Examples of the the word, synchronize , in a Sentence Context

The word ( synchronize ), is the 9487 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Accelerators" included a modicum of high-speed RAM and glue circuitry used to, synchronize ,the faster processor with the computer's original RAM and its peripherals. For
  2. Displays output from a computer. * Monitor (synchronization),an approach to, synchronize ,two or more computer tasks that use a shared resource * Machine code monitor
  3. Added seven times every nineteen years (once every two to three years) to, synchronize ,the twelve lunar cycles with the slightly longer solar year. Each Jewish lunar
  4. Or so while transmission is in neutral, it allows the engine speed to drop and, synchronize ,engine and transmission revolutions relative to the road speed. Downshifting is
  5. Or BERT). Timing signals Some synchronous devices provide a clock signal to, synchronize ,data transmission, especially at higher data rates. Two timing signals are
  6. And sales prospects. It involves using technology to organize, automate,and, synchronize ,business processes—principally sales activities, but also those for marketing
  7. Of teleprinters. (Early systems had used synchronous codes, but were hard to, synchronize ,mechanically). Other codes, such as ASCII, Fieldata and Flexowriter, were
  8. Instructions have been posted online for those who want to, synchronize ,their LIE handhelds. Interestingly enough, no modifications are required for
  9. Instruments, computers and other electronic equipment to communicate and, synchronize ,with each other *Musical keyboard, the set of adjacent depressive levers or
  10. Page (not including the initial time for the fax machines to handshake and, synchronize ,). The horizontal and vertical resolutions are allowed by the T.4 standard to
  11. Has partnered with Nike to offer the Nike+iPod Sports Kit enabling runners to, synchronize ,and monitor their runs with iTunes and the http://nikeplus.nike.com/nikeplus/
  12. Equipment (MIDI controllers, sound cards, samplers ) to communicate and, synchronize ,with each other. Unlike analog devices, MIDI does not transmit an audio signal:
  13. Business data, bringing the following benefits: * They eliminate the need to, synchronize ,changes between multiple systems—consolidation of finance, marketing and sales
  14. Allows the driver to control the engine and transmission revolutions to, synchronize , so that a smooth shift can be made, e. g., when up shifting, the accelerator
  15. http://www.companionlink.com CompanionLink. Third-party software can be used to, synchronize ,Pas to other personal information managers that are not supported by the PDA
  16. Server to corporations so that corporate BlackBerry users can wirelessly, synchronize ,their Pas with the company's Microsoft Exchange Server, IBM Lotus Domino, or
  17. iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad, can use Apple's Mobile Me subscription service to, synchronize ,calendar, address book, mail account, Internet bookmark, and other data with
  18. One 68B09E as their main CPU. The (E) version was used in order to, synchronize ,the microprocessor's clock to the 32 time multiplexed oscillators in the" Q "
  19. Frequency generation/filtering in the case of FMA. TDA systems must carefully, synchronize ,the transmission times of all the users to ensure that they are received in the
  20. Featured a copal-square vertically travelling focal plane shutter that could, synchronize ,electronic flash at shutter speeds up to and including 1/125 of a second, thus
  21. Of its Palm Desktop software for Mac. This was necessary for those who could, synchronize ,only via USB. The LIE user community soon
  22. Input all data on the handheld device. Most Pas come with the ability to, synchronize ,to a computer. This is done through synchronization software provided with the
  23. Wired to a master clock in the building, and periodically received a signal to, synchronize ,them with the master, often on the hour. Later versions without pendulums were
  24. Armed with one or two Maxim or Kickers machine guns – which were much easier to, synchronize ,than other types – firing through the propeller arc. Gun breeches were directly
  25. Microsoft Actively, used by Windows XP and older Windows operating systems to, synchronize ,with Windows Mobile, Pocket PC, and Windows CE Pas, as well as Pas running
  26. String (these problems were much less with EUC as any ASCII character did, synchronize ,the encoding). Unicode has simplified the picture somewhat. Most programming
  27. Performed an indivisible bus operation, permitting semaphores to be used to, synchronize ,several processors sharing a single memory *Flow of control: JMP (jump),JR
  28. Such as the iPhone and iPod touch) * sync, included with Mac OS X, can, synchronize , many SyncML-enabled Pas * BlackBerry Desktop Software, used to sync BlackBerry
  29. Operations Center and the US Naval Observatory Alternate Master Clock, used to, synchronize ,GPS satellite time. Schriver is also developing parts of national missile
  30. Gun he was provided had an erratic rate of fire, and it was impossible to, synchronize ,it with a spinning propeller. As an interim measure, the propeller blades were
  31. Sent from a station it enables the access point to allocate resources and, synchronize , The frame carries information about the NIC including supported data rates
  32. Outlook. Microsoft's Actively and Windows Mobile Device Center only, synchronize ,with Microsoft Outlook or a Microsoft Exchange Server. Third-party
  33. Kwajalein, Ascension Island, Diego Garcia, and Cape Canaveral). These updates, synchronize ,the atomic clocks on board the satellites to within a few nanoseconds of each
  34. Host of a news server maintains agreements with other news servers to regularly, synchronize , In this way news servers form a network. When a user posts to one news server
  35. The Amiga 1000 to make do with a single crystal. The chipset was designed to, synchronize ,CPU memory access and chipset DMA, so the hardware runs in real-time without
  36. System in coordination with the Network Time Protocol can be used to, synchronize ,timekeeping systems across the globe. In medieval philosophical writings, the
  37. The actual dates of reigns of the Israelite kings. Scholars have endeavored to, synchronize ,the chronology of events referred to in the Bible with those derived from other
  38. Code When there is a jump in the time code, a single full time code is sent to, synchronize ,attached equipment. This takes the form of a special global system exclusive
  39. Example, GoldMine and IBM Lotus Notes). Wireless synchronization Some PDA scan, synchronize ,some or all of their data using their wireless networking capabilities, rather
  40. Execution until a given beam position is reached, thus making possible to, synchronize ,other instructions with respect to screen drawing. It can also wait for a
  41. Cameras record early live television broadcasts, as it was very simple to, synchronize ,a film camera to capture one frame of video on each film frame by using the
  42. Moves into the guard period, the mobile network adjusts the timing advance to, synchronize ,the transmission. Initial synchronization of a phone requires even more care.
  43. Systems comes from the need to share computer resources between tasks and to, synchronize ,the operation of co-operating tasks. Various concurrent computing techniques
  44. Employed an 'auto-slide ', a machine developed by Sony that made it possible to, synchronize ,a slide show with a soundtrack recorded on tape; they used the same device to
  45. Followed by other juice blends. A Federal Marketing Order that is authorized to, synchronize ,supply and demand was approved in 1962. The order has been renewed and modified
  46. The RIM BlackBerry comes with RIM's Desktop Manager program, which can, synchronize ,to both Microsoft Outlook and ACT!. Other Pas come only with their own
  47. The advantage of being allowed aboard aircraft. Synchronization Most PDA scan, synchronize ,their data with applications on a user's personal computer. This allows the
  48. That swimmers can hear the music at all times and also aid their ability to, synchronize ,with each other. Coaches also use these speakers to communicate with the
  49. Describes the session control mechanisms that allow multiple stations to, synchronize ,across the network to exchange RTP-MIDI telegrams. This part is informational
  50. Firmware or BIOS *a clock generator which produces the system clock signal to, synchronize ,the various components *slots for expansion cards (these interface to the

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