Examples of the the word, apartheid , in a Sentence Context

The word ( apartheid ), is the 9493 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Africa. In the 1948 national elections, the National Party won on a platform of, apartheid ,(racial segregation) under the slogan of" start gear ". This led to the
  2. The injuries sustained during this arrest bringing attention to South Africa's, apartheid ,policies. *1983 – Hurricane Alicia hits the Texas coast, killing 22 people and
  3. Openly state that 'Coloreds' did not suffer as much as they did during, apartheid , The popular saying by 'Colored' South Africans to illustrate their dilemma
  4. The election of the National Party government in 1948,which instituted, apartheid , and South Africa's withdrawal from the Commonwealth in 1961,ended any
  5. Apartheid policy: I solemnly warn the Government that the spirit behind their, apartheid ,legislation, and the way in which they are introducing discriminatory measures
  6. Led to a later Defiance Campaign in the 1950s,a mass movement of resistance to, apartheid , The government tried to stop the ANC by banning party leaders and enacting new
  7. Fire on anti- apartheid protesters. Whites eventually joined the fight against, apartheid , leading many Black nationalists to break away from the ANC. The ANC and its
  8. 1989 to September 1997. De Clerk is best known for engineering the end of, apartheid , South Africa's racial segregation policy, and supporting the transformation
  9. Position between the Black and White definitions in South Africa. The, apartheid ,bureaucracy devised complex (and often arbitrary) criteria in the Population
  10. Of ‘ political correctness’ and liberalism. ” Protests against racism and, apartheid ,Further student protests, including hunger strike and more barricades of
  11. Including Israel, the plight of Soviet and Ethiopian Jews, the victims of, apartheid ,in South Africa,Argentina's Desaparecidos, Bosnian victims of genocide in the
  12. UNITS and FLEA guerrillas and an invading army of the South African, apartheid ,state. For the time being South African forces were repelled though the UNITS
  13. On issues affecting member nations. Chorus have discussed the continuation of, apartheid ,rule in South Africa and how to end it, military coups in Pakistan and Fiji
  14. Of these residents were relocated to the Cape Flats and Lavender Hill. Under, apartheid , the Cape was considered a" Colored labor preference area ", to the
  15. Homophobia as a" crime against humanity" and" every bit as unjust" as, apartheid ,:" We struggled against apartheid in South Africa, supported by people the
  16. These outspoken views became public and his reputation suffered. He supported, apartheid ,and Chinese communism under Mao Zedong, and spoke against the legalization of
  17. In the final. With the return of South Africa in 1992 after the ending of the, apartheid ,boycott, nine teams played each other once in the group phase, and the top four
  18. Peace Prize in 1993 along with Nelson Mandela for his role in the ending of, apartheid , He was one of the Deputy Presidents of South Africa during the presidency of
  19. Team participated in the event for the first time, following the fall of the, apartheid ,regime and the end of the international sports boycott. Pakistan overcame a
  20. In the mid-1960s and South Africa, in two series before they were banned for, apartheid , completely outplayed Australia 3–1 and 4–0. Australia had lost 2–1 during a
  21. To be criminal, but the MK deemed the means justified by the end goal of ending, apartheid , Some members of MK committed terrorist acts to achieve their aims, and MK was
  22. Derby-Lewis, assassin and former parliamentarian (1936 –) *Jimmy Kruger, apartheid ,Minister of Justice and the Police (1917–1987) *Other Nestling, apartheid
  23. Determine if the hair was kinky enough for the pencil to get stuck. During the, apartheid ,era, those classed as 'Colored' were oppressed and discriminated against. But
  24. Or Lutheran Churches. Modern usage During recent times, mainly during the, apartheid ,reform and post-1994 eras, many more white Afrikaans-speaking people, mainly
  25. Retained full ownership of its operations in South Africa. Following the end of, apartheid ,in 1994,and the lowering of import tariffs, BMW South Africa ended local
  26. Were held for years. In one of the most famous moments marking the end of, apartheid , Nelson Mandela made his first public speech in decades on 11 February 1990
  27. And Ted Scott were instrumental in mobilizing Anglicans worldwide against the, apartheid ,policies of South Africa. Rapid social change in the industrialized world
  28. African" instead, so that" Bantu" became identified with the policies of, apartheid , By the 1970s this so discredited" Bantu" as an ethno-racial designation that
  29. Eugène Terry'Blanche, white supremacist activist (1941–2010) *Adrian Alok, apartheid ,Minister of Law and Order (1937 –) Colonial and Union Governors See also:
  30. Various ethnic" -steins" of Western and Central Asia. Again association with, apartheid ,discredited the term, and the South African government shifted to the
  31. Apartheid Minister of Justice and the Police (1917–1987) *Other Nestling, apartheid ,forensic scientist (1935–2005) *Band Stardom, convicted murderer and white
  32. Medical context. Barnard was an outspoken opponent of South Africa's laws of, apartheid , and was not afraid to criticize his nation's government, although he had to
  33. Humanity" and" every bit as unjust" as apartheid :" We struggled against, apartheid ,in South Africa, supported by people the world over, because black people were
  34. Meaning" all the people" ), is known as Bantu Colombia. #The South African, apartheid ,governments originally gave the name" bandstand" to the eleven rural reserve
  35. Which contrasts starkly against his racial political views as the father of, apartheid , Around the same time, Charles Elton pioneered the concept of food chains in
  36. S investments in companies that were seen as active or tacit supporters of the, apartheid ,regime in South Africa. A notable upsurge in the protests occurred in 1978
  37. The conflict The ANC represented the main opposition to the government during, apartheid ,and therefore they played a major role in resolving the conflict through
  38. Of the emergence of a two-tier economy and the fostering of a state of tourist, apartheid ,on the island. This situation was exacerbated by the influx of dollars into the
  39. He used his presidential address in condemning the recently established, apartheid ,policy: I solemnly warn the Government that the spirit behind their apartheid
  40. In South Africa ruled that Chinese South Africans who were residents during the, apartheid ,era (and their descendants) are to be reclassified as" Black people" solely
  41. Omission was South Africa, who were banned from international cricket due to, apartheid , The tournament was won by the West Indies, who defeated Australia by 17 runs
  42. Focused its efforts on freeing regional economic development from dependence on, apartheid ,South Africa. SADC embraced the newly democratic South Africa as a member in
  43. Kommando" meaning small fighting unit," boom slang" (" tree snake" ) and, apartheid ,(" segregation "; more accurately" awareness" or" the state or condition of
  44. S dumping ground ', from the 1950s the area became home to people the, apartheid ,government designated as non-White. Race-based legislation such as the Group
  45. Official government policy in several countries, such as South Africa in the, apartheid ,era, and the USA. In the United States, racial profiling of minorities by law
  46. The 1970s this so discredited" Bantu" as an ethno-racial designation that the, apartheid ,government switched to the term" Black" in its official racial
  47. Cultural ideas of a black race South Africa In South Africa during the, apartheid ,era, the population was classified into four main racial groups: Black, White
  48. Occurred. The election of the Nationalist government in 1948,which instituted, apartheid , and South Africa's withdrawal from the Commonwealth in 1961,ended any
  49. Christian Barnard, pioneering heart surgeon (1922–2001) *Outer Bassoon, apartheid ,medical scientist (1950 –) *Patrick Soon-Shiong, surgeon,founder Abrams
  50. Discrimination. Chinese people who arrived in the country after the end of, apartheid ,do not qualify. Other than by appearance,'Coloreds' can usually be

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