Examples of the the word, gardens , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gardens ), is the 7282 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Several sporting and cultural venues, as well as Barcelona's biggest park and, gardens , The city borders are the municipalities of Santa Coloma de Gramenet and Sent
  2. Picture of the poet living with his children in a house surrounded by pleasant, gardens ,near the emperor's palace. The reference to Bertha, however,is distant and
  3. Around 22,000 different plant species it is one of the largest and most diverse, gardens ,in the world. Other gardens in the city include the Blitzer Garden, site of the
  4. Entire city, and its southern end the Bronx Zoo, the largest urban zoological, gardens ,in the U. S. The land for these parks, and many others, was bought by New York
  5. Of the lands he had left behind, Babur began a process of creating exquisite, gardens ,in every palace and province, where he would often sit shaded from the fierce
  6. Have them with me in this great work ..." ... at eight o'clock we met in the, gardens ,of the Minim Fathers, which has the lowest elevation in town .... First I
  7. Roofs with unusual pinnacles, fit in well with the use of the park as pleasure, gardens ,and seem relatively inconspicuous in the landscape when one considers the
  8. By the Spanish architect Santiago Balaclava, with steel arches, landscaped, gardens , fountains, futuristic glass, and a landmark new blue glass roof which was
  9. Fine arts museum),one of the finest painting galleries in France Parks and, gardens ,Shopping Bordeaux has many shopping options. In the heart of Bordeaux is Rue
  10. Are. Uses Aloe species are frequently cultivated as ornamental plants both in, gardens ,and in pots. Many Aloe species are highly decorative and are valued by
  11. The most pleasure, was gardening. At Abbotsford, Sir Walter created enclosed, gardens ,and parkland to complement the house, and laid out the largely unimproved land
  12. Climate. Around one third of the city's area is composed of forests, parks, gardens , rivers and lakes. First documented in the 13th century, Berlin was the capital
  13. Many species of Amaryllidoideae are popular as ornamentals in parks and, gardens , A special mention should be made of Narcissus (daffodils and Narcissa)
  14. Added another ring inside the first. Within the city there were many parks, gardens , villas, and promenades. In the center of the city lay the mosque, as well as
  15. Wave Hill, the former estate of George W. Perkins — known for a historic house, gardens , changing site-specific art installations and concerts — overlooks the New
  16. While she made physical improvements to the farmhouse and areas of the land and, gardens ,that had been neglected. With Cannon, she toured the neighboring villages and
  17. Concrete. It has a grand reception area and is surrounded by Japanese-style, gardens ,; and it has had many famous residents, especially from the performing arts.
  18. Situated in the east of Algiers, it extends over and contains exotic plants and, gardens , It was created in 1832 by A. Hardy. * Villa Abd-el-Hair, with the top of the
  19. And Narcissa),cultivated in various parts of the world as an ornamental in, gardens ,and as a cut flower. Asparagaceae sense late The
  20. Which welcomes around six million visitors every year, or in the famous beer, gardens , In traditional Bavarian beer gardens , patrons may bring their own food and
  21. Pond, bandstand,and play area as well as Europe's second largest enclosed, gardens ,the David Welch Winter Gardens. Hammerhead Park, is large and forested, located
  22. Cities, while Alexios squandered the public treasure on his palaces and, gardens ,and attempted to deal with the crisis through diplomatic means. The emperor's
  23. Developed the Morris Garden and the impressive kitchen garden. Much of the, gardens ,and landscape remain as they were in the time of Sir Walter, with some modest
  24. Sticky fungus which is used to trap their insect prey. Lemon ants make devil's, gardens ,by killing surrounding plants with their stings and leaving a pure patch of
  25. Comfortable and beautifully decorated. ` Abdul'Baha enjoyed playing in the, gardens ,with his younger sister whom he was very close to. Along with his younger
  26. Systems reuse drained wash water to flush toilets or to water lawns and, gardens , Grey water systems can halve the water use of most residential buildings;
  27. Built much taller than necessary. This type, often found in east-Asian style, gardens , is called a Moon bridge, evoking a rising full moon. Other garden bridges may
  28. And birds that feed on them. Although they are often considered to be weeds in, gardens , this viewpoint is not always necessary, as most of them die when the soil
  29. The Surgeries is celebrated on the first weekend of July, when the palace, gardens ,with their ancient walls are transformed into a medieval camp. *The
  30. Once),temporary meadows for mowing or pasture, land under market and kitchen, gardens ,and land temporarily fallow (less than five years). Abandoned land resulting
  31. Virtually all domesticated grains. Some perennials and biennials are grown in, gardens ,as annuals for convenience, particularly if they are not considered cold hardy
  32. City by Miss Elizabeth Combine Ruthie of Ruthrieston in 1881. It has extensive, gardens , a rose hill, boating pond, bandstand,and play area as well as Europe's
  33. Buildings provided improved housing conditions with larger and brighter rooms, gardens , and balconies. Because of the war and other incidents of the 20th century
  34. 400 species, and is open 365 days per year. Smaller zoos exist within public, gardens ,or parks, such as the zoo within the National Garden of Athens. Demographics
  35. Botanic us, founded in the early 17th century, is one of the oldest botanical, gardens ,in the world, with many old and rare specimens, among them the coffee plant
  36. 6. Stations Taurus was forced to suicide because Agrippina wanted his, gardens ,(TAC. ) 54 7. Claudius her husband poisoned (TAC. Sen. UV. Suet. Did.
  37. Caspar Mauser lived in Attach from 1830 to 1833. He was murdered in the palace, gardens , Theodor Escherichia, bacteriologist and pediatrician, born in Attach in 1857.
  38. He would often sit shaded from the fierce Indian sun. He tried to recreate the, gardens ,of Kabul, which he believed were the most beautiful in the world, and in one of
  39. An extract. Ornamental uses A few species are widely grown as ornamentals in, gardens ,; the most popular perhaps is Acacia debate (Silver Wattle),with its
  40. Carnage Volta. Volta's legacy is celebrated by a Temple located in the public, gardens ,by the lake. It is also a museum which has been built in his honor and exhibits
  41. Memories of rural England, and led to the widespread creation of orchards and, gardens , Agrarianism claimed agriculture was the source of all wealth and called for
  42. Are four chimney-pieces by Asgard in the Royal Palace of Harangue, and in the, gardens , the figures on the fountain of Neptune are also by him. The Augustinian
  43. With paintings and statues of Achilles both in the main hall and in the lavish, gardens ,depicting the heroic and tragic scenes of the Trojan war. Other stories Some
  44. Or in some instances a variety of entrails. At folk festivals and in many beer, gardens , beer is traditionally served by the liter (the so-called). Bavarians are
  45. Species it is one of the largest and most diverse gardens in the world. Other, gardens ,in the city include the Blitzer Garden, site of the 1985 Bundesgartenschau, and
  46. And a ridge of rocky hills. The houses are separated from one another by fruit, gardens , Ana marks the boundary between the olive (north) and the date (south).
  47. It comprised a seventeenth-century farmhouse, outbuildings,orchard, vegetable, gardens , and enclosures. Potter asked the tenant farmer John Cannon and his family to
  48. To its Tweed side setting. Historic Scotland has classified the landscape and, gardens ,created by Scott as of outstanding aesthetic, scenic and architectural
  49. Security through the Guardian Urbana (the municipal police),city maintenance, gardens , parks and environment, facilities (like schools, nurseries,sports centers
  50. Every year, or in the famous beer gardens . In traditional Bavarian beer, gardens , patrons may bring their own food and only buy beer from the brewery that runs

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