Examples of the the word, germ , in a Sentence Context

The word ( germ ), is the 9494 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The process of pasteurization still in use today. His experiments confirmed the, germ ,theory. Claude Bernard aimed at establishing scientific method in medicine; he
  2. Or ribosomes),(c) Cellular or subcellular extracts (e.g. wheat, germ ,or reticulocyte extracts),or (d) purified molecules in the test tube (
  3. In the history of warfare. There is, however,only one documented case of, germ ,warfare, involving British commander Jeffrey Amherst. It is uncertain whether
  4. Activists, he began to question the efficacy of vaccination. At the time,the, germ ,theory of disease was very new and far from universally accepted. Moreover, no
  5. Haploid transition where the organism grows. The organism will then produce the, germ ,cells that continue in the life cycle. The rest of the cells, called somatic
  6. The germ is gram-positive AND the morphology of the organism is" rod" AND the, germ ,is aerobic THEN there is a strong probability (0.8) that the germ is of type
  7. Manuela and a putative, primitive protostome, Pseudooides, provide a peek at, germ ,layer embryonic development. These 543-million-year-old embryos support the
  8. Not suggest that HIV is an endogenous retrovirus, a virus integrated into the, germ ,line and genetically heritable: Scientific response to the Dues berg hypothesis
  9. Fats, oils,and protein. However, when refined by the removal of the bran and, germ , the remaining endosperm is mostly carbohydrate and lacks the majority of the
  10. Prevents further division. (This is known as the Hay flick limit. ) Within the, germ ,cell line, which passes DNA to the next generation, telomerase extends the
  11. Tissues, but they are not organized into organs. There are only two main, germ ,layers, the ectotherm and encoder, with only scattered cells between them. As
  12. David Thomson, however," No one can now deny Herman Mankiewicz credit for the, germ , shape, and pointed language of the screenplay, but no one who has seen the
  13. Would transmit the human voice by telegraph. Henry replied that Bell had" the, germ ,of a great invention ". When Bell said that he did not have the necessary
  14. Kept in the home. This had a profound effect on Zappa, and references to germ s, germ ,warfare and the defense industry occur throughout his work. Zappa was often
  15. And Guatemala around 1500–1200 BC. Soaking the corn in lye kills the seed's, germ , which keeps it from sprouting while in storage. In addition to preserving the
  16. They have one set of chromosomes. Gametes are produced by meiosis of a diploid, germ ,line cell. During meiosis, the matching chromosomes of father and mother can
  17. Hands before attending to women in childbirth. This discovery predated the, germ ,theory of disease. However, Semmelweis' findings were not appreciated by his
  18. And somatic cells of the body, demonstrating that heredity passes through the, germ ,line only. Hugo de Vries connected Darwin's pan genesis theory to Wiesman's
  19. Water supply in London after an outbreak of cholera. (Both uses preceded the, germ ,theory of disease, and were based on destruction of odors and" putrid matter "
  20. Of the Civil War, said that Jefferson's Kentucky Resolution" contained the, germ ,of nullification and secession, and we are today reaping the fruits ". Autonomy
  21. Gynecomastia in male bodybuilders. Biological warfare (BY) — also known as, germ ,warfare — is the deliberate use of disease-causing biological agents such as
  22. A practice perceived as cruel and insensitive. While Kashrut predates the, germ ,theory of disease certain rules appear to protect human health. Prohibitions on
  23. The third volume of the Encyclopedia. In this way, Hegel intends to defend the, germ ,of truth in Kantian dualism against reductive or eliminate programs like
  24. Botanically, a type of fruit called a calypsos),composed of the endosperm, germ , and bran. Cereal grains are grown in greater quantities and provide more food
  25. In contrast to the approach of evidence-based medicine which is based on the, germ ,theory of disease, human anatomy and human physiology, Traditional Chinese
  26. In years" *" IF the identity of the germ is not known with certainty AND the, germ ,is gram-positive AND the morphology of the organism is" rod" AND the germ is
  27. Has high significance in the early phases of embryogenesis as development of, germ ,layers is guided by gradients of signal molecules. Motility Unlike motility in
  28. Used like true cereals **Whole grains, the cereal grains that contain bran and, germ ,as well as the endosperm *Film grain, the gritty texture sometimes apparent on
  29. Pander and based on the work by Caspar Friedrich Wolff he described the, germ ,layer theory of development (ectotherm, mesoderm,and encoder) as a principle
  30. Thought he'd ever get the Nobel Prize? Makes you think,doesn't it ". The, germ ,of the joke was that Watson was only 25 when he helped discover DNA; much
  31. According to Freeman et al., and these theories held sway until the advent of, germ ,theory, physiology,and organ basis of pathology in the 19th century. In
  32. Hands before attending to women in childbirth. His discovery pre-dated the, germ ,theory of disease. However, his discoveries were not appreciated by his
  33. Holy Roman Emperors and has been interpreted as containing within itself the, germ ,of nation-based sovereignty that would one day be confirmed in the Treaty of
  34. Clothing into the city. There are two documented cases of alleged and attempted, germ ,warfare. The first, during a parley at Fort Pitt on June 24, 1763,Ecu yer gave
  35. Take a job, Sayles reports that he mostly is interested in whether there is the, germ ,of an idea for a movie which he would want to watch. Sales gets the rest of
  36. His date of birthdate of today - his age in years" *" IF the identity of the, germ ,is not known with certainty AND the germ is gram-positive AND the morphology of
  37. Of the Civil War, said that Jefferson's Kentucky Resolution" contained the, germ ,of nullification and secession, and we are today reaping the fruits ".
  38. Maintain a stable organism, which then supports a few the animal's, germ ,cells to produce offspring. Here, somatic cells respond to specific signals
  39. Classified into the two following types: Germ line gene therapy In the case of, germ ,line gene therapy, Germ cells, i. e., sperm or eggs, are modified by the
  40. To take" heed of the dreadful calamities of Saint Dominguez, and of the, germ ,of revolt only too widespread among our slaves. " Continued unrest in Point
  41. Discarded until the 20th century, with the development of microbiology,the, germ ,theory of disease, and advances in chemistry. ) Hangman also advocated
  42. AMIS’s first novel, Lucky Jim (1954),is perhaps his most famous, taking its, germ ,from Amis's observation of the common room at the University of Leicester
  43. Had spread by then, and audiences of 400 often came to hear him lecture. As the, germ ,theory of disease became more widely accepted, it was realized that infection
  44. View was challenged by China and North Korea, who accused the United States of, germ ,warfare in the Korean War (1950–1953). Cuba has also accused the United
  45. Created the first vaccine for rabies and anthrax. His experiments supported the, germ ,theory of disease. He was best known to the public for inventing a
  46. Exploited by Louis Pasteur in his development of vaccination and his proposed, germ ,theory of disease. Pasteur's theory was in direct opposition to contemporary
  47. AND the germ is aerobic THEN there is a strong probability (0.8) that the, germ ,is of type Enterobacteriaceae" This formulation has the advantage of speaking
  48. Zinc, copper,and manganese - comparable to common grains such as wheat, germ , oats and others. Most fruits and vegetables do not contain a complete set of
  49. S pan genesis theory. August Weizmann made the important distinction between, germ ,cells (sperm and eggs) and somatic cells of the body, demonstrating that
  50. 1873,August Weizmann postulated the equivalence of the maternal and paternal, germ ,cells for heredity. The function of the nucleus as carrier of genetic

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