Examples of the the word, profitability , in a Sentence Context

The word ( profitability ), is the 7278 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Britain adopted a free trade policy, grain imports from America undermined the, profitability ,of crop production. The result was a continuous exodus from the land—to the
  2. Equipment and the optimum method of production to minimize costs and increase, profitability , After its construction, he/she may help in upgrading its equipment. He/she may
  3. Or five years of poor earnings precede five or six years of improvement. But, profitability ,even in the good years is generally low, in the range of 2-3 % net profit after
  4. Reductions in Mazda's operations. Much of his early work put Mazda back into, profitability ,and laid the foundations for future success. Wallace was succeeded by James
  5. Systems. Because of the complications in scheduling flights and maintaining, profitability , airlines have many loopholes that can be used by the knowledgeable traveler.
  6. Tied to a new build-to-order manufacturing strategy. 1998–2005: Return to, profitability ,On August 15, 1998,Apple introduced a new all-in-one computer reminiscent of
  7. Steel Capital of Canada. After nearly declaring bankruptcy, Stelco returned to, profitability ,in 2004 and on August 26, 2007 United States Steel Corporation acquired Telco
  8. Back from road to rail did not occur and losses began to mount. The desire for, profitability ,led to a major reduction in the network during the mid-1960s with ICI manager
  9. Fiscal stimulus raises the market for business output, raising cash flow and, profitability , spurring business optimism. To Keynes, this accelerator effect meant that
  10. On buying and selling large amounts of the very low-value IRS precluded, profitability , The selling price and exchange value in stamps in each country were since
  11. For rapid gains by competitors, notably AMD. This in turn lowered the, profitability ,of the processor line and ended an era of unprecedented dominance of the PC
  12. Industry of India to England, but textiles soon overtook spices in terms of, profitability , and by 1720,in terms of sales, the British company had overtaken the Dutch.
  13. Ceased after the airline sold their subsidiary, BA Connect, due to a lack of, profitability , Passengers wishing to travel internationally with BA either to or from
  14. Limited degree, full service airlines must match. This is a major constraint on, profitability ,for established carriers, which tend to have a higher cost base. As a result
  15. Over the £1 billion cost-cutting drive that was made to return the carrier to, profitability ,in 1997. This was the last time cabin crew at BA went on strike until 2009.
  16. The 1990s,Opel had also been the source of many Holden models. To increase, profitability , Holden looked to the South Korean Daewoo brand for replacements after
  17. Printing and imaging division was criticized as that overshadowed the latter's, profitability , In February 2005,the Board of Directors ousted Florida. Former Compaq CEO
  18. In plant and equipment is based mostly on long-term expectations of future, profitability , that spending does not rise much as interest rates fall. So S and I are drawn
  19. In this way, jobs may be saved, the (previously mismanaged) engine of, profitability ,which is the business is maintained (presumably under better management)
  20. To try to stay afloat. Palmer was tasked with the goal of bringing DEC back to, profitability , which he attempted to do by changing the established DEC business culture
  21. Lost its interest on the spice trade sea route because of the decreasing, profitability ,of that business. Portuguese-ruled territories, ports and settlements remained
  22. Corporation in 1987. The American company failed to return the automaker to, profitability ,and sold it to Indonesian interests in 1994. Lamborghini's lack of success
  23. Pages, allowing it to lower its price, extend its readership and increase its, profitability ,and the formula was soon copied by all titles. Around 1840,Volley B. Palmer
  24. Cases, contribute to secondary bacterial infections and mortality. Aspirin's, profitability ,led to fierce competition and the proliferation of aspirin brands and products
  25. Community when the UK joined, and remain outside. Since the 1990s declining, profitability ,of agriculture and tourism have challenged the governments of the islands.
  26. Goal of democratic participation and the inequalities implied by the continued, profitability ,of capitalist production on the other. History The history of education
  27. Of worldwide demand, the lack of other employment alternatives, the lower, profitability ,of alternative crops in official crop substitution programs, the
  28. In Australia has led the company to look to international markets to increase, profitability , History of the company Early history In 1852,James Alexander Holden emigrated
  29. Sources of employment. Competition for Malaya’s rubber markets meant that the, profitability ,of the rubber industry increasingly depended on keeping wages low, which
  30. HDTV) technology. After taking the company public and returning it to, profitability , Rumsfeld returned to private business in late 1993. From January 1997 until
  31. Before negotiations),estimate of total franchise revenues and franchisor, profitability , The States may require the FDD to contain specific requirements but the
  32. Area, the extensive glacial moraines, eskers, and drumlins have limited the, profitability ,of agriculture by fragmenting fields and presenting serious erosion problems.
  33. Instituted scheduled freight service, and produced an unexpected turn-around in, profitability , After only four years, CPR revised its opinion and the Stash formally
  34. Disclosure document (FDD),no laws require the estimate of franchisee, profitability , which depends on how intensively the franchisee 'works' the franchise.
  35. While publishers are constantly looking to keep costs down in order to maintain, profitability ,on their investment. Typically, a video game console development team can range
  36. Concerns include the expected increased cost of doing business, threats to, profitability , rising levels of unemployment (and subsequent higher government expenditure
  37. To sell decorative items for the home online. * 2001: Alibaba. Com achieved, profitability ,in December 2011. * 2002: eBay acquires PayPal for $1.5 billion. Niche retail
  38. To as SME finance). Corporate finance generally involves balancing risk and, profitability , while attempting to maximize an entity's wealth and the value of its stock
  39. Units which may be used for planning and avoidance of taxes, raising the, profitability ,of a business. This provided ownership and management with full freedom of
  40. Immune to the global financial crisis of 2008,as these companies reduced their, profitability ,forecasts. The economic crisis has been spreading to other important players in
  41. First, it would increase the demand for labor and raise wages, hurting, profitability , ; Second, a government deficit increases the stock of government bonds, reducing
  42. Terrain, beyond the previously described issue of potential conflicts between, profitability ,and other concerns. Ethical marketing issues include marketing redundant or
  43. Revenue Airlines assign prices to their services in an attempt to maximize, profitability , The pricing of airline tickets has become increasingly complicated over the
  44. Still under state ownership. British Steel, for instance, made great gains in, profitability ,while still a nationalized industry under the government-appointed chairmanship
  45. For established carriers, which tend to have a higher cost base. As a result, profitability ,in a deregulated market is uneven for most airlines. These forces have caused
  46. Planning, controls and regulations began to impair productivity, quality and, profitability , Although the Indian economy enjoyed a steady rate of growth at 2.5 % per annum
  47. Financed from the issuance of new shares),the company might show lower, profitability ,ratios (e.g. ROA). However, economic dilution must prevail towards
  48. Weather. Both Euro tunnel and Eurostar. High costs of construction did delay, profitability , however, and companies involved in the Channel Tunnel's construction and
  49. And Libya to over 2000. As word spread in Saharan countries about the growing, profitability ,of the meteorite trade, meteorite markets came into existence, especially in
  50. Lord King, was appointed Chairman, charged with bringing the airline back into, profitability , King was credited with transforming the loss-making giant into one of the most

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