Examples of the the word, microwave , in a Sentence Context
The word ( microwave ), is the 7280 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- That the universe evolved from a hot dense state. The discovery of the cosmic, microwave ,background in 1965 lent strong support to the Big Bang model, and since the
- Applied over multiple amplifying stages. Stability is a major concern in RF and, microwave ,amplifiers. The degree of an amplifier's stability can be quantified by a
- Background radiation while conducting diagnostic observations using a new, microwave ,receiver owned by Bell Laboratories. The data points and error bars on this
- Traveling wave tubes, etc., that are used for generating high levels of, microwave ,power in the transmitters. Nuclear applications Thin plates or foils of
- The possibility that we are near the unique center of an explosion. Cosmic, microwave ,background radiation During the first few days of the Universe, the Universe
- Confirmation, most impressively by the detailed observations of the cosmic, microwave ,background made by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (MAP) spacecraft
- Energy. In order not to interfere with Big Bang nucleosynthesis and the cosmic, microwave ,background, it must not cluster in halos like baryons and dark matter. There
- Seen in the redshifts of galaxies, the detailed measurements of the cosmic, microwave ,background, the abundance of light elements (see Big Bang nucleosynthesis)
- Support to the Big Bang model, and since the precise measurements of the cosmic, microwave ,background by the Cosmic Background Explorer in the early 1990s,few
- Different kinds of spectra are often used in chemical spectroscopy,e.g. IR, microwave , NMR, ESR,etc. Spectroscopy is also used to identify the composition of remote
- Warmer at earlier times throughout the Universe. Uniform cooling of the cosmic, microwave ,background over billions of years is explainable only if the Universe is
- Underway to further test inflation with more precise measurements of the cosmic, microwave ,background. In particular, high precision measurements of the so-called "
- Use the term to describe the uneven temperature distribution of the cosmic, microwave ,background radiation. There is evidence for a so-called" Axis of Evil" in the
- Microwave background radiation, a nearly uniform glow that fills the sky in the, microwave ,part of the spectrum; stars, galaxies and other objects of interest in radio
- By multiple providers, is increasing rapidly from a low base *domestic:, microwave ,radio relay, open wire, and radiotelephone communication stations International
- Of a wavelength of 1.260 cm. The absorption at this frequency was the first, microwave ,spectrum to be observed. Ammonia may be conveniently deodorized by reacting it
- Space Ammonia was first detected in interstellar space in 1968,based on, microwave ,emissions from the direction of the galactic core. This was the first
- Using international direct dialing; 2 international exchanges; digital, microwave ,radio relay links to Namibia, Zambia,Zimbabwe, and South Africa; satellite
- System International: EAST CARIBBEAN Fiber SYSTEM CFS (cable system) , microwave ,radio relay to island of Saint Martin (Guadeloupe and Netherlands Antilles)
- The perturbations have been confirmed by the MAP spacecraft and other cosmic, microwave ,background experiments, These experiments have shown that the one part in
- Fourth" sterile" species of neutrino. Cosmic microwave background The cosmic, microwave ,background is radiation left over from decoupling after the epoch of
- Populated regions. Phone system Landline system Statistics Domestic: extensive, microwave ,radio relay system and a domestic satellite system with 64 earth stations.
- Certain heavier elements from lighter ones. After the discovery of the cosmic, microwave ,background radiation in 1964,and especially when its spectrum (i.e., the
- Wikipedia. Org # Dailymotion. Com # blogger. Com # party poker. Com Other The, microwave ,relay network is, however,more limited. For international communications
- Suggests there is a fourth" sterile" species of neutrino. Cosmic, microwave ,background The cosmic microwave background is radiation left over from
- Is indicated by several other lines of evidence. Measurements of the cosmic, microwave ,background indicate that the Universe is very nearly spatially flat, and
- Atlantic Ocean),1 Invariant (Atlantic Ocean region east),connected by, microwave ,relay system to Mercosur Brazil sat B3 satellite earth station (2007)
- Of cosmology, and led to specific predictions for the corrections to the, microwave ,background radiation, corrections which were calculated in detail shortly
- And whose associates, Ralph Alp her and Robert Herman, predicted the cosmic, microwave ,background radiation (CMB). Ironically, it was Hoyle who coined the phrase
- For example). This problem is exacerbated by recent observations of the cosmic, microwave ,background that have demonstrated that the universe is flat to the accuracy of
- Very low temperatures The average temperature of the universe due to cosmic, microwave ,background radiation today is 2.73 K. Absolute zero cannot be achieved
- But caused its temperature to fall, meaning that the photons now fall into the, microwave ,region of the electromagnetic spectrum. The radiation is thought to be
- Favor Big Bang over Steady State. The discovery and confirmation of the cosmic, microwave ,background radiation in 1964 secured the Big Bang as the best theory of the
- Cosmological model; these include the abundance of light elements, the cosmic, microwave ,background, large scale structure, and the Hubble diagram for Type Ia
- Stellar mass (and larger) black holes receive more mass from the cosmic, microwave ,background than they emit through Hawking radiation and will thus grow instead
- Type Ia supernovae, measurements of temperature fluctuations in the cosmic, microwave ,background, and measurements of the correlation function of galaxies, the
- Prize in Physics. Pencils and Wilson were cited for their discovery of cosmic, microwave ,background radiation, a nearly uniform glow that fills the Universe in the
- Theory, which had recently been falsified by the 1965 discovery of the cosmic, microwave ,background radiation. This discovery was unequivocal evidence that the universe
- Cosmology Telescope, are trying to measure the polarization of the cosmic, microwave ,background. These measurements are expected to provide further confirmation of
- Is 24.7 kJ/MOL, and the resonance frequency is 23.79 GHz, corresponding to, microwave ,radiation of a wavelength of 1.260 cm. The absorption at this frequency was the
- The last three space shuttles. Gregory was also on the team that pioneered the, microwave ,instrumentation landing system. Political legacy African Americans have fought
- In the universe. Dark matter Evidence from Big Bang nucleosynthesis, the cosmic, microwave ,background and structure formation suggests that about 23 % of the mass of the
- Background radiation, a nearly uniform glow that fills the Universe in the, microwave ,band of the radio spectrum. * 1997: Steven Chu shared the Nobel Prize in
- Is about 80 per 100 persons domestic: small system of open-wire lines, microwave ,radio relay links, and a few radiotelephone communication stations;
- Is based on the research of Wool and Shaped. Health concerns Bluetooth uses the, microwave ,radio frequency spectrum in the 2.402 GHz to 2.480 GHz range. Accordingly
- Switching centers in most of the regions; the others are connected by digital, microwave ,radio relay * International: country code – 359; submarine cable provides
- Which are caused by interaction between galaxies and clusters with the cosmic, microwave ,background. Formation and evolution of large-scale structure Understanding the
- Nuclei and finally atoms. With the formation of neutral hydrogen, the cosmic, microwave ,background was emitted. Finally, the epoch of structure formation began, when
- Pervasive, whether ionizing or not. A particular example of this is the cosmic, microwave ,background radiation, a nearly uniform glow that fills the sky in the microwave
- 100 nanokelvins. This is far less than the 2.7 K temperature of the cosmic, microwave ,background. Stellar mass (and larger) black holes receive more mass from the
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