Examples of the the word, walnut , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Vine are also here met with, but are more common on the northern mountains. The, walnut ,and oak (evergreen, holly-leaved and Hermes) descend to the secondary heights
  2. Is another well-known sweet/candy with a range of varieties. Celery, cevizli (, walnut ,) suck (named after its suck/sunk like shape, also known as Churchkhela in
  3. Delamination of paint layers when combined with drying oils such as linseed, walnut ,and safflower oils—all of them used as the primary vehicle in oil paint. Home
  4. Made of wood (most likely hard woods such as maple, cherry,pad auk, oak, walnut , or any other hard wood),but can also be made from any material, including
  5. White House for the public viewing of the slain president, reposing in his open, walnut ,casket in the black-draped East Room. A cross of lilies was at the head and
  6. Camera hound of the future wears on his forehead a lump a little larger than a, walnut , " – from" As We May Think" *" Putting man in space is a stunt. The man can
  7. Parts lethargy or lead white, combined by cooking with 20 parts raw linseed or, walnut ,oil. #Lead Medium - attributed to Peter Paul Rubens -This medium was allegedly
  8. S visit to Ankara in 362. Mosques * The Aladdin Mosque. It has a carved, walnut ,member, the inscription on which records that the mosque was built in the 12th
  9. With pen and ink without going into the small details of his subject. This, walnut ,ink drawing can be clearly seen in some thinly painted areas of his work
  10. Long-term storage food resource for animals (e.g. acorns, hazelnut, walnut , ); the seeds are stored some distance from the parent plant, and some escape
  11. Irmik helves (cooked with semolina and pine nuts),yam helves (made from, walnut ,or almond),thin helves (crushed sesame seeds),KOS Helga, pişmaniye (
  12. Of Turkish cuisine is baklava. Baklava is made either with pistachio or, walnut , Turkish cuisine has a range of baklava-like desserts which include Soviet
  13. Church would receive it for burial, so his remains were buried under a, walnut ,tree on his farm. In 1819,the English agrarian radical journalist William
  14. Harvard's team," The Oneida ", won the race and was presented trophy black, walnut ,oars from then presidential nominee General Franklin Pierce. As an informal
  15. 45 % (1993 est. ) note: Kyrgyzstan has the world's largest natural growth, walnut ,forest, Arslanbob, located in Jalalabad Province with an enormous variety of
  16. One can still find old trees dating from that period: maidenhair tree, black, walnut , Turkish hazel and Caucasian wingnut trees. With its benches, flower carpets, a
  17. Figs, watermelon,melon, avocado,lemon, pistachio,almond, chestnut, walnut , hazelnut. Cyprus is also well known for its desserts, including locum (also
  18. And are termed exalbuminous seeds. Some exalbuminous seeds are beaned, pea,oak, walnut , squash, sunflower,and radish. Seeds with an endosperm at maturity are termed
  19. Are basswood, birch,buckeye, maple,poplar, and willow. Some species, such as, walnut ,and cherry, are on the border between the two classes, forming an intermediate
  20. For their body and gloss. Other oils occasionally used include poppy seed oil, walnut ,oil, and safflower oil. These oils confer various properties to the oil paint
  21. Almond),un kurabiyesi (flour turbine) and civil turbine (turbine with, walnut ,). Another dough based dessert is a corgi. Tahin-pekmez is a traditional
  22. Dough layers put in the milk and rose water, served with pomegranate seeds and, walnut , The story tells that in the cuisines of the Palace, those extra thin dough
  23. Lead-based metallic driers),combined by cooking with 20 parts raw linseed or, walnut ,oil. The majority of these recipes are not employed today, as there are few
  24. In milk on white paper. After drying, the paper was folded and placed in, walnut ,shells. When the shell was warmed, milk would turn brown therefore the writing
  25. The kinds of wood made use of for this purpose are, I am informed, black, walnut , cherry and sassafras. Nothing I think can exceed the grandeur of the joinery
  26. Shelter Guitar Research provided him with a" 004" bass in a one-off dark, walnut ,finish, with a body shape that was blatantly similar to the Rickenbacker design
  27. Today bare rock, were covered at this period with forests of oak and, walnut , lime, alder and elm. The lower slopes, together with those of the supporting
  28. Of different genetic characteristics. It is believed that most of the world's, walnut ,varieties derive from the original species still found here. Irrigated land:
  29. Vegetables. The highest values of 25–400 mg/kg have been found in nuts of the, walnut ,(Jutland) and hickory (Carla) genera. Serotonin concentrations of 3–30
  30. Tree" ) This short poem in 91 elegiac couplets is a monologue spoken by a, walnut ,tree asking that boys not pelt her with stones to get her fruit. The tree
  31. A wax often used to make candles. Many fruits provide natural dyes, e. g., walnut , sumac, cherry and mulberry. Dried gourds are used as decorations, water jugs
  32. Controls. * 4001CS - Chris Squire Signature Model. Featured a crème finish, walnut ,headstock wings, square heel, and vintage type pickups, and a signature
  33. Most aspects, but this time he was also ordered to find the best place to grow, walnut ,and Swedish white beam trees; these trees were used by the military to make
  34. The chief trees are cedar, firs and pines, chenar or plane, maple,birch and, walnut , apple, cherry. Historically, Kashmir became known worldwide when Cashmere wool
  35. A special shifter knob, bumper overrides, tapered exhaust tips, fake, walnut , inserts in the dashboard (behind the steering wheel and the glove box cover)
  36. 46 people. The crash was later found to be caused by an accumulation of ground, walnut ,shells that had been used to clean the machinery. * On 6 November 1986,a
  37. Cinnamon (without adding water). After being chilled, they are served with, walnut ,or pistachio and kayak. Homemade cookies are commonly called turbine in
  38. Supplies of essentials like brass, wire,ebonize and magnet steel. Much of the, walnut ,used for cabinets was imported from the US. As Stockholm's telephone network
  39. Different types of (wring) heyday, both of which can be prepared with either, walnut ,or pistachio. Although carrying the label" heyday ", ekmek kadayıfı is
  40. Limited Edition of just 12. * 380L - 360 style hollow-body with oil-finished, walnut ,body, humbucking pickups (with option of a Piero pickup system) and wide
  41. Spain and Portugal) and the larch. There is also the yew, the hazel, juniper, walnut , wild peach and almond. Growing under the shade of these are several varieties
  42. Internet show captured KGB pads that fit in the palm of one's hand, or in a, walnut ,shell. To increase security, one-time pads were sometimes printed onto sheets
  43. With a layer of melted cheese in between, and it is served hot with pistachio or, walnut , Among milk-based desserts, the most popular ones are muhallebi, su muhallebisi
  44. Constructed during the late 14th and early 15th centuries. The finely carved, walnut ,member (pulpit) is of particular interest. * Hack Bay ram Mosque. This mosque
  45. While the brain's two cerebral hemispheres are like" a pair of shrivelled, walnut ,halves on top of the brain stem, in contact neither with each other nor the
  46. Sheep) is used mainly in kebabs and meat dishes. Sesame, hazelnut,peanut and, walnut ,oils are used as well. Use of fruit In the Ottoman cuisine, fruit frequently
  47. Blurs. Eventually an oily, varnish-like ink made of soot, turpentine,and, walnut ,oil was created specifically for the printing press. Modern applications Up
  48. Century. Another game/superstition that was enjoyed in the early 1900s involved, walnut ,shells. People would write fortunes in milk on white paper. After drying, the
  49. That the 3001 had the usual (33.25-inch) Rickenbacker scale length, an extra, walnut ,laminate in the neck, and a different wiring circuit that provided volume
  50. Low cost. A few of the hardwoods that are used in American tokens are the, walnut , hickory, persimmon,oak and ironwood. The use of exotic hardwoods is not

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