Examples of the the word, traverse , in a Sentence Context

The word ( traverse ), is the 9496 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Species and may be many light-years away, thus allowing the main character to, traverse ,galaxies and" be" a variety of aliens during the course of a single book. *In
  2. Programming. Where a traditional imperative program might use a loop to, traverse ,a list, a functional program would use a different technique. It would use a
  3. Is sent on the network-network interface (inside the network). As these cells, traverse ,an ATM network, switching takes place by changing the VPI/VCI values (label
  4. And no internet working protocol, such as Internet Protocol, is required to, traverse ,these devices. However, a single computer network may be converted into an
  5. Of the population. Because the rugged terrain has made the land difficult to, traverse ,and equally difficult to cultivate, this area has not been highly developed.
  6. Then crosses a dangerously slide-prone hanging glacier by a leftward climbing, traverse , to reach a snow color which accesses the summit. Besides the original
  7. Each holding individual media, and usually one or more picking robots that, traverse ,the slots and load media to built-in drives. The arrangement of the slots and
  8. Their sources in the mountains which stretch along the northern frontier, traverse ,the level country, and not a few of these, after uniting with each other, fall
  9. To the Professional Disc Golf Association," The object of the game is to, traverse ,a course from beginning to end in the fewest number of throws of the disc. " Of
  10. Calais there are of track with 44 turnouts. At the terminals the shuttle trains, traverse ,a figure eight to reduce uneven wear on the wheels. Kent's regional
  11. Secret projects, interludes,and cut-scenes. The fungus is difficult to, traverse , provides invisibility for the enemy, provides few resources, and spawns "
  12. Traveled by the fiber, which is rarely a straight line, since it has to, traverse ,geographic contours and obstacles, such as roads and railway tracks, as well as
  13. A cheap way to explore the Bosporus is offered by the public ferries that, traverse ,the Bosporus from Eminent (ferries dock at the Bogey Useless) on the
  14. That require a series of items or switches to be thrown. The player must, traverse ,through a hub in order to reach a boss and advance to the next hub. Development
  15. Railway service connecting London with Paris and Brussels. All its trains, traverse ,the Channel Tunnel between England and France, owned and operated separately by
  16. Abrasive particles, pebbles and boulders can also act derisively as they, traverse ,a surface. At extremely high flows, kolks, or vortices are formed by large
  17. Accomplished by motorized, walk-behind harvesters which must be small enough to, traverse ,beds without damaging the vines. White cranberry juice is made from regular
  18. This selection. Running Time Analysis: Although this operation does not always, traverse ,the tree down to a leaf, this is always a possibility; thus in the worst case
  19. Into a new ordered data structure—in this case a binary search tree—and then, traverse ,it in order, building our result: def build_binary_tree
  20. In between towns. In addition, multiple trailer trucks (known as Road Trains), traverse , these roads and extreme care must be taken when around these vehicles, due to
  21. Are in the Tumucumaque, Pacaraima, and IMEI ranges, among others, which, traverse , the northern border with the Guiana's and Venezuela. In addition to mountain
  22. The maximum transmission unit (MTU) parameter. To fulfill the role of IP to, traverse ,networks, it was necessary to implement a mechanism to automatically adjust the
  23. Configuration, in essence an open-top armored box offering only limited, traverse , However, most modern armored SPS have a full enclosed armored turret
  24. Had lifespans of some thousands of years, or had artificial bodies, they could, traverse ,interstellar distances without the need to replace the crew in generations. The
  25. By frequent dust storms and fiery winds; whilst the bare rocky ridges that, traverse ,the country, absorbing heat by day and radiating it by night, render the summer
  26. Routed through an extensive network of canals and pumps out of the delta, that, traverse , nearly the length of the state, including the Central Valley Project and the
  27. Between U. S. 101 and the southwest end of the Lumberton Bridge. Motorists must, traverse ,one of three at-grade routes to connect from the Bay shore Freeway to the bridge
  28. Hosts are expected to use Path MTU Discovery to select a packet size that can, traverse ,the entire communications path. Addressing The most important feature of IPv6
  29. Which restored the straits to Turkey but allowed all foreign warships to, traverse ,the straits freely. Turkey rejected the terms of this treaty and subsequently
  30. Of autoless households is 55 %. Highways Several major limited access highways, traverse ,the Bronx. These include: *the Major Keegan Expressway (New York Thruway) (
  31. That some objects in the initial white set are unreachable without having to, traverse ,the entire reference tree. If the generational hypothesis holds, this results
  32. Modern armored SPS have a full enclosed armored turret, usually giving full, traverse ,for the gun. Many SPS cannot fire without deploying stabilizers or spades
  33. The Germans, most of the Soviet designs mounted anti-tank guns, with limited, traverse ,in casemate-style turretless hulls. The results were smaller, lighter,and
  34. Vicinity of the Lunar Module, as well as various locations on the mission's, traverse ,routes. The TGE was carried on the Lunar Roving Vehicle; measurements were
  35. That" a moving body uniformly acquiring or losing that increment of speed will, traverse ,in some given time a distance completely equal to that which it would traverse
  36. Traverse in some given time a distance completely equal to that which it would, traverse ,if it were moving continuously through the same time with the mean degree of
  37. Can be installed, which will increase the ground clearance, allowing it to, traverse ,even larger and more difficult obstacles. In addition to higher ground
  38. Moving on an ellipse, to the planet) and given the time it takes the planet to, traverse ,the arcs determined by these lines (from which the lengths of the arcs can be
  39. Inside it is necessary to pass from on room to the next, then to the next to, traverse ,the building. Where passages and staircases are used, as inevitably they are
  40. Austria, and Prussia pressured Russia to agree that only Turkish warships could, traverse ,the Dardanelles in peacetime. The United Kingdom and France subsequently sent
  41. To Turkish territory but allowed all foreign warships and commercial shipping to, traverse ,the straits freely. Turkey eventually rejected the terms of that treaty, and
  42. Of all Australia's inland explorers, led the first expedition to successfully, traverse ,the continent from south to north *Tom Weir (1914–2006),climber, author and
  43. There are annual paddleboarding and outrigger canoe paddling contests which, traverse ,this channel. Kalahari Channel The Kalahari Channel separates the islands of
  44. Site. After completing this, Cernan and Schmitt departed on the first geologic, traverse ,of the mission, during which they gathered of samples and deployed two
  45. It prevents players from placing their first shots where their opponent must, traverse ,completely though the guarded center ring to hit them and avoid fouling. When
  46. Document. This can be quite different from the way a typical user might, traverse ,documents on the Web. Gopher remains in active use by its enthusiasts, and
  47. Relativity (for example, from the perspective of the Earth the stars seem to, traverse ,many light-years each day). It is possible to do so if a metric tensor is
  48. From the East Coast of the United States, the Detroit River became a heavily, traverse ,route for settlers traveling to northern Michigan, and Detroit, as well
  49. Started. The Kalahari Desert (Portland in —, traverse ,the Central Northern reaches of the Kalahari and provide standing pools of
  50. And the Arab armies in complete disarray. The Arab armies' inability to, traverse ,the Caucasus made it logistically impossible for them to besiege the Roman

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