Examples of the the word, obsolete , in a Sentence Context

The word ( obsolete ), is the 7284 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Al Speak Ancestor. This has been variously Romanized in the past, leading to, obsolete ,variants such as Aramex and Azimuth. The name Aarambh is used in Geoffrey
  2. From this method are known as photographic magnitudes, and are now considered, obsolete , For objects within our Galaxy with a given absolute magnitude,5 is added to
  3. Has since been adopted for all published writing and the word milliard is, obsolete ,in English, as are billiard (but not billiards, the game),billiard and so
  4. To their machines long after newer models rendered the units technically, obsolete , and it attracted numerous aftermarket upgrades. Many CPU upgrades that plugged
  5. The rapid pace of change in the ironclad period meant that many ships were, obsolete ,as soon as they were complete, and that naval tactics were in a state of flux.
  6. Italian support for non-intervention. World War II The German battleship — an, obsolete ,pre-dreadnought—fired the first shots of World War II with the bombardment of
  7. Guns by mounting their infantry support weapons on the bed of a truck or on, obsolete ,tanks with the turret removed. Later in the war, both the Germans and the
  8. Area and encloses a volume but has no width. Fuller held that unthinking use of, obsolete ,scientific ideas detracts from and misleads intuition. Other neologisms
  9. German armored cruiser, Blücher was armed with only 8.2-inch guns, and was, obsolete ,before she was even launched. The Royal Navy's early superiority in capital
  10. For 128 characters: 33 are non-printing control characters (now mostly, obsolete ,) that affect how text and space is processed; 94 are printable characters, and
  11. Judicial discretion would actually pave the way to a biased decision rendering, obsolete ,the judicial process in question—rule of law being illicitly subordinated by
  12. He promptly initiated a far-reaching scheme of reform, which replaced the, obsolete ,methods of the 18th century. The chief characteristics of the new order were
  13. Personnel and operating around 3,000 aircraft (of which 75 % were considered, obsolete ,by its own standards). During the Soviet era Aeroflot was synonymous with
  14. Approaches for investigating ancient astronomy: astro-archaeology (an, obsolete ,term for studies that draw astronomical information from the alignments of
  15. Weapons systems, such as torpedoes and missiles, have made aircraft carriers, obsolete ,as too vulnerable for modern combat. Countries appear, however,willing to take
  16. Unless fired from close range. In effect, rather than making plate armor, obsolete , the use of firearms stimulated the development of plate armor into its later
  17. World War I and the tank did not fulfil its promise of rendering trench warfare, obsolete , Nonetheless, it was clear to military thinkers on both sides that tanks would
  18. The midst of a vicious round of price-cutting: Pong clones that had been made, obsolete ,by these newer and more powerful machines were sold off to discounters for
  19. Experimented with psychedelic substances, specifically Antagonism Lewin,an, obsolete ,scientific name for the mescaline-bearing cactus peyote and initiated the
  20. As a Federal Information Processing Standard, making 6-bit bytes commercially, obsolete , In the early 1960s,AT&T introduced digital telephony first on long-distance
  21. The risk of abuse and addiction is high. Many experts consider these drugs, obsolete ,for treating anxiety but valuable for the short-term treatment of severe
  22. Advent of airpower and missiles have rendered this type of artillery largely, obsolete , They are typically longer-barreled, low-trajectory,high-velocity weapons
  23. Of knowledge about the chemical structure of alkaloids and is now considered, obsolete , More recent classifications are based on similarity of the carbon skeleton (
  24. A false etymology, a popular belief is that they were most likely Finns – the, obsolete ,name of Tenets people, Samoyed,has a similar meaning in Russian:" self-eater
  25. Rather than the statute acre. Other acres * Scottish acre, one of a number of, obsolete ,Scottish units of measurement ATP may refer to: * Adenosine triphosphate
  26. Bridges, including designation as" structurally deficient" and" functionally, obsolete ,". Visual index Bead work is the art or craft of attaching beads to one another
  27. Georgia. Employing the Parrot trifle cannon made masonry coastal defenses, obsolete ,overnight. The Federals left a small garrison, releasing troops and ships for
  28. Army Air Corps, believing that air forces had rendered navies around the world, obsolete , testified in front of Congress that" 1,000 bombardment airplanes can be built
  29. And sea vessels. In the 1990s,the country scrapped enormous amounts of, obsolete ,hardware, such as tanks and SAM systems from China. Today, it consists of the
  30. Although Mitchell had required" wartime conditions ", the ships sunk were, obsolete , stationary, defenseless and had no damage control. The sinking of Friesland
  31. Sir John (" Jackie" ) Fisher, HMS Dreadnought made existing battleships, obsolete , Combining an" all-big-gun" armament of ten 12-inch (305 mm) guns with
  32. Nicklaus Wirth's Pascal programming language. Some parts of the criticism are, obsolete ,due to ISO 7185 (Programming Languages - Pascal),the criticism was written
  33. Used in the 400 and 800 was designed because they were aware the 2600 would be, obsolete ,by the 1980 time frame. What was surprising was the sudden entry into the
  34. Being used for its embedded computer system projects, many of which were, obsolete ,or hardware-dependent, and none of which supported safe modular programming. In
  35. Of smaller, cheaper submachineguns around the 1950s rendered the tactic largely, obsolete ,and it fell into relative obscurity. With modern shooting techniques, there is
  36. For" many years" and that, as an indictable misdemeanor, it was" wholly, obsolete ,". Their recommendation was implemented by the Criminal Law Act 1967. United
  37. Implemented with thermionic valves and other technologies now considered, obsolete , Iron Storm is a first-person shooter set in 1964,where the Great War still
  38. Decline and survival of archery The development of firearms rendered bows, obsolete ,in warfare. Despite the high social status, ongoing utility, and widespread
  39. In Washington state In transportation * Atlantic (1921 automobile),an, obsolete ,automobile company * Atlantic (train),a named passenger train operated by
  40. Which all set limits on major warships. These treaties became effectively, obsolete ,on 1 September 1939 at the beginning of World War II, but the ship
  41. That matter is composed of discrete units called atoms, as opposed to the, obsolete ,notion that matter could be divided into any arbitrarily small quantity. It
  42. Took the English language with them. While the term fall gradually became, obsolete ,in Britain, it became the more common term in North America. Gotten (past
  43. Brazilian industry (of which the Brazilians used to be very proud) was mostly, obsolete ,and polluting or that defaulting the debt was equal to not paying the rent. He
  44. Passive diagnosis of thyroid function. This medical application is however, obsolete , Health issues As a highly radioactive element, americium and its compounds
  45. In both contexts. * In the UK generally the term fall meaning" autumn" is, obsolete , Although often found from Elizabethan literature to Victorian literature
  46. Took the English language with them. While the term fall gradually became, obsolete ,in Britain, it became the more common term in North America. Harvest
  47. Property classes of Solon's constitution remained on the books, but they were, obsolete ,). Given the exclusionary and ancestral conception of citizenship held by Greek
  48. He declared," is unnecessary and hence-forth rationalizable .... War is, obsolete , " He criticized previous utopian schemes as too exclusive, and thought this
  49. Background by a rostrum camera. The traditional CEL animation process became, obsolete ,by the beginning of the 21st century. Today, animators ' drawings and the
  50. Of the metal's name are in current use, aluminium and aluminum (besides the, obsolete ,aluminum). The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)

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