Examples of the the word, emulate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( emulate ), is the 9507 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For compatibility with copy-protected software, the 1571 could closely, emulate ,the 1541. This mode was the default when the drive was used in conjunction with
  2. That full service carriers control costs. Many of these low cost companies, emulate ,Southwest Airlines in various respects, and like Southwest, they are able to
  3. The Lorenz SZ 40/42 cipher machine; part of the operation of Colossus was to, emulate ,the electromechanical Lorenz machine electronically. To encrypt a message with
  4. Nylon, and felt, all of which produce different tones. Felt picks are used to, emulate ,a finger style tone. Palm-muting techniques Palm-muting is a widely used bass
  5. Some time for the emulator programmers to mature their software to properly, emulate ,the undocumented features, bugs and quirks of the system. The MESS emulator
  6. And Enters' godly stations favored their mother, Adrestia by far preferred to, emulate ,her father, often accompanying him to war. Ares, upon one occasion, incurred
  7. Beelzebub's and the Boston University Dear Abbeys. The new style used voices to, emulate ,modern rock instruments, including vocal percussion/"beatboxing ". Some larger
  8. American, which is used widely in perfumery, is one of the many synthetics that, emulate ,natural ambergris. Historical and cross-cultural uses Ambergris has been mostly
  9. Originally designed for, and worked only with hard disks and devices that could, emulate ,them. The introduction of ATAPI (ATA Packet Interface) by a group called the
  10. New converts memorized scripture, took Bible classes, and were expected to, emulate ,the lives of early Christians while rejecting mainstream denominational
  11. Advantage the Union armies enjoyed over the Confederates, who did not dare, emulate ,the equivalent manpower source for fear of fundamentally undermining the
  12. Their other Irish groups had raised their own volunteer army and threatened to, emulate ,the American colonists if their conditions were not met. The British Army found
  13. It was extended to humans it represented 'scientific' behavior attempting to, emulate ,science but which was not scientific, that Skinner was not a scientist because
  14. Of" the Captain ". A replacement Captain America, John Walker, struggles to, emulate ,Rogers' ideals until pressure from hidden enemies helps to drive Walker insane
  15. That these supplements were produced, third party campaign publishers strove to, emulate ,the quality of the additional materials, often offering separately-priced
  16. The centralized rule of the Zhou as an ideal model for the new Han empire to, emulate , The Ch'answer are therefore texts written by Han scholars about the Zhou royal
  17. Rhythms a cappella. In the 1960s,the Single Singers used their voices to, emulate ,musical instruments to Baroque and Classical music. Vocal artist Bobby McFerrin
  18. But were not so focused on ecstatic experiences. Instead, their goal was to, emulate ,the moral life of Christ more completely. The Hartford nuns were surrounded by
  19. Influenced local musicians such as Alexis Corner and Cyril Davies to, emulate ,this louder style, inspiring the British invasion of the Rolling Stones and the
  20. 4 did not include a front panel console and instead relied on the terminal to, emulate ,a console when needed. There were three different versions of the Nova 4,the
  21. To dialog with hardware, virtual device drivers take the opposite role and, emulate ,a piece of hardware, so that the guest operating system and its drivers running
  22. Anime-influenced animation refers to non-Japanese works of animation that, emulate ,the visual style of anime. Most of these works are created by studios in the
  23. In perfumery, scents referred to as“ amber” are often created and patented to, emulate ,the opulent golden warmth of the fossil. The modern name for amber is thought
  24. Hybrid boards which contained an Intel x86 series chip, allowing the Amiga to, emulate ,a PC. PowerPC upgrades with Wide SCSI controllers, PCI bus boards with Ethernet
  25. Workers from remaining after the sugar harvest. Although Trujillo sought to, emulate ,Generalissimo Francisco Franco, he welcomed Spanish Republican refugees
  26. When Daisy seems impressed by a certain type of male, Donald is forced to, emulate ,that type, no matter how unsuited Donald is for emulating it successfully. In
  27. And even today terminal emulators such as Hyperthermia, PuTTY and Xterm still, emulate ,a VT100 (or its more capable successor, the VT220). The X Window System, the
  28. In a stricter form. Countless pilgrims have visited the" Desert Fathers" to, emulate ,their spiritual, disciplined lives. Role and participation in the Ecumenical
  29. A reference to a set of features from SCSI which the ATA version attempts to, emulate , However, support for This is extremely rare in actual parallel ATA products
  30. Family Channel (now ABC Family). Groups such as Vocal Sampling and Undivided, emulate ,Latin rhythms a cappella. In the 1960s,the Single Singers used their voices
  31. Henry VIII commended an English version of the Life of Henry V so that he could, emulate ,him, on the grounds that he thought that launching a campaign against France
  32. Nature of the technique, complex objects are particularly slow to, emulate , Prior to the standardization of rapid grandiosity calculation, some graphic
  33. A popular writer, columnist and satirist M. M. Mwanakijiji has attempted to, emulate ,Swift in his own 'A Modest Proposal - On how Change People should be removed
  34. System to emulate . While it does not require a lot of computational power to, emulate ,the 2600,it is hard to accurately do so. For example, because of the lack of a
  35. Example, because of the lack of a frame buffer,2600 emulators must not only, emulate ,the console, but the television as well. Due to the longevity of the system
  36. Random mutations yielding successive generations of" solutions ". Thus, they, emulate , reproduction and" survival of the fittest ". In genetic programming, this
  37. Mini 1.5.10 also runs on Amiga. Emulating other systems The Amiga is able to, emulate ,other computer platforms ranging from many 8-bit systems such as the Sinclair
  38. Lara believed that cricket was his path to success, saying that he wanted to, emulate ,his idols Gordon Greening, Viv Richards and Roy Frederick's. Early First-class
  39. Or for information on the disc to be made" invisible ". In this way, CD-R can, emulate ,CDR; however, each time information on the disc is altered, more data has to
  40. The" looser" part of the string nearer to the fingerboard. Bassists trying to, emulate ,the sound of a double bass sometimes pluck the strings with their thumb and use
  41. Literature, and the arts, generally known as Classicism, which sought to, emulate ,the ideals of Classical antiquity and especially those of Classical Greece.
  42. Despite the relative simplicity of the 2600 system, it is not an easy system to, emulate , While it does not require a lot of computational power to emulate the 2600,it
  43. PCI versions of the board difficult to implement (local board RAM had to, emulate ,AGP memory. ) Microsoft first introduced AGP support into Windows 95 OEM
  44. Instruments In addition to singing words, some a cappella singers also, emulate ,instrumentation by reproducing the melody with their vocal cords. One of the
  45. Individuals could seek to elevate the status of their caste by attempting to, emulate ,the practices of higher castes. The eminent Socio-anthropologist M. N. Srinivasan
  46. Up and pushing forward causes pitch down; computer joysticks also typically, emulate ,this control-configuration. After id Software's Doom, the game that
  47. Commonly producing light of 6,000–7,000 K, are fitted with 3,200 K filters to, emulate ,tungsten light. Fixtures with color mixing features or with multiple colors, (
  48. Stitches can only be crafted by hand. Although some crochet patterns can, emulate ,the appearance of knitting, distinctive crochet patterns such as the Granny
  49. Drivers represent a particular variant of device drivers. They are used to, emulate ,a hardware device, particularly in virtualization environments, for example
  50. Christ, but we are called upon to become fully Christy or Christ-like, to, emulate , our Master's great words and works in some measure. This was Eddy's

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