Examples of the the word, fireplace , in a Sentence Context

The word ( fireplace ), is the 9501 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. It. A house had a fireplace near the entrance. The husband and wife sat on the, fireplace ,'s left side (called" this" ). Children and guests sat facing them on the
  2. The kitchen is the original, even the cabinets and sink. The dining room table, fireplace ,coverings, the European sideboard, and light fixtures are all antiques of the
  3. Her nose into the handkerchief and then threw the piece of cloth into a nearby, fireplace , much to the shock of the court. NI Braille bemusedly informed Elizabeth and
  4. By spreading it on a perforated wooden floor. Smoke, coming from an lasting, fireplace ,(via smoke channels) is then used to heat the wooden floor and the sprouted
  5. Were reed-thatched huts, the largest square, without partitions and having a, fireplace ,in the center. There was no chimney, only a hole at the angle of the roof;
  6. Apartment. He was commissioned in 1519 to paint the ceiling and mantel of the, fireplace , On the mantel he painted an image of Diana riding in a chariot possibly pulled
  7. Played a major role in popularizing the Grand Canyon. In the History Room is a, fireplace ,that is made of stone from the South Rim that is layered in the same sequence
  8. World is like on the other side of a mirror's reflection. Climbing up on the, fireplace ,mantel, she pokes at the wall-hung mirror behind the fireplace and discovers
  9. On, if he examines a fireplace that he can enter," Looks like I can get in the, fireplace ," is displayed. Link normally has a companion that speaks for him. In most
  10. Stated Kulesh's evidence, that last time Rules had seen his workmate near the, fireplace , Rules went out to work and Centurashvili left to warm himself more; but when
  11. Royal Fine Art Commission – Rubble trench foundation – Ruin value – Mumford, fireplace ,– Rustication – Rio de La Plate Bank S Samsung Tower Palace – San Bartolomeo DI
  12. And Centurashvili left to warm himself more; but when Rules returned to the, fireplace , Centurashvili had vanished; who knows, maybe he got frozen somewhere in snow
  13. Included a flower-shaped table with adjustable petal seats and a donut-shaped, fireplace , The 1973 album Ringo, produced by Richard Perry, with participation by the
  14. 53 boys,1936) was built by Master Over in the 13th century and has the widest, fireplace ,in England. It was here that Edward IV held a Parliament in 1470. In 1571
  15. Have his eyes gouged out. Ash notices that the Necronomicon has fallen near the, fireplace ,and is starting to burn. Ash sees that Scotty's body is starting to burn as
  16. Olivia Harrison incapacitated the assailant by striking him repeatedly with a, fireplace ,poker and a lamp. The attack lasted approximately 15 minutes. Abram, who
  17. Heat, electricity,or plumbing, fetching water from a well, huddling before a, fireplace ,and writing by oil lantern. They lived happily in poverty for eighteen months
  18. In the Sale Dell Sybille (Room of Sibyls),with its original terracotta, fireplace ,bearing the coat of arms of Giovanni Roma, in the adjoining Palette DEI
  19. Up your chairs to better sweep/Clear the floor to dance/ Shake the rug into the, fireplace ,") are adapted from a speech by Mother Ann Lee. In 2004 the Finnish
  20. From his native region: there was a big slab of rock as a table and a primitive, fireplace , similar to those found in traditional houses in his native Often, while the
  21. Saw his future wife. A great staircase led down into the hall opposite the, fireplace , As Göring looked up he saw a woman coming down the staircase as if toward him.
  22. Nicks held a baby shower at her house, she tripped and cut her forehead near a, fireplace , Not feeling any pain from the injury, Nicks realized she needed help and
  23. Up on the fireplace mantel, she pokes at the wall-hung mirror behind the, fireplace ,and discovers, to her surprise, that she is able to step through it to an
  24. S left side (called" this" ). Children and guests sat facing them on the, fireplace ,'s right side (called" Harris" ). The house had a platform for valuables
  25. Period was almost over (...) The crime was there. Approaching the, fireplace , Rules killed Centurashvili with an axe, burned his clothes, then dismembered
  26. I enjoyed looking at it just as I enjoy looking at the flames dancing in a, fireplace , " After World War I was declared in 1914,with his brothers and many friends
  27. S month ". The Turkish word for the month is called Oak that means stove, fireplace , According to Theodor Mommies (The History of Rome, volume 4,The Revolution
  28. Movies, such as Charlie Chan mysteries where people collected in front of a, fireplace ,or at the foot of the stairs in order to explain what happened a few minutes
  29. To that point. The Olympic Flame for the 1952 Games in Oslo, was lit in the, fireplace ,by skiing pioneer Sondra Fordham and the torch relay was conducted by 94
  30. The unused axe, bomb,syringe, poison,shillelagh (walking stick/cudgel),and, fireplace ,poker. Some of these unused weapons and characters would appear in later
  31. And tables. As in the Prairie Houses, Usonian living areas focused on the, fireplace , Bedrooms were typically isolated and relatively small, encouraging the family
  32. If it were technically possible. As the story goes, Dirac was staring into the, fireplace ,at Cambridge, pondering this problem, when he hit upon the idea of taking the
  33. Door and knocks him down. Scotty pins Ash to the floor while Cheryl grabs a, fireplace ,poker and repeatedly hits Ash in the back with it. Ash manages to grab the book
  34. A mirror under the table" appears on-screen, and later on, if he examines a, fireplace ,that he can enter," Looks like I can get in the fireplace " is displayed. Link
  35. Of Osama bin Laden hanging on the wall and an American flag burning in the, fireplace ,in the background. Many New Yorker readers saw the image as a lampoon of" The
  36. Inner courtyard by one of the servants b) lounging next to enormous hearth/, fireplace ,next to their master. * Uncle Zeke starred as" Digger" in the 2000 Disney
  37. With a sixteenth century French chimney-piece and windows; also used were a, fireplace ,dated to c. 1514 and a fourteenth century roof, which became part of the
  38. With the Imperial army, saying that he could not sit inactively by a warm, fireplace ,while other young authors were dying on the front. He was however, found unfit
  39. Chlorate, barium nitrate crystals, or barium chloride, also used for green, fireplace ,logs. In biology Green is common in nature, as many green plants use a complex
  40. A fully functional spacecraft, a Concorde aircraft, a grandfather clock,a, fireplace , a Doric pillar, a truck, a statue (able to move and walk around),a laurel
  41. Softwood because it creates less smoke and burns longer. Adding a wood stove or, fireplace ,to a home is often felt to add ambiance and warmth. Construction Wood has been
  42. Film, and throws it directly into the blazing flames just as Cheryl raises the, fireplace ,poker to impale him. This prompts demons to leave the bodies of Cheryl and
  43. And sold these at home and abroad. Soapstone is sometimes used for, fireplace ,surrounds and wood stoves, because it can absorb and evenly distribute heat
  44. Design has remained the same. A forge of this type is essentially a hearth or, fireplace ,designed to allow a fire to be controlled such that metal introduced to the
  45. Inside until the evening, where it is brought in and placed in the hearth or, fireplace , Holy water is then poured on the log, usually accompanied by the Apostle's
  46. Window as sacred and have been told never to look in through it. A house had a, fireplace ,near the entrance. The husband and wife sat on the fireplace 's left side (
  47. Roofs can be inherently fire-proof, which is a valuable attribute when the, fireplace ,is kept lit during the cold nights. The construction of the chimney can also
  48. Space, letting nature and light envelop the interior space. A wood-panelled, fireplace ,(also housing mechanical equipment, kitchen,and toilets) is positioned
  49. Picked it up (as contrasted with my copy as it was a few days later: in my, fireplace , burning) An abstraction can thus encapsulate each of these levels of detail
  50. Mesh that covers a window opening * Fire screen, a device to put in front of a, fireplace ,* Windshield (windshield),protects the driver of a vehicle **Commander

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