Examples of the the word, tolerant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tolerant ), is the 9502 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Are being used for research purposes and insect resistant and/or herbicide, tolerant ,crops have been commercialized. Genetically engineered plants and animals
  2. The pups when feeding at a kill, allowing them to eat first. They are generally, tolerant ,of scavengers at their kills. Relationships with other predators In some areas
  3. Germanic elite's separate group identity. Most Germanic tribes were generally, tolerant ,of the Nicene beliefs of their subjects. However, the Vandals tried for several
  4. Inland and coastal populations, or the movement of pollen between heavy metal, tolerant ,and heavy metal sensitive populations of grasses. Gene transfer between species
  5. Artistic events held annually. It promotes disability rights, and is legally, tolerant ,towards homosexuals. LGBT civil unions have been permitted since 2003,however
  6. For controlling the placement and power levels of stations. Digital TV is more, tolerant ,of interference than analog TV, and this is the reason a smaller range of
  7. By sharp ice crystals. Hardening is the process by which a plant becomes, tolerant ,to low temperatures. See also microbiology. Certain bacteria, notably
  8. Video et taco" (" I see, and say nothing" ). In religion, she was relatively, tolerant , avoiding systematic persecution. After 1570,when the pope declared her
  9. Held by Evangelical Protestants. Moreover, it is a tendency for one to be less, tolerant ,of homosexuality if their social network is strongly tied to a religious
  10. Hard and small leaves; are non-leaf dropping (non-deciduous); and are drought, tolerant , After the first rains following a fire, the landscape is dominated by
  11. To authoritarianism both political and religious, with the scientific and, tolerant ,values of the Enlightenment. In the words of historian Henry Steele Commander,"
  12. Had long experience dealing with Christian and Jewish minorities, and were more, tolerant ,towards religious minorities than the former Muslim rulers, the Mameluke of
  13. Acceptance of failure: DARPA pursues breakthrough opportunities and is very, tolerant ,of technical failure if the payoff from success will be great enough. *
  14. Christians emigrated. Some, such as the family of Maimonides, fled east to more, tolerant ,Muslim lands, During the Middle Ages in Europe there was persecution against
  15. In the northern regions. Christian-Muslim relations in Ghana are peaceful, tolerant ,and bilateral, despite sectarian violence in neighboring countries with similar
  16. And hundreds of thousands of political prisoners, but became more open and, tolerant ,in the late 1960s,culminating in Alexander Dubček's leadership in the 1968
  17. Live there. The 18th century English historian Edward Gibbon identified a more, tolerant ,period in Roman-Jewish relations beginning in about 160 CE. However, when
  18. Calcium is leached from the needles of red spruce, these trees become less cold, tolerant ,and exhibit winter injury and even death. Human health effects Acid rain does
  19. On Earth. Historically, the Czech people have been characterized as ", tolerant ,and even indifferent towards religion ". According to the 2001 census,59 % of
  20. Gustavus Adolphus is portrayed as a tough, yet compassionate king with, tolerant ,tendencies toward religion and the rights of the people to establish their own
  21. In rural areas for several reasons: # It is easily harvested. # It is highly, tolerant ,of arid environments, which are typical of most subtropical and some tropical
  22. Dhimmi and a Muslim citizen. Treatment of shimmies The question of how, tolerant ,Islam was, and is, towards other religions requires a definition of terms. If a
  23. By the Turkish Cypriots. " By 1974 the two communities had returned to a more, tolerant ,state of living. Democratic Party, the social-democratic EDEN and the centrist
  24. To kidnap James and hold him in the Tower of London until he agreed to be more, tolerant ,towards Catholics. Salisbury received news of the plot from several sources
  25. Was born. The Corpus Christianum has since existed with the modern idea of a, tolerant ,and diverse society consisting of many communities. Geographic spread
  26. For their subdomains. This mechanism has made the DNS distributed and fault, tolerant ,and has helped avoid the need for a single central register to be continually
  27. Implicated by the use of torture, cruelly punished. Though pagan, he was mostly, tolerant ,of Christians. Work At Rome, he wrote in Latin a history of the Roman Empire
  28. The process of natural selection meant that the wild yeasts that were most cold, tolerant ,would be the ones that would remain actively fermenting in the beer that was
  29. Upon the intervention of bishop Grenades and others, who reminded Victor of the, tolerant ,precedent of Ancients. Quartodecimanism seems to have lingered into the 4th
  30. Motherboard in a spacious case, reminiscent of the BBC Micro, and so were more, tolerant ,of home-modification than some of their contemporaries, which often had their
  31. Are contraindicated during benzodiazepine withdrawal as they are cross, tolerant ,with benzodiazepines and can induce dependence. Withdrawal from long term
  32. Of any kind. Because of this, Spiritual Deists are extremely welcoming and, tolerant ,to all except dogma, demagoguery,and intolerance itself. Therefore, most
  33. Of genetically modified plants in 1996,they have been modified to be, tolerant ,to the herbicides fluorinate and glyphosate, to be resistant to virus damage
  34. Membership in the subculture, are usually not supportive of violence, but are, tolerant ,of alternative lifestyles that incorporate themes such as BDSM—always involving
  35. Sensitive to boron in the soil. Nearly all plants, even those somewhat, tolerant ,of boron in the soil, will show at least some symptoms of boron toxicity when
  36. According to Scripture. Documents issued in 2010 expressed the need for more, tolerant ,attitudes toward varying choices regarding sexuality. Since 2010,the age of
  37. To have attended the church there. During this time period, England was not, tolerant ,in religion. Controversy of religion was a political issue. Roman Catholics
  38. However, in some cases, the Sent has been more, tolerant ,during Valentine's Day celebrations. Threats for the Final match of ICC World
  39. As a haven for Roman Catholics (1634),Rhode Island (1636) as a colony, tolerant ,of all religions and Connecticut (1639) for Congregationalists. The Province
  40. Towards Catholics was more moderate than that of his predecessor, perhaps even, tolerant , He promised that he would not" persecute any that will be quiet and give an
  41. Of the Cultural Revolution, the Chinese government has become much more, tolerant ,with the practice of traditional beliefs. The 1978 Constitution of the People
  42. According to Acanthus, Constantine followed his father in following a, tolerant ,policy towards Christianity. Although not yet a Christian, he probably judged
  43. Pines cover the plateau of central Anatolia. *Central Anatolian (salt, tolerant ,) plant communities. *Eastern Anatolian deciduous forests: This ecoregion
  44. Systematically condemned homosexual behaviors” in recent years. Moderate and, tolerant ,attitudes are generally reflected by Catholics and moderate Protestants. And
  45. Live and let live" summarizes the Dutch and especially the Amsterdam open and, tolerant ,society, the increased influx of many races, religions,and cultures after the
  46. Of gender equality, promotes disability rights, and is legally and socially, tolerant ,towards homosexuals. Gays and lesbians can legally adopt their partner's
  47. Protestant cities, he directed his steps towards Poland, at that time the most, tolerant ,state in Europe. He had not resided there long when an edict appeared (August
  48. Constantius, a native of Media (later Dacia Ripens is). Constantius was a, tolerant ,and politically skilled man. Constantine probably spent little time with his
  49. To the area of Massed described Massoud's territory in 1997 as" the last, tolerant ,corner of Afghanistan ". About his life in Massoud's area he stated:" I feel
  50. Dynasties era, both Buddhist and Taoist followers compromised and became more, tolerant ,of each other. In 589,Sui annexed the last Southern Dynasty, Chen,through

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