Examples of the the word, faint , in a Sentence Context

The word ( faint ), is the 7281 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Gwynn's daughter's rendition of" The Star-Spangled Banner ". Additionally,a, faint ,but audible" O! " Could be heard on the television broadcast of Barack Obama
  2. Also have longer, woolier hair that mounts every February to April, showing, faint , spots on the head, neck and limbs. Anger ARUP Erlang (January 1,1878 –
  3. That he was ready. With curious onlookers packed into the office as witnesses, faint ,voices were heard replying. The following night, he amazed guests as well as
  4. 1960,taking a negative literary view of it but also saying that" There is a, faint ,but unattractive touch of old-fashioned xenophobia in the author's attitude to
  5. Occurs, for example, during an eclipse of the Moon by the Earth—producing a, faint , ruddy illumination of the Moon even at totality. Eclipse cycles An eclipse
  6. Wings as eagles; they shall run, and be not weary; and they shall walk, and not, faint , " Abrahams is badly beaten by the heavily favored United States runners in
  7. Should not minimize our sacred endeavors in this world of ours, where,like, faint ,glimmers of light in the dark, we have emerged for a moment from the
  8. Are few variable stars in Equuleus. Only around 25 are known, most of which are, faint , Γ EU is an alpha CVN star, ranging between magnitudes 4.58 and 4.77 over a
  9. Is completely dark. But a sufficiently sensitive radio telescope shows a, faint ,background glow, almost exactly the same in all directions, that is not
  10. Their target was away. It wasn't until just over away that they saw it as a, faint ,star. After a couple more correction burns they were station keeping 3 meters
  11. Millionth of their parent star's brightness. It is difficult to detect such a, faint ,light source, and furthermore the parent star causes a glare that tends to wash
  12. A biography and bibliography (1919) (full text online) Callum is a, faint ,constellation in the southern sky, introduced in the 18th century by Nicolas
  13. Sunlight directly and the gases glowing from ionization. Most comets are too, faint ,to be visible without the aid of a telescope, but a few each decade become
  14. Deflect very quickly, with few electrons impinging on the screen; leading to a, faint ,or invisible image on the display. Oscilloscope CRTs designed for very fast
  15. Refracted through the Earth's atmosphere enters the umbra and provides a, faint ,illumination. Much as in a sunset, the atmosphere tends to more strongly
  16. Shower, which peaks around January 21 each year. Camelopardalis is a large but, faint ,constellation in the northern sky. The constellation was introduced in 1612 (
  17. A jet black saddle (also known as" Blackjack" ), to the" Dark TRI" ( where, faint ,brown markings are intermingled with more prominent black markings),to the "
  18. On hidden heavy normal objects, such as black holes, neutron stars, faint ,old white dwarfs, brown dwarfs, as the possible candidates for dark matter
  19. Is located in the area of Boötes. *The Boötes Dwarf Galaxy (Boo I DSP) is a, faint , satellite galaxy of the Milky Way located in Boötes about 197 000 light-years
  20. The area of the sky that is deserted (now considered as the new and extremely, faint ,constellations Camelopardalis and Lynx),and the other features of the area in
  21. Several beer writers consider it to be bland. The beer is light-bodied with, faint ,sweet notes and negligible bitterness, leading to reviews characterizing it as
  22. Claims from the late 1980s. Detection methods Planets are extremely, faint ,light sources compared to their parent stars. At visible wavelengths, they
  23. In addition to the well-known gas and dust tails, Hale–Bop also exhibited a, faint ,sodium tail, only visible with powerful instruments with dedicated filters.
  24. A team that is batting last and well behind to bat defensively, giving up any, faint ,chance at a win to avoid a loss. Baseball offers no such reward for
  25. Was obtained during the September 22, 1978 occupation. Double star Five, faint ,stars appear close enough to Aldebaran in its visual field for astronomers to
  26. Of the Milky Way, Equuleus contains no notable deep sky objects. Some very, faint ,galaxies between magnitudes 13 and 15 include NGC 7015,NGC 7040,NGC 7045 and
  27. Is between Saturn and Uranus, was originally classified as an asteroid until a, faint ,coma was noticed. Similarly, Comet Shoemaker–Levy 2 was originally designated
  28. Then light in the medium. As they interact with the medium, they generate a, faint ,light called Cerenkov radiation. The effects of special relativity are based
  29. With whatever emphasis of passionate love repeated, of which the echo is not, faint ,at last. Joachim du Belly mentioned the herb in his" A Vow To Heavenly Venus
  30. Line. The form is illustrated by Crapsey's" November Night ": Listen ... With, faint ,dry sound, Like steps of passing ghosts, The leaves,frost-crisp'd, break from
  31. Of Furies were so frightening in appearance that they caused young children to, faint , patriarchs to urinate, and pregnant women to go into labor. His plays were
  32. Lucille, who created fourteen constellations for the southern sky to fill some, faint ,regions. It was originally denominated Anglia pneumatic to commemorate the air
  33. West Africa, clicks have been reported allophonically, and similarly in German, faint ,clicks have been recorded in rapid speech where the consonants and overlap
  34. To see in near darkness to locate prey. Not only can cats hear sounds too, faint ,for human ears, they can also hear sounds higher in frequency than humans can
  35. Company * Atmospheric theater a style of architecture by John Emerson Apes is a, faint ,constellation in the southern sky, first defined in the late 16th century. Its
  36. Barnard's Star is a red dwarf of the dim spectral type M4,and it is too, faint ,to see without a telescope. Its apparent magnitude is 9.54. Barnard's Star has
  37. An area just less than that of Corona Australia. Notable features Callum is a, faint ,constellation, having no star brighter than fourth magnitude. Its brightest
  38. To the naked eye averages roughly one per year, though many of these are, faint ,and unspectacular. Particularly bright or notable examples are called" Great
  39. And it specifically represents an air pump. The stars comprising Anglia are, faint , and the constellation was not created until the 18th century. Beginning at the
  40. Constellations (after Crux),spanning only 72 square degrees. It is also very, faint , having no stars brighter than the fourth magnitude. In Chinese astronomy
  41. To the melodic styles of the West African riots, and the influences are, faint ,and tenuous. In particular, no specific African musical form can be identified
  42. By the naked eye, sometimes with the aid of a star chart, many others are so, faint ,or inconspicuous that technical means are necessary to locate them. Many
  43. Intermingled with more prominent black markings),to the" Faded TRI" ( where, faint ,black markings are intermingled with more prominent brown markings). Some
  44. Low noise at high readout speeds makes them very useful for lucky imaging of, faint ,stars, and high speed photon counting photometry. Commercial EM CCD cameras
  45. To John Foxe's legendary account of his death, his last words were:" I am, faint ,; Lord have mercy upon me, and take my spirit ". He was buried in Henry VII Lady
  46. By Johannes Helvetius, resided in the southern part of Boötes. It contained only, faint ,stars barely visible to the naked eye. Mythology In ancient Babylon the stars
  47. Medicinal properties of chives are similar to those of garlic, but weaker; the, faint ,effects in comparison with garlic are probably the main reason for their
  48. High frequency noises, so the hearing of the cat has evolved to pinpoint these, faint ,high-pitched sounds. Cats also have a much better sense of smell than humans.
  49. Or to imagine such impressions is to have an" idea ". Ideas are therefore the, faint ,copies of sensations. Hume concluded that such things as belief in an external
  50. Had been discovered by amateurs. Most comets at this distance are extremely, faint , and show no discernible activity, but Hale-Bopp already had an observable coma

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