Examples of the the word, wavelength , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wavelength ), is the 9506 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of these corrections is that for lamp flicker noise, which is independent of, wavelength , resulting in measurements with very low noise level; other corrections are
  2. System is widely used, in which the magnitude is measured in three different, wavelength ,bands: U (centered at about 350 nm, in the near ultraviolet),B (about 435 nm
  3. At MIT. It's noteworthy that this record's peak emittance black-body, wavelength ,of 6,400 kilometers is roughly the radius of Earth. Absolute temperature scales
  4. Energy density goes down even more rapidly as the universe expands since the, wavelength ,of each photon is stretched (redshifted),in addition to the photons being
  5. Produced every time positrons annihilate with nearby matter. The frequency and, wavelength ,of the gamma rays indicate that each carries 511 key of energy (i.e., the
  6. The packet and its minimum size implies a spread and minimal value in particle, wavelength , and thus also momentum and energy. In quantum mechanics, as a particle is
  7. Not monochromatic. The sensitivity of a light detector varies according to the, wavelength ,of the light, and the way it varies depends on the type of light detector. For
  8. The resonance frequency is 23.79 GHz, corresponding to microwave radiation of a, wavelength ,of 1.260 cm. The absorption at this frequency was the first microwave spectrum
  9. Material (refractive index); the size of the particle or particles; and the, wavelength ,of the incoming radiation. Alabama is a state located in the southeastern
  10. Of any sort of wave packet implies uncertainty in the wave frequency and, wavelength , since a spread of frequencies is needed to create the packet itself. In
  11. Is a measure of the material's dispersion (variation of refractive index with, wavelength ,) in relation to the refractive index. It is named after Ernst Abbé (1840–1905
  12. Which is what happens when the fluctuation size is much smaller than the, wavelength , and which explains why the sky is blue. Einstein quantitatively derived
  13. Of long range order in a material, where features smaller than the seismic, wavelength ,(e.g., crystals,cracks, pores,layers or inclusions) have a dominant
  14. With respect to the yellow Fraunhofer d (or D3) helium line at 587.5618 nm, wavelength , It can also be defined at the green mercury E-line at 546.073 nm:: V_e = \franc
  15. A source's spectrum is a distribution giving its intensity at each, wavelength , Although the spectrum of light arriving at the eye from a given direction
  16. The frequency chosen is in the visible spectrum near green, corresponding to a, wavelength ,of about 555 nanometers. The human eye is most sensitive to this frequency
  17. Built radio telescope in the late 1930s to follow up on the discovery of radio, wavelength ,emissions from space by Karl Jan sky. Non-visual amateur astronomy includes the
  18. At least an order of magnitude above that of a typical HCL over the entire, wavelength ,range from 190 nm to 900 nm. A special high-pressure xenon short arc lamp
  19. Color derives from the spectrum of light (distribution of light power versus, wavelength ,) interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors
  20. Of the electron's orbit:: n \lambda = 2 \pi r. \, Substituting de Broglie's, wavelength ,reproduces Bohr's rule. Bohr justified his rule by appealing to the
  21. First line of the Palmer series, and for hydrogen () it results in a photon of, wavelength ,656 nm (red light). In atomic physics, the Bohr model, introduced by Niels
  22. Are made at one wavelength that is nearly unique for bilirubin and at a second, wavelength ,in order to correct for possible interferences. The concentration is given by c
  23. Concentration of 392 ppm by, before slowly re-emitting the infrared at the same, wavelength ,as what was absorbed. Before the advent of human-caused release of carbon
  24. Intensity emitted by these lamps is decreasing significantly with increasing, wavelength , so that they can be only used in the wavelength range between 190 and about
  25. Technology standard for exchanging data over short distances (using short, wavelength ,radio transmissions in the ISM band from 2400-2480 MHz) from fixed and mobile
  26. Nanoseconds) by absorbing a defined quantity of energy (radiation of a given, wavelength ,). This amount of energy, i. e., wavelength ,is specific to a particular
  27. For example,12CO,13CO,and C18O) are detectable in the submillimeter, wavelength ,range, and are used in the study of newly forming stars in molecular clouds.
  28. Is known, so the molar absorbance is known. Measurements are made at one, wavelength ,that is nearly unique for bilirubin and at a second wavelength in order to
  29. To simply as light). Physics Electromagnetic radiation is characterized by its, wavelength ,(or frequency) and its intensity. When the wavelength is within the visible
  30. Of sensitivity. Another problem is that background is not measured at the same, wavelength ,as total absorption, making the technique unsuitable for correcting structured
  31. Optical scientists Hardy and Person list indigo as between 446 and 464 nm, wavelength , The intensity of a spectral color, relative to the context in which it is
  32. Especially when its spectrum (i.e., the amount of radiation measured at each, wavelength ,) was found to match that of thermal radiation from a black body, most
  33. In momentum for high speed electrons causes a corresponding decrease in, wavelength ,and contraction of 6s orbitals relative to 5d orbitals (by comparison to
  34. Are caused by dispersion, the variation of a lens's refractive index with, wavelength , They do not appear when monochromatic light is used. Monochromatic aberrations
  35. Profile of the self-reversed line, which has little emission at the original, wavelength , but strong emission on both sides of the analytical line. The advantage of
  36. Significantly with increasing wavelength , so that they can be only used in the, wavelength ,range between 190 and about 320 nm. Continuum sources When a continuum
  37. Is calculated using the Fresnel equations (see graph). At the scale of the, wavelength ,of light even wavy water is always smooth, so the light is reflected in a
  38. Include all those colors that can be produced by visible light of a single, wavelength ,only, the pure spectral or monochromatic colors. The table at right shows
  39. Overline (\lambda) is the standard luminosity function. If more than one, wavelength ,is present (as is usually the case),one must sum or integrate over the
  40. Is the initial energy level. Since the energy of a photon is: :E=\franc, \,the, wavelength ,of the photon given off is given by: :\franc=R \left (\franc - \franc \right). \
  41. Aberration, above ). Since the index of refraction varies with the color or, wavelength ,of the light (see dispersion),it follows that a system of lenses (
  42. To a particular electron transition in a particular element. In general, each, wavelength , corresponds to only one element, and the width of an absorption line is only of
  43. Containing two components at concentrations c1 and c2. The absorbance at any, wavelength , λ is, for unit path length, given by: A (\lambda)=c_1\ \var epsilon_1 (
  44. Has the highest wavelength absorbance around 290 nm, while anthracene has highest, wavelength ,bands around 380 nm. Three Car structures with two sextets are present in
  45. Be expressed in terms of the imaginary part of the refractive index, κ,and the, wavelength ,of the light (in free space),λ0,according to: \alpha' = \franc. In
  46. Is characterized by its wavelength (or frequency) and its intensity. When the, wavelength ,is within the visible spectrum (the range of wavelength s humans can perceive
  47. Of energy (radiation of a given wavelength ). This amount of energy, i. e., wavelength , is specific to a particular electron transition in a particular element. In
  48. Response of the human eye. The luminous intensity for light of a particular, wavelength ,λ is given by: I_\math rm (\lambda)= 683.002 \dot \overlie (\lambda) \dot
  49. Tabulated zero points for the measured fluxes. The magnitude depends on the, wavelength ,band (see below). The modern system is no longer limited to 6 magnitudes or
  50. In the UV absorbance spectra of these two isomers. Phenanthrene has the highest, wavelength ,absorbance around 290 nm, while anthracene has the highest wavelength bands around

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