Examples of the the word, retina , in a Sentence Context

The word ( retina ), is the 9503 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. But it is also possible to acquire color blindness through damage to the, retina , optic nerve, or higher brain areas. Higher brain areas implicated in color
  2. Are formed; and since they are all ultimately intercepted by a plane (the, retina ,of the eye, a focusing screen of a camera, etc.),they cause a confusion
  3. Gt proteins, aka transducing, is used in the light recognition pathway in, retina ,cells. GG protein occurs in the taste recognition for bitter. Most Hi protein
  4. To the Holy See, being prevented from accepting by suffering a detached, retina , Controversies In 1990,following the assassination of the Conservative
  5. Takes place in the spinal cord and in peripheral sensory organs such as the, retina , Intrinsic pattern generation Although stimulus-response mechanisms are the
  6. Deficiency are caused by anomalies in the number or nature of cones in the, retina , Others (like central or cortical achromatopsia) are caused by neural
  7. From the varying spectral sensitivity of different types of cone cells in the, retina ,to different parts of the spectrum, colors may be defined and quantified by the
  8. Color in the brain While the mechanisms of color vision at the level of the, retina ,are well-described in terms of stimulus values (see above),color
  9. Of the brain and the spinal cord. Some classifications also include the, retina ,and the cranial nerves in the CNS. Together with the peripheral nervous system
  10. Via the retinohypothalamic tract (distinct from the optic nerve),linking the, retina ,to the pineal gland. Among sighted individuals, FRD usually first appears in
  11. In a midbrain layer. In the first stages of development, each axon from the, retina ,is guided to the right general vicinity in the midbrain by chemical cues, but
  12. In the retina to light of different wavelengths. Humans being trichromatic,the, retina ,contains three types of color receptor cells, or cones. One type, relatively
  13. Into such a beam for several seconds is likely to cause damage to a spot on the, retina , *Class AIIB/3B can cause immediate eye damage upon exposure. *Class IV/4
  14. The eye's cornea that no light remains to be focused by the lens onto the, retina , The label" eye-safe" can be misleading, however,as it only applies to
  15. Of a human observer, passes through the cornea, is focused by the lens upon the, retina ,where it forms an image similar to that formed by light passing through a
  16. Amaurosis or LCA. Lever Congenital Amaurosis damages the light receptors in the, retina ,and usually begins affecting sight in early childhood, with worsening vision
  17. Fluid in the eye—the vitreous humor, and reaches the retina . The cells in the, retina ,cover the back of the eye, except for where the optic nerve exits; this results
  18. Then those of humans, and many species are at least partially nocturnal. The, retina ,of fields also contains a relatively high proportion of rod cells, adapted for
  19. Made between retina l tetrachromat (having four pigments in cone cells in the, retina , compared to three in trichromats) and functional tetrachromat (having the
  20. That the lens was the receptive organ of sight, but correctly hinted at the, retina ,being involved in the process. From this point of view, Alhazen developed
  21. System of vertebrates (such as humans) contains the brain, spinal cord, and, retina , The peripheral nervous system consists of sensory neurons, clusters of neurons
  22. That images are projected inverted and reversed by the eye's lens onto the, retina , The solution to this dilemma was not of particular importance to Kepler as he
  23. These things, that " egg yolks are yellow" and" the color perceived when the, retina ,is stimulated by electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of between 570 and
  24. Contains a very precise mapping, connecting each point on the surface of the, retina ,to a corresponding point in a midbrain layer. In the first stages of
  25. Field moves, and a person looks toward it. The initial sensory response, in the, retina ,of the eye, and the final motor response, in the oculomotor nuclei of the brain
  26. Protect the eye nearly as well as zeaxanthin, and the presence of lutein in the, retina ,will prevent zeaxanthin uptake. Additionally, evidence has shown that the
  27. Can also fall victim to progressive retina l atrophy (a degeneration of the, retina ,causing blindness) and several less serious hereditary eye problems such as
  28. Ganglia, and many sensory neurons are situated in sensory organs such as the, retina ,and cochlea. Although neurons are very diverse and there are exceptions to
  29. Of Disparate Technologies, however,stated that the resolution of the human, retina ,is higher than claimed by Apple, working out to 477 PPI at or 36 arc seconds per
  30. Begins with specialized receptor cells, such as light-receptive neurons in the, retina ,of the eye, vibration-sensitive neurons in the cochlea of the ear, or
  31. Risk of contracting AMD. Both compounds have been observed to collect in the, retina ,when ingested orally, and they serve to protect the rods and cones against the
  32. Which produce swelling of the brain in the occipital lobe, and damage to the, retina ,caused by exposure to ultraviolet light. Most ultraviolet light damage is
  33. Or progressive. As progressive phenotypes involve deterioration of the, retina ,and other parts of the eye, certain forms of color blindness can progress to
  34. The eye, eventually distributing themselves over the film, imaging device, or, retina , all of which come under the heading of image plane. The lens plane is a plane
  35. Cell, in anatomy, a type of light-sensitive cell found along with rods in the, retina ,of the eye *Cone dystrophy, an inherited ocular disorder characterized by the
  36. Means that it can be focused by the eye into an tiny spot on the, retina , resulting in localized burning and permanent damage in seconds or even less
  37. Name KandelCh21/> In the visual system, for example, sensory receptors in the, retina ,of the eye are only individually capable of detecting" points of light" in
  38. Or even stopped working altogether. " For instance, the vertebrate eye's, retina ,that is installed backward, facing the back of the head rather than the front.
  39. Pigment, whose peak sensitivity is at a shorter wavelength than in the normal, retina , protanomalous individuals are less sensitive to red light than normal. This
  40. Eye, or 57 arc seconds per pixel is the maximum amount of detail that the human, retina ,can perceive. Raymond Sonar, president of Disparate Technologies, however
  41. Through the main body of fluid in the eye—the vitreous humor, and reaches the, retina , The cells in the retina cover the back of the eye, except for where the optic
  42. Examples of biometrics include palm prints,fingerprints,voiceprints and, retina ,(eye) scans. Strong authentication requires providing information from two of
  43. Colors is based upon the varying sensitivity of different cells in the, retina ,to light of different wavelengths. Humans being trichromatic, the retina
  44. Eyes having a tape tum lucidum, which reflects any light that passes through the, retina ,back into the eye, thereby increasing the eye's sensitivity to dim light.
  45. Frequency of congenital red–green color blindness. Background The average human, retina ,contains two kinds of light cells: the rod cells (active in low light) and
  46. And modulator effects on others still. For example, photoreceptor cells in the, retina ,constantly release the neurotransmitter glutamate in the absence of light.
  47. Taurine, with Maurine deficiency causing macular degeneration, where the cat's, retina ,slowly degenerates, causing irreversible blindness. Despite the cat's
  48. Eye functions by focusing light onto an array of photoreceptor cells called the, retina , which covers the back of the eye. The focusing is accomplished by a series of
  49. Impossible and only a finite portion of the parabola is captured on the film or, retina , When the viewer turns further so that the lens plane cuts the circle in two
  50. Profusely and makes initial contact with a wide swath of midbrain neurons. The, retina , before birth, contains special mechanisms that cause it to generate waves of

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