Examples of the the word, files , in a Sentence Context

The word ( files ), is the 7279 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Apple unveiled the iCloud online storage and syncing service for music, photos, files , and software. It has been argued that Apple has achieved such efficiency in its
  2. With their historical usage, created problems when transferring" plain text ", files ,between systems. The best example of this is the newline problem on various
  3. Park is established in northern Minnesota. *1985 – Bhopal disaster: India, files ,suit against Union Carbide for the disaster which killed an estimated 2,000 and
  4. Codecs to reduce the file size (for example the GSM or MP3 formats). WAV, files ,use a RIFF structure. * MA – the popular Windows Media Audio format owned by
  5. Track. The directory was fixed in size and could hold a maximum of 105, files , Subdirectories were not supported. Most game publishers did not include DOS on
  6. Held in the file header. * DVD – a Sony proprietary format for compressed voice, files ,; commonly used by Sony dictation recorders. * FLAC – File format for the Free
  7. Amalgamated Service when takes over the Twentieth Century Motor Company. He, files ,a lawsuit that eventually leads to Midas Mulligan and Judge Narragansett
  8. Appeal or post-conviction petition, in which the petitioner-appellant, files ,the appeal in a court of first instance—usually the court that tried the case.
  9. Create each part of a product. They would use their skills and tools such as, files ,and knives to create the individual parts. They would then assemble them into
  10. The Advanced Audio Coding format is based on the MPEG2 and MPEG4 standards. Aac, files ,are usually ACTS or AIF containers. * ALAN - Apple Lossless compression, a
  11. Means to access facilities outside the APL system, such as operating system, files , In the mid 1970s,the IBM mainframe interpreter was even adapted for use on
  12. Lossless). They provide a compression ratio of about 2:1 (i.e. their, files ,take up half the space of the originals). Development in lossless compression
  13. Software packages and websites are also available that convert digital video, files ,into custom-made flip books. Other techniques and approaches Apollo (Attic
  14. AD PCM formats, it compresses to 4-bits. Vox format files are similar to wave, files ,except that the Vox files contain no information about the file itself so the
  15. Drive was a service offered by AOL which allowed users to back up their, files ,over the Internet. It was closed on January 12, 2009. *Games. Com was an online
  16. For the plaintiff and ordered the defendant to pay $50,000. If the defendant, files ,an appeal arguing that he should not have to pay any money, then the plaintiff
  17. Format designed for streaming audio over the Internet. The. Ra format allows, files ,to be stored in a self-contained fashion on a computer, with all the audio
  18. Au – the standard audio file format used by Sun, Unix and Java. The audio in Au, files ,can be PCM or compressed with the law, a-law or G729 codecs. * AWB - AMR-WB
  19. Older Macintosh systems, among others, use only carriage returns in plain text, files , Various IBM operating systems used both characters to mark the end of a line
  20. Track, a program called MUFFIN was provided with DOS 3.3 to allow users to copy, files ,from DOS 3.2 disks to DOS 3.3 disks. On a DOS 3. X disk, tracks 0,1,and most
  21. Context. The first is the traditional" direct" appeal in which the appellant, files ,an appeal with the next higher court of review. The second is the collateral
  22. Overhead is kept to a minimum * reverse-engineering and modifying program, files ,such as **existing binaries that may or may not have originally been written in
  23. BASIC before it, did not come with any built-in commands for dealing with, files ,or disks, other than a feature to save programs to, and load programs from
  24. To 4-bits. Vox format files are similar to wave files except that the Vox, files ,contain no information about the file itself so the codec sample rate and
  25. In response to Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. *1991 – Tim Berners-Lee releases, files ,describing his idea for the World Wide Web. WWW debuts as a publicly available
  26. The game, using the built-in scenario and map editors, and modifying Sacs game, files , In addition to a choice of seven (or 14 in MAX) factions, pre-game options
  27. Turing-complete. Structure of AWK programs" AWK is a language for processing, files ,of text. A file is treated as a sequence of records, and by default each line
  28. Are no arguments, awk will simply quit because it feels there are no more input, files , Therefore, you need to explicitly say to read from standard input with the
  29. 1 in the UK singles charts, was created using an Atari ST. *All the drums MIDI, files ,for The Berzerker's eponymous debut album were written on an Atari.
  30. Much cleaner than that made with more traditional character sets. Plain text, files ,are also seen with these characters, though they have become far less common
  31. Superior courts, or supreme courts. Access to appellant status A party who, files ,an appeal is called an appellant, plaintiff in error, petitioner or pursuer
  32. Rules, diplomatic dialog, and the factions' starting abilities are in text, files , which" the designers have done their best to make it reasonably easy to
  33. Service of Russia and one of his sisters. *2009 – Chrysler automobile company, files ,for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. * 2009 – Seven people are killed and 17 injured at a
  34. One of the 10 largest U. S. passenger airlines and largest charter airline, files ,for bankruptcy for the second time in 5 years and ceases all operations. * 2008
  35. Codec. Similar to other AD PCM formats, it compresses to 4-bits. Vox format, files ,are similar to wave files except that the Vox files contain no information
  36. Leagues in the USA *AMPLE Solver Library, an open-source library for reading NL, files ,and performing automatic differentiation *Anti-Saloon League, once the leading
  37. Windows (see ASCII and ANSI art viewers),one can see block ASCII and ANSI, files ,properly. An example that illustrates the difference in appearance is part of
  38. Each character when encountered alone. To simplify matters, plain text, files ,on Unix and Amiga systems use line feeds alone to separate lines. Similarly
  39. Files, which means that they can be large—around 10 MB per minute. Wave, files ,can also contain data encoded with a variety of (lossy) codecs to reduce the
  40. In the game's copy-protection code, since the data on the disk was not in, files ,that could be accessed easily. Some third-party manufacturers produced floppy
  41. Voice. It makes a good compromise between file size and quality. Note that WAV, files ,can also be encoded with the GSM codec. * Islam – An Islam Media proprietary
  42. Laws). A proprietary format of NCH Software. * DSS – Digital Speech Standard, files ,are an Olympus proprietary format. It is a fairly old and poor codec. GSM or
  43. Groups began to get into the ASCII art scene. Warez groups usually release. Nfo, files ,with their software, cracks or general illegal software reverse-engineering
  44. Kbit/s. * MTV – a Sony proprietary format for Memory Stick compressed voice, files , * mxp4 – a Musical proprietary format allowing play of different versions (
  45. Windows PCs. Commonly used for storing uncompressed (PCM),CD-quality sound, files , which means that they can be large—around 10 MB per minute. Wave files
  46. Directives may do anything from telling the assembler to include other source, files , to telling it to allocate memory for constant data. List of assemblers for
  47. Applets include: * Windows Media Player applets, used to display embedded video, files ,in Internet Explorer (and other browsers that support the plugin) * 3D
  48. Many professional audio workstations in the television and film industry. BWF, files ,include a standardized timestamp reference which allows for easy
  49. Consisting of a set of actions to be taken against textual data (either in, files ,or data streams) for the purpose of producing formatted reports. The language
  50. Style Sony ATTAC format. It always has a. WAV file extension. To open these, files , install the ATRAC3 drivers. * Au – the standard audio file format used by Sun

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