, Fellini met his future
  12. Reflection" which he associated with the activity of the abstract Cartesian, ego , For Marcel, philosophy was a concrete activity undertaken by a sensing
  13. Does the life world contextualize and thus compromise the gaze of the pure, ego , or does the phenomenological method nonetheless raise the ego up transcendent?
  14. Cartésiennes (Paris 1931). Husserl here reviews the" transcendental, ego ,", presented earlier in his pivotal Been (1913),in terms of Descartes' "
  15. An unconscious, narcissistic process called the libidinal cathexis of the, ego , Such loss results in severe melancholic symptoms more profound than mourning;
  16. Everything. Jainism recommends conquering anger by forgiveness, pride (, ego ,) by humility, deceit by straight-forwardness and greed by contentment. The
  17. He is also considered to be the real person, with Superman the" alter, ego ,", though Kent often appears less in most episodes. In mathematics, the
  18. Own adventures. While in character as Stupendous Man, he refers to his alter, ego ,as a mild-mannered millionaire playboy. Stupendous Man almost always" suffers
  19. A man of action rather than a man of deep thought or brooding. A closer alter, ego ,for Howard, often depicted as a melancholic man who often battled with
  20. Of Walt Disney comic stories outside the U. S. Donald Duck's superhero alter, ego , Papering, known in English as Super duck, was created in Italy. Japanese
  21. Ray Moore's stand-up comedy and films based on his Dolomite hustler-pimp alter, ego ,also had an impact on gangsta rap and are still a popular source for samples.
  22. And goddesses somewhat iconoclastic. He asserted the insubstantially of the, ego ,and in doing so countered those Upanishads sages who sought knowledge of an
  23. Of his height. Later, Lou Foreign got the part of Dr. David Banner's alter, ego , Schwarzenegger appeared with Kirk Douglas and Ann-Margret in the 1979 comedy
  24. Phenomenal world as such, arises from self-consciousness; the activity of the, ego ,; and moral awareness. His student (and critic),Schopenhauer, wrote: Central
  25. They differed, e. g., Heidegger substituted Casein" Being-there" for the pure, ego , thus transforming phenomenology into an anthropology, a specie of psychologist
  26. The local newspaper Louisville Times. Captain Kentucky was the superhero alter, ego ,of Lancelot Pertwillaby. The pay was $25/week and not worth the 12+ hours each
  27. Superman first appeared in comics (in 1938's Action Comics #1),his alter, ego ,Clark Kent worked for a newspaper named the Daily Star, under editor George
  28. all the character's publication history, Captain America was the alter, ego ,of Steve Rogers, a frail young man who was enhanced to the peak of human
  29. Shoots out his wristwatch and the giant robot that Angel calls" Roger's alter, ego , " The Big Os cast of supporting characters includes Norman,Roger's faithful
  30. Of being charming when needed to deceive Mike, placate Emma or feed Brooke's, ego , Supporting staff * Dominica Barony (Anita Cedric) is the office receptionist
  31. From Tristan UND Isolde) is a popular work; Schickele's fictional to alter, ego ,P. D. Q. Bach exploits the more humorous aspects with his quartet" Lip My
  32. Ching ", is usually apologized as taking Yi 'change; easy' in false analogy (, ego , ) with English I. In most cases, Pinyin Romanization more accurately
  33. The psyche. Note that the term" selflessness" is similar in literal meaning (, ego ,is the Latin word for" I" ) but differs in nuance and usage. One would
  34. Et gumbos debilitate deal.: Si protest ill mini tantrum pretender rectus: quit, ego ,non possum Capet village ranger fuse?: Whoever loves, go to hell. I want to
  35. Love is reported to have been strongly opposed to it, calling it" Brian's, ego ,music ", and warning the composer not to" fuck with the formula ". Other group
  36. Of Descartes' " bonito ". Yet instead of infinity and the Deity being the, ego ,'s gateway to the Other as in Descartes,Husserl's ego itself becomes
  37. Gaze of the pure ego , or does the phenomenological method nonetheless raise the, ego ,up transcendent? These last writings presented the fruits of his professional
  38. In 1972 during the glam rock era with the flamboyant, androgynous alter, ego ,Ziggy Stardust, spearheaded by the hit single" Starman" and the album The
  39. Of Stepanchikovo (Село Степанчиково и его обитатели Self Stepanchikovo i, ego ,obitateli,1859) *Humiliated and Insulted (Униженные и оскорбленные
  40. In which a writer inserts a character to argue the author's viewpoint; alter, ego , sometimes called 'author avatar '. In French, a " raconteur" is a character
  41. Was able to change her form and to pass through solid walls. Her animal alter, ego ,was a monstrous black cat, not a large dog as in Dracula. She did, however
  42. And the Deity being the ego 's gateway to the Other as in Descartes,Husserl's, ego ,itself becomes transcendent. It remains, however,alone (unconnected). Only
  43. Help Nissan market stocks and bonds in the U. S. They also presumed substantial, ego ,involvement, since the absence of the Nissan name in the U. S. surely rankled
  44. And in many cases, fans feel the films are diminished by the director's own, ego ,or the studios' desire for revenue. The director's cut is often considered a
  45. Which describes Bonds as a polarizing insufferable braggart with a legendary, ego ,and staggering ability, relied on over five hundred interviews, except with
  46. Series as a member of the league gathered by Lemuel Gulliver. His alter, ego , Captain Cl egg, also makes appearances, where he is mentioned to have had a
  47. The Brazil Disney comics continue to make use of Daisy's superhero alter, ego , As Super Daisy, Daisy has no superpowers, but instead uses devices created by
  48. Physical but also mental behaviors. One's unconquered mind with anger, pride (, ego ,), deceit,greed and uncontrolled sense organs are the powerful enemies of
  49. Son of Krypton. Clark Kent has also been depicted without the Superman alter, ego , In the Else worlds stories starting with. In other media The Adventures of
  50. Then mourning; not only is the outside world viewed negatively, but the, ego ,itself is compromised. The first version of the DSM (DSM-I,1952) contained

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