Examples of the the word, jargon , in a Sentence Context

The word ( jargon ), is the 9498 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Probably chosen after the Attack of the Killer Tomatoes cult film. In computer, jargon , a killer poke is a method of inducing physical hardware damage on a machine
  2. Except in cases of injury.:::" One inning more to play" in standard baseball, jargon ,means that the home team has one set of at-bats remaining: the poem is set just
  3. Many North American board games. Common terms Although many board games have a, jargon ,all their own, there is a generalized terminology to describe concepts
  4. And" TTT ". Use beyond computer-mediated communication Many items of Internet, jargon ,cross from computer-mediated communication to face-to-face communication. For
  5. Arrive, or waiting one's turn at a traffic control signal. FCFS is also the, jargon ,term for the FIFO operating system scheduling algorithm, which gives every
  6. In the sense of breaking computer security had already been in use as computer, jargon , but there was no public awareness about such activities. However, the release
  7. The Columbia River valley in Washington and Oregon, also known for the Chinook, jargon ,dialect of the Pacific Northwest USA. * Chipewyan – Native American people of
  8. Involves the use of the name of a subcomponent part as an abbreviation, or, jargon , for the name of the whole object (for example" wheels" to refer to a car
  9. Markup HTML/NP"> Language">HTML This example displays as ID" and" class ", jargon ," style" color: purple;" title" Hypertext Markup HTML/NP"> Language">HTML; in most
  10. Are given. Even an atrocious definition will elicit a better definition. See, jargon , An often quoted example is Samuel Johnson's definition for, retorted," Yes
  11. Is resented by many who object to the term being taken from their cultural, jargon ,and used negatively, including those who have historically preferred to
  12. Gould and Eldridge noted another analogy in information theory," with its, jargon ,of equilibrium, steady state, and homeostasis maintained by negative feedback
  13. Including the involvement of the crowd. It also has a fair amount of baseball, jargon ,that can pose challenges for the uninitiated. This is the complete poem as it
  14. Function or just the derivative of the original function. In mathematical, jargon , the derivative is a linear operator which inputs a function and outputs a
  15. Saying that until 1982,he had difficulties with" the impenetrable barrier of, jargon , Words were flying backwards and forwards without concepts riding on their
  16. Had a strong tradition of cloaking their written ideas in a labyrinth of coded, jargon ,set with traps to mislead the uninitiated. Finally, the alchemists practiced
  17. He remarks," Academia, here I come! " Watterson explains that he adapted this, jargon ,(and similar examples from several other strips) from an actual book of art
  18. Both necessary and sufficient for the other. This is an example of mathematical, jargon , (However, as noted above, if,rather than IFF, is more often used in
  19. Since 1939,along with many other events each year, and has created its own, jargon , sometimes called" fan speak ". Media fandom shot off from science fiction
  20. Depicting young boys with older women (known as" straight shot" in western, jargon ,). *Tentacle erotica, the depiction of tentacled creatures and sometimes
  21. Above (grouping, soloing,raiding, pulling,etc.),Everest has its own, jargon , Abbreviations and acronyms also may aid, or at least shorten, communication
  22. Connection, or they will replace it with sounds. Accordingly, patients with, jargon ,aphasia often use neologisms, and may perseverate if they try to replace the
  23. They can be unhooked from rocks or coral. An interesting element of anchor, jargon ,is the term aweigh, which describes the anchor when it is hanging on the rode
  24. This is a practice that started in Mud. Additionally, an example of this, jargon ,can be seen in the word" Con. " Con is an abbreviated version of the word `
  25. Words Kat (cat) and At (hole, gate ). It refers to late medieval navigation, jargon , when captains of the Hanseatic trading fleets would compare the Danish Straits
  26. Popular in MIT's computing environments outside the club. Other examples of, jargon ,imported from the club are 'losing' " when a piece of equipment is not working
  27. Some of these attributes: Lang" html4strict"> ID" and" class ", jargon ," style" color: purple;" title="Hypertext Markup HTML/NP"> Language">HTML This example
  28. Ever quest and named for Lady Vox and Lord Again, two boss dragons. Gameplay, jargon ,Jargon develops around the need for shortened representations of in-game
  29. Fandom and its science fiction fandom parent; media fandom derives some of its, jargon , customs and practices from its science fandom roots. Bidding fandom, the
  30. Is used more than once are called programs (though its use in this sense is, jargon ,restricted to those who enjoy recreational linguistics, and is not commonly
  31. On the field. Coats of arms and their accessories are described in a concise, jargon ,called blazon. This technical description of a coat of arms is the standard
  32. Is not composed in the vernacular Aramaic, however,but rather in a" literary, jargon ,Aramaic" that was used in the academies, and is identical to the dialect of
  33. Soon should I target to recover my critical business units? In BCP technical, jargon ,this is called Recovery Time Objective, or RTO. This objective will define what
  34. To correctly display bidirectional text. The term is often shortened to the, jargon ,term Bid or bid. Early computer installations were designed only to support a
  35. Hacker” was defined as" one who hacks, or makes them. " Much of the TMRC's, jargon ,was later imported into early computing culture, because the club started using
  36. Are sometimes used for a humorous effect. Jargon There is a lot of Half bakery, jargon , due to its communal nature. Here are a few examples: * half-baked - the idea
  37. And suddenly began to rave in a kind of ecstatic trance, and to babble in a, jargon , prophesying in a manner contrary to the custom of the Church which had been
  38. And Hamza are language isolates spoken in Tanzania *Damon was an initiation, jargon ,in northern Australia. The four Halo manners occur only with a dental release
  39. The letter, which contributed the phrase" considered harmful" to programming, jargon , did not mention any particular programming language; instead it states that
  40. Some circles (such as the medical field) but not others, becoming a type of, jargon ,or, in underworld situations especially, argot. One such example is the line "
  41. And the transnational ambitions of the speech community itself. Slang and, jargon ,have developed to some extent, but such features interfere with universal
  42. To TDI, they have assumed greater importance in recent years. Prophecy: In TDI, jargon , the popular definition of prophecy—a prediction of the future—has been
  43. Based on instructions from the stick man. The phrase“ barber pole” is derisive, jargon ,in craps, and refers to the commingling of“ gaming checks of different
  44. Throughout the entire EQ community, there are also some differences in, jargon ,among servers, and among Asian, European and American gaming communities. For
  45. Any location.; pastiche: a derivative work; an imitation; patois: a dialect;, jargon ,; père: lit. Father, used after a man's surname to distinguish a father from a
  46. Used the term in a survey paper in CALM which elevated the term from technical, jargon ,to formal terminology. *Fowler-Noll-Vo hash function (32,64,128,256,512
  47. Shortened representations of in-game phenomena. Without the formation of this, jargon , communicating various events inside the game world becomes tedious and even
  48. Rise to epinephrine. The term epinephrine is often shortened to EPI in medical, jargon , Adrenal extracts containing adrenaline were first obtained by Polish
  49. The term" gibberish" arose as a reference to the incomprehensible technical, jargon ,often used by Jair and other alchemists who followed. A second explanation is
  50. Show that American humanities professors invoke complicated, pseudoscientific, jargon ,to support their political positions. ) Some observers argue that, while

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