Examples of the the word, laboratories , in a Sentence Context

The word ( laboratories ), is the 9508 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Its high radioactivity, curium and its compounds must be handled in appropriate, laboratories ,under special arrangements. Whereas curium itself mostly emits particles
  2. Many of his colleagues soon adopted the design. Bunsen burners are now used in, laboratories ,all around the world. Operation The device in use today safely burns a
  3. Of nationally known brand names have originated in Colorado factories and, laboratories , From Denver came the forerunner of telecommunications giant West in 1879
  4. Tabulated values of standard atomic weights which are ubiquitous in chemical, laboratories , Naming controversy The use of the name" atomic weight" has attracted a great
  5. These retractions, combined with negative results from some famous, laboratories , Calorimetry errors The calculation of excess heat in electrochemical cells
  6. Methane 8.19 kJ/MOL, phosphine 14.6 kJ/MOL) and can therefore be used in, laboratories ,in non-insulated vessels without additional refrigeration. It is miscible with
  7. Influence on other matter, and no dark matter particles have been observed in, laboratories , Many particle physics candidates for dark matter have been proposed, and
  8. Alkyl nitrites are, in general, straightforward and can be accomplished in home, laboratories , A common procedure includes the dropwise addition of concentrated sulfuric
  9. According to Kondepudi (2008):" Calorimetry is widely used in present day, laboratories , " In terms of thermodynamics, the internal energy U\ of the colorimetric
  10. Of Life. The latter comprised offices, libraries (called House of Books), laboratories , and observatories. Some best-known pieces of ancient Egyptian literature
  11. Convenient means for transferring genetic material to a variety of targets. In, laboratories ,successful transfers have been reported from bacteria to yeast, plants
  12. And British anthropologists. At the same time, he established centers and, laboratories ,within France to provide an institutional context within anthropology, while
  13. In grinding and polishing applications. Specialized applications include use in, laboratories ,as containment for high pressure experiments (see diamond anvil cell)
  14. Saturation in soils became the basis for procedures now used in soil testing, laboratories ,to determine the" lime requirement" of soils. Wheat's adaptation to allow
  15. Was first demonstrated publicly by the Bell Laboratories. In 1926,the, laboratories ,invented an early example synchronous-sound motion picture system, in
  16. Laboratories in the U. S. However, U. S. veterinary medical diagnostic testing, laboratories ,will measure blood bromide levels on request, as an aid to treatment of
  17. And sold most of his Amiga equipment. * Amiga were used in various NASA, laboratories ,to keep track of multiple low orbiting satellites, and were still used up to
  18. Sources and international smuggling, replacing them with clandestine domestic, laboratories , as are common for illicit methamphetamine. However, natural cocaine remains
  19. Scientific transmutation is routinely performed in many nuclear physics-related, laboratories ,and facilities, like particle accelerators, nuclear power stations and nuclear
  20. Of the fact that most anthropology is carried out in nationally funded research, laboratories ,(CNRS) rather than academic departments in universities. Other influential
  21. Ions can serve as a mechanism for kinase regulation. ATP analogues Biochemistry, laboratories ,often use in vitro studies to explore ATP-dependent molecular processes. Enzyme
  22. SAUDI Head Office and Plant Research Center; AWRY; ACP FG; CAIRO research, laboratories , SAUDI also have establishments at Glen side and West Beach. * Located in
  23. In 1975. Thus, bromide levels are not routinely measured by medical, laboratories ,in the U. S. However, U. S. veterinary medical diagnostic testing laboratories
  24. This end. Several artificial urinary bladders actually have been grown in, laboratories ,and transplanted successfully into human patients. Bioartificial organs, which
  25. Aircraft and equipment, construction of new police stations and forensic, laboratories , restructured training programs and the replacement of AKM rifles with 9 mm
  26. Pasta Lazada and eventually crystalline cocaine, were performed at specialized, laboratories ,after the sale. Attempts to eradicate coca fields through the use of defoliants
  27. Buildings, a product conference center, an employee cafeteria, mechanical, laboratories , warehouses, and chemical handling facilities. Merger with HP In 2002,Compaq
  28. Are other major components of the city's economy; numerous medical offices, laboratories , and associated companies are located in the city. Automobile manufacturers
  29. Carbon-12 or uranium-235. In the second half of the twentieth century, physics, laboratories , became able to produce nuclei of chemical elements with half-lives too short
  30. Average of the time kept by over 200 atomic clocks in about 70 national, laboratories ,worldwide. The clocks are compared using GPS signals and Two-Way Satellite Time
  31. Have the possibility of seeing setting up broad ranges of buildings of research, laboratories ,and residences. Another project relates to technological implantation of a
  32. One-time pad cipher was invented by Gilbert Vernal and Joseph Gaborone at the, laboratories , Bell Labs' Claude Shannon later proved that it is unbreakable. 1930s In 1931
  33. Computational linguistics is done at Computational Linguistics Departments and, laboratories , Subfields Computational linguistics can be divided into major areas depending on
  34. Time. By early 1941,the NDRC was researching new processes. At least three, laboratories ,with no previous explosive experience were tasked to develop better production
  35. The chemical industry and the pharmaceutical industry, and government, laboratories , Chemistry typically is divided into several major sub-disciplines. There are
  36. King's College, Cambridge and Bangor University in Wales have computer, laboratories ,named after Turing. *The University of Manchester, The Open University, Oxford
  37. A, B or C) and administers the Select Agent Program, which regulates the, laboratories ,which may possess, use,or transfer select agents within the United States.
  38. Health-related data such as that from hospital computer systems, clinical, laboratories , electronic health record systems, medical examiner record-keeping systems,911
  39. Early years in Scotland. He established a summer estate complete with research, laboratories , working with deaf people—including Helen Keller—and continued to invent.
  40. Used for bladder instillation for bladder cancer),developed by Org anon, laboratories , acquired by Schering-Plough, in turn acquired by Merck, Inc. 2) Staten's Serum
  41. The gas phase, leaving no liquid. It can often be found in grocery stores and, laboratories ,and is also used in the shipping industry. The largest non-cooling use for dry
  42. Work closely with biological anthropologists, art historians, physics, laboratories , ( for dating),and museums. They are charged with preserving the results of
  43. A series of consultative committees, whose members are the national metrology, laboratories ,of the Convention's member states, and through its own laboratory work. The
  44. Early anthrax can be cured by administering antibiotics (such as.; n, laboratories , Some believe that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, cultures of smallpox
  45. Library. Healthcare The city has many public and private hospitals, clinics and, laboratories ,within its bounds and numerous medical research centers. Many of these
  46. Fullerenes and carbon nanotubes are not necessarily products of high-tech, laboratories ,; they are commonly formed in such mundane places as ordinary flames, produced
  47. Atom probes, were usually glass blown devices developed by individual research, laboratories , System layout At a minimum, an atom probe will consist of several key pieces
  48. November 2005,at the World Summit on the Information Society, the MIT research, laboratories ,unveiled a new laptop computer, for educational use around the world. It has
  49. To obtain by terrorists and are becoming more threatening in the U. S., and, laboratories , are working on advanced detection systems to provide early warning, identify
  50. This institution, with its able investigators and excellent research, laboratories , could be of great service in any broad scheme of cooperation. President

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