Examples of the the word, entrust , in a Sentence Context

The word ( entrust ), is the 9505 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As regards children who have died without Baptism, the Church can only, entrust ,them to the mercy of God, as she does in her funeral rites for them. Indeed
  2. Famine, riots raged in the streets of Milan and the city's senate decided to, entrust ,to him the duchy. It was the first time that such a title was handed over by a
  3. Beckett had never seen Schneider direct any of his plays and yet continued to, entrust ,him with the work. Why then, for this particular project did he decide to make
  4. By men with perfect exactness, it was deemed safe that no mortal should, entrust ,himself to any being as to God,except Jesus Christ, who is, as
  5. As regards children who have died without Baptism, the Church can only, entrust ,them to the mercy of God, as she does in her funeral rites for them. Indeed
  6. Trade was very extensive. A common procedure was for a merchant to, entrust ,his goods or money to a traveling agent, who sought a market for his goods. The
  7. Given. Ordinarily the priest celebrant himself gives the homily, but he may, entrust ,it to a concelebrating priest or, occasionally,to the deacon, but never to a
  8. Post from stabbing her, and she exits in a vengeful rage. Post asks Carlos to, entrust ,to him any sensitive political documents that he may have, and,when Carlos
  9. Churches of different denominations. One of the council's decisions was to, entrust ,the Patriarch of Alexandria with calculating and annually announcing the exact
  10. Remove from the consuls and tribunes the right to take the census, and rather, entrust ,it to two magistrates, called censors who were to be chosen exclusively from
  11. To the best of his ancestors. The orders which my master has given me are to, entrust ,all the rights of Persia to the clemency of Rome; and I therefore do not even
  12. Dismissal of the entire ministry. With Lord Melbourne gone, William chose to, entrust ,power to a Tory, Sir Robert Peel. Since Peel was then in Italy, the Duke of
  13. Severely critical of the result. Petrarch had acquired a copy, which he did not, entrust ,to Lentils, but he knew no Greek; Homer, Petrarch said," was dumb to him
  14. They called for the IRA to withdraw from the authority of the Daily and to, entrust ,the IRA Executive with control over the army. On 16 January, the first IRA
  15. Ability not often possessed by elected public officials. The answer has been to, entrust ,most of the executive powers, including law enforcement and provision of
  16. To all bridges, which later was the main reason for the Serbian government to, entrust ,work to the company Peter Sputnik in 1912. Celestial mechanics and the mystery
  17. Regard to children who die without having received baptism, the Church can only, entrust ,them to the mercy of God, as indeed she does in the funeral rite established
  18. His hereditary republicanism caused the government of national defense to, entrust ,him in 1870 with the task of organizing resistance in the departments of the
  19. Leadership would be characterized by his ability to find men of character and, entrust ,important matters to him, and his ability to react swiftly to events. For the
  20. The question as to what nation, to what victorious nation we were willing to, entrust ,this brainchild of ours was a moral decision more than anything else. We wanted
  21. Notes that it records the successes of the campaign; Henry seemed unwilling to, entrust ,any of his sons with resources that could be used against him. It was suspected
  22. Unbaptized infants are that their fate is uncertain, and " the Church can only, entrust ,them to the mercy of God" ( Catechism of the Catholic Church 1261). A
  23. As his choice as successor, but party leaders made it plain that they would not, entrust ,the nomination to Dewey yet again, and ultimately Eisenhower decided to run for
  24. Of the President was at first non-existent, the provinces did not want to, entrust ,power to one person in order to avoid favoritism. During its first formal
  25. He was too close to the opposition leader, Éamon de Valeria. Rather than, entrust ,the minute-taking to Moynihan, the cabinet entrust ed it to a Parliamentary
  26. Were the assistants to the tribunes in whatever matters that the tribunes would, entrust ,to them, although most matters with which they were entrust ed were of minimal
  27. Unbaptized infants, the Church is unsure of their fate;" the Church can only, entrust ,them to the mercy of God" ( Catechism,1261). Jehovah's Witnesses Jehovah's
  28. Resign, despite this defeat. He retained the support of the King, who would not, entrust ,the reins of power to the Fox-North Coalition. He also received the support of
  29. Old man, gentle and benevolent, friendly and polite. If you wanted someone to, entrust ,your child to, he would be the one you would choose ”. Fish’s most infamous
  30. Monasteries teach letters to the girls and boys, though rich and noble persons, entrust ,the education of their children to private tutors. Most of them can read, and
  31. Said at this occasion," We are deeply honored by Walter Cronkite’s decision to, entrust ,this prestigious award to the Center for American History. The Center already
  32. To the president" our deliberate opinion that, at this time, it is not safe to, entrust ,to Major General McClellan the command of any Army of the United States. " The
  33. Twelfth in the world. The ranking is however imperfect as some foreign owners, entrust ,the safekeeping of their securities to institutions that are neither in the
  34. Which every man has to quit the country of his birth and connections, and, entrust , himself with all his habits fixed, to a strange government and new laws, checks
  35. Carmen, died at birth. The circumstances of Bolívar's parents forced them to, entrust ,the baby Simón Bolívar to the care of Dona Ines Mandela de Miyares and the
  36. Be viewed with an eye to safety and reliable condition before passengers should, entrust ,their families or friends to drivers -- many of whom are quite experienced and
  37. Make much impression on Antioch us, who listened to his courtiers and would not, entrust ,Hannibal with any important office. According to Cicero, while at the court of
  38. Our legal experts have acted in this case, and how shortsighted it is to, entrust ,any political matter whatever to the jurists. " On 10 April the acting Justice
  39. 1123. Papacy In 1130,as Pope Honors II lay dying, the cardinals decided to, entrust ,the election to a commission of eight men, led by papal chancellor Homeric
  40. To Rome, where Lorenzo de' Medici had advised Cardinal Olivier Carafe to, entrust ,him the decoration of the family chapel in Santa Maria copra Minerva. These
  41. The Panama brothers decide, at an advanced age, to renounce the world. They, entrust ,the kingdom to Parikshita, the son of Abhimanyu and grandson of Arjuna. The
  42. Tony Poppy, who knew Ruby well, claims that it" would have to be crazy" to, entrust ,Ruby with anything as important as a high-level plot to kill Kennedy since he "
  43. Thus, they can dispense with the brutal repression needed earlier, and, entrust , serfs with sensitive positions such as theoretical physics. Because of
  44. Refer to all clergy entrust ed with a cure of souls. Originally a bishop would, entrust ,a priest with the" cure of souls" ( pastoral ministry) of a parish. When, in
  45. Be willing to maintain the Christian faith of the nation. He did not want to, entrust ,his kingdom to his cousin, Duke Azul, whom he suspected to be following pagan
  46. Towards Germania. Politics also played a factor; the Emperors could rarely, entrust ,a large army to a potential rival, although Augustus had enough family members
  47. Particularly close to her children. As a ruler she may have been reluctant to, entrust ,decision-making powers to an untried youth. Either way there was no political
  48. The question as to what nation, to what victorious nation we were willing to, entrust ,this brainchild of ours was a moral decision more than anything else. We wanted
  49. Chinese: 华陀;, who controlled the Imperial Court, the physician tried to, entrust ,the text to his gallery. However, the gallery was afraid of potentially
  50. And telling him to discard his cloak and raft, she instructs him how he can, entrust ,himself to the waves and succeed in reaching land and eventually Ithaca. In

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