Examples of the the word, lateral , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lateral ), is the 9497 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Block of hard wood is added, and the instrument is complete. The Alford has no, lateral ,openings and therefore gives the pure natural harmonic series of the open pipe.
  2. Belt and drum, and thus the friction between them, and thus the amount of, lateral ,movement of the belt and thus speaker cone. Other variations on the theme also
  3. Some plants produce adventitious shoots and suckers that form along their, lateral ,roots. Plants that reproduce vegetative may form a clonal colony, where all
  4. Sense, they behave as vowels. Many Slavic languages allow the trill and the, lateral ,as syllabic nuclei (see Words without vowels). In languages like Nubank, it
  5. Has limited resolution (2-2.5 nm),due to both quantum mechanical effects and, lateral ,variation in electron velocity. Atom-probe tomography (APT) Atom-probe
  6. BDSM and bondage pornography (see Pornography in Japan). In 1991 a, lateral ,survey came to the conclusion that between 1964 and 1984,despite the increase
  7. Is the slant height of the cone. \pi r^2 is the base area while \pi r l is the, lateral ,surface area of the cone. *prism: 2 × Area of Base + Perimeter of Base × Height
  8. Weight, usually cast iron or cast lead, that will sink into the mud and resist, lateral ,movement. Suitable only for very soft silt bottoms and in mild conditions.
  9. Moves past the other (the sample) permits plotting of tip displacement versus, lateral ,separation for a constant current. The calculation shows the extent to which
  10. Asexually (without the formation and fusion of gametes),mechanisms for, lateral ,gene transfer such as conjugation, transformation and transduction are
  11. Nucleotides. At a higher level, large chromosomal segments undergo duplication, lateral ,transfer, inversion,transposition, deletion and insertion. Ultimately, whole
  12. Palatal stops, voiced and unvoiced, as well as a palatal nasal and a palatal, lateral ,(the palatal stops are not present in all dialects). These and the
  13. Charcot, first suggested grouping together disparate conditions that affect the, lateral ,horn of the spinal cord in 1869. Classification Forms of motor neuron disease
  14. Moritz von Rohr's Die Bilderzeugung in optician Instrumented. Aberration of, lateral ,object points with broad pencils. Coma. By opening the stop wider, similar
  15. In 1869. Classification Forms of motor neuron disease include: * amyotrophic, lateral ,sclerosis (ALS) (sometimes called Lou Gehrig's disease) The" Bulgar
  16. With a voiceless labialized velar fricative. Similarly, Tibetan has a voiceless, lateral ,approximate, and Welsh has a voiceless lateral fricative, but the distinction
  17. e.g. MIG 'half ', desig 'desire' ). The combination of ‹ t › + nasal or, lateral ,consonant is pronounced as a geminate of the second consonant: ‹ TM ›, ‹ tn ›
  18. And vowels, which produce no turbulence. This class of sounds includes, lateral ,approximate like (as in less),non- lateral approximate like (as in rest)
  19. Tibetan has a voiceless lateral approximate, and Welsh has a voiceless, lateral ,fricative, but the distinction is not always clear from descriptions of these
  20. PPS) and used to treat interstitial cystitis, is infused into the patient's, lateral ,ventricle within the brain. PPS does not seem to stop the disease from
  21. Diseases such as Alzheimer's disease,Parkinson's disease, and amyotrophic, lateral ,sclerosis, and as a way to prevent noise-induced hearing loss. Targeted
  22. Atom-probe tomography (APT) uses a position-sensitive detector to deduce the, lateral ,location of atoms. This allows 3-D reconstructions to be generated. The idea of
  23. Magnets allows a finely tuned slight electron beam deflection and/or, lateral ,offset to be applied, which compensates for minor static convergence and purity
  24. To occupy these positions of lower energy, inasmuch as there is no barrier to, lateral ,movement in an ideal liquid. We might imagine deliberately upsetting this
  25. Motor neurons. In the United States, MND is more commonly called amyotrophic, lateral ,sclerosis (ALS),or Lou Gehrig's disease, after the baseball player. In
  26. To form a betrayer called a protofilament. Eight of these protofilaments form a, lateral ,arrangement that is twisted to form a ropelike filament. These filaments can be
  27. Gaussian image; and O'1 O'2 is termed the longitudinal aberration, and O'1R the, lateral ,aberration of the pencils with aperture u2. If the pencil with the angle u2 is
  28. The peripheral nervous system innervation of the breast is by the anterior and, lateral ,cutaneous branches of the fourth-, fifth-, and sixth intercostal nerves, while
  29. Eukaryote genome accreted from Rotarian parasite genomes in numerous rounds of, lateral ,gene transfer. Sex-as-syngamy (fusion sex) arose when infected hosts began
  30. Owing to the evaporation of successive layers of material from the sample,the, lateral ,and in-depth reconstruction values are highly anisotropic. Determination of the
  31. Voiced plosives are limited after a continuant. Exceptions include after, lateral ,consonants and after (feature shared with Ibero-Romance languages, such as
  32. Motion involves lifting the rear leg and pushing with the lead leg. During, lateral ,motion the leg in the direction of the movement moves first while the opposite
  33. A second stream can be created next to the existing stream. This is called a, lateral ,canal. The existing stream usually acts as the water source and its banks
  34. Of MRI studies in bipolar disorder report an increase in the volume of the, lateral ,ventricles, globus pallid us and increase in the rates of deep white matter
  35. Crippled ", Sp., Cat. ). *Romance groups -LA-,-C'L-,-T'L- result in palatal, lateral ’ll,e.g. MOLIERE > (" woman ", Sp., Cat. ), ACUT'LA > (" needle ", Sp., Cat.
  36. Of eyelids. * Formation of skin glands, thickening of the skin and loss of the, lateral ,line system The disappearance of the tail is somewhat later (occurs at higher
  37. The flowers are small, white or pink, and borne in umbels. The fruit is a, lateral ,fusiform or ovoid achene 4–5 mm long, containing a single seed. Cumin seeds
  38. To give close to optimum results. Unfortunately this design led to unacceptable, lateral ,forces on the trains, so a reduction in train speed was required and restrictions
  39. Joe Franco threw a late interception and after Ed Reed's fumbled attempt to, lateral ,on a punt return, Peyton Manning kneeled to seal the Colts' seventh
  40. Corresponds to the trichromatic theory, while processing at the level of the, lateral ,geniculate nucleus corresponds to the opponent theory. In 1931,an
  41. Of any building material to high winds, hurricanes,tornadoes due to its, lateral ,stiffness that results in minimal horizontal movement. Earthquake safety As
  42. Of motor neuron diseases including progressive muscular atrophy, primary, lateral , sclerosis,and progressive Bulgar palsy. In the United States the most common
  43. Increase in most (uncorrected) systems with the aperture. Aberration of, lateral ,object points (points beyond the axis) with narrow pencils. Astigmatism. A
  44. Tongue and a lowering of its middle part in a way identical to the velarized, lateral , This phenomenon, colloquially known as мързеливо" л" ( lazy" l" ) in
  45. Muzzle twisting and neck stretching to which a subordinate will respond with a, lateral ,orientation, by turning away and dropping the head and by sitting or laying
  46. Broad pencils. Coma. By opening the stop wider, similar deviations arise for, lateral ,points as have been already discussed for axial points; but in this case they
  47. Approximant (a consonant; usually transcribed) Lateral approximate In, lateral ,approximate, the center of tongue makes solid contact with the roof of the
  48. Speaking, the usable magnification will be limited by several effects, such as, lateral ,vibration of the atoms prior to evaporation. Whilst the magnification of both
  49. Gait (called truncate ataxia),characterized by uncertain starts and stops, lateral ,deviations, and unequal steps. * Dysfunction of the cerebrocerebellum presents
  50. True if the thermal gradient is entirely vertical, but metamorphism may cause, lateral ,changes of rank, irrespective of depth. Early uses as fuel The earliest

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