Examples of the the word, backbone , in a Sentence Context

The word ( backbone ), is the 9492 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Agarose. Although both polysaccharide classes share the same galactose-based, backbone , agaropectin is heavily modified with acidic side-groups, such as sulfate and
  2. Bonds to other cysteine residues, proline that forms a cycle to the polypeptide, backbone , and glycine that is more flexible than other amino acids. Many proteins
  3. Sheets consist of beta strands connected laterally by at least two or three, backbone ,hydrogen bonds, forming a generally twisted, pleated sheet. A beta strand (
  4. From agriculture. Subsistence agriculture, together with forestry, remains the, backbone ,of the economy of the Central African Republic (CAR),with more than 70 % of
  5. Many of which are still used today. These techniques also tend to form the, backbone ,of most undergraduate analytical chemistry educational labs. Qualitative
  6. Of a β sheet describes the order of hydrogen-bonded β strands along the, backbone , For example, the flavonoid fold has a five-stranded, parallel β sheet with
  7. As one moves from primary to secondary to tertiary alcohols with the same, backbone , the hydrogen bond strength, the boiling point, and the acidity typically
  8. Was not connected to those of East or West Germany. This has now become the, backbone ,of the city's energy grid. carmaker Daimler AG and the electric utility, RWE
  9. Mean graduate pay was $5.76 per man hour in 2010. For more than a century the, backbone ,of the Azerbaijani economy has been petroleum, which represented 10 percent of
  10. Pin of all the other connectors forming a computer bus. It is used as a, backbone ,to connect several printed circuit boards together to make up a complete
  11. Sensors. Military communications While aircraft communications provide the, backbone ,for safe flight, the tactical systems are designed to withstand the rigors of
  12. For by a sufficient amount of stabilizing interactions. In general,the, backbone ,hydrogen bonds of helices are considered slightly weaker than those found in
  13. Low-resolution electron-density maps to determine the direction of the protein, backbone , 2D (dimensional) diagrams for representing alpha-helices Two different kinds
  14. Stretch of amino acids adopting an extended conformation and involved in, backbone ,hydrogen bonds to at least one other strand; by contrast, a β sheet refers to
  15. Waxes are examples of larger alkanes where the number of carbons in the carbon, backbone ,tends to be greater than 10. Alkanes are not very reactive and have little
  16. Conformation, in which every backbone N-H group donates a hydrogen bond to the, backbone ,C=O group of the amino acid four residues earlier (i+4 \right arrow i hydrogen
  17. nighttime to save on the cost of long distance communication, servers of the, backbone ,cabal were available 24 hours a day. The administrators of these servers gained
  18. The backbone of one strand establish hydrogen bonds with the C=O groups in the, backbone ,of the adjacent strands. In the fully extended β strand, successive side chains
  19. The great bulk of its foreign trade. Tuna fishing and processing plants are the, backbone ,of the private sector, with canned tuna being the primary export. Transfers
  20. Of a FAQ, for example; see also Kilo, etc.). Credit for organizing the, backbone ,about 1983 is commonly attributed to Gene" Span" Stafford, although it is
  21. Structural member to which the frames are fixed (sometimes referred to as a, backbone ,). The front (or forward end) of a boat is called the bow. Boats of earlier
  22. Scare?: Kangaroo Land's 'Demon, or our own: Want of 'devil ', coolness,nerve, backbone , On 31 August, in the great Charles Alcock-edited magazine Cricket: A Weekly
  23. Crystallography such as the example shown at right. It is clear that all the, backbone ,carbonyl oxygen point downward (toward the C-terminus) but splay out
  24. The great tactician Bertrand du Guessing as Constable of France. Notes The, backbone ,cabal was an informal organization of large-site administrators of the
  25. Are adjacent in two hydrogen-bonded β strands, then they form two mutual, backbone ,hydrogen bonds to each other's flanking peptide groups; this is known as a
  26. Amide hydrogen),and also because its side chain interferes sterically with the, backbone ,of the preceding turn - inside a helix, this forces a bend of about 30° in the
  27. And resulted in superior ships. During World War II, these ships became the, backbone ,of the carrier forces of the United States, British,and Japanese navies, known
  28. 2001. It is also due to improvements in agricultural production, which is the, backbone ,of the nation's economy. The country is known for producing some of the finest
  29. Known as gluconeogenesis) from specific amino acids, from the glycerol, backbone ,in triglycerides and in some cases from fatty acids. Carbohydrate contains 15.8
  30. Consider that this makes a case for replacing ATM with Ethernet in the network, backbone , However, it should be noted that the increased link speeds by themselves do
  31. Topology 21345; thus, the edge strands are β strand 2 and β strand 5 along the, backbone , Spelled out explicitly, β strand 2 is H-bonded to β strand 1,which is
  32. Less fast than the maximum speed of quadrupedal movement with a flexible, backbone ,- the ostrich reaches speeds of and the red kangaroo, while the cheetah can
  33. One or more directions * cyclic (general formula, n > 2) wherein the carbon, backbone ,is linked to form a loop. According to the definition by IUPAC, the
  34. Α-helix) is a right-handed coiled or spiral conformation, in which every, backbone ,N-H group donates a hydrogen bond to the backbone C=O group of the amino acid
  35. Who was accountable to the vizier for his jurisdiction. The temples formed the, backbone ,of the economy. Not only were they house of worship, but were also responsible
  36. Every large bank, including the Federal Reserve Bank. And Burroughs built the, backbone ,switching systems for SWIFT Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial
  37. Simple alcohols The most commonly used alcohol is ethanol, with the ethane, backbone , Ethanol has been produced and consumed by humans for millennia, in the form of
  38. A series of linked carbon atoms is known as the carbon skeleton or carbon, backbone , In general, the number of carbon atoms is often used to define the size of the
  39. Closed loop formed by the hydrogen bond. Residues in helices typically adopt, backbone ,(φ, ψ ) dihedral angles around (-60°,-45°),as shown in the image at right.
  40. Determination Since the helix is defined by its hydrogen bonds and, backbone ,conformation, the most detailed experimental evidence for helical structure
  41. Hydrogen bond network with their neighbors in which the N-H groups in the, backbone ,of one strand establish hydrogen bonds with the C=O groups in the backbone of
  42. Parts are often published separately. The Psalter This psalm book is the very, backbone ,of the Breviary, the groundwork of the Catholic prayer-book; out of it have
  43. Is a stretch of polypeptide chain typically 3 to 10 amino acids long with, backbone ,in an almost fully extended conformation. The higher-level association of β
  44. Is an important component of coenzymes (e.g., ATP,FAD, and NAD) and the, backbone ,of the genetic molecule known as RNA. The related deoxyribose is a component of
  45. Of octopus). Running speeds can be increased when an animal lacks a flexible, backbone , though the maximum bipedal speed appears less fast than the maximum speed of
  46. Anápolis AB near Brasília and fly 24 hours a day over the Amazonian region. The, backbone ,of the Brazilian combat aviation made up of three types, the Northrop F-5E/F
  47. And amines to be planar, which is their preferred orientation. The peptide, backbone ,dihedral angles (φ, ψ ) are about (– 140°,135°) in antiparallel sheets. In
  48. A snake-like structure * branched (general formula, n > 3) wherein the carbon, backbone ,splits off in one or more directions * cyclic (general formula, n > 2)
  49. Stabilizing calcium ions to maintain the integrity of the structure, using the, backbone ,and the Asp side chain oxygen of a GGXGXD sequence motif. This fold is called
  50. Service had developed its own air mail network, based on a transcontinental, backbone ,between New York and San Francisco. To supplant this service, they offered

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